Shit happens darling, it will be alright
There's evil out there just walking behind
:3 5TEEN ⛧ transman abrosexual ++
he/it/fang INFP , Leo
auDHD β™± delu . 2/15/23 β™‘

O1 ✧ β†Ί ✦ O3
O4 ✧ O5

πœ—πœšβ€ƒβ”ˆβ€ƒDNi q

DSMP (other SMP'z not included), proshipperz/comshipperz, racism / racist ppl, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, ableistz, zionistz, pro-israel, dislike neoprnz & xenogenderz, tulip/endo systemz, RCTA or transracial ppl, rapistz, ppl who believe in OSDDID recovery, loliconz, shotaconz, fetishizerz, delu ppl who think introjectz r "doublez" of them, use slurz u cannot reclaim, anti-recovery, ppl who use the words gay sped & autistic as insultz, fakeclaimerz, ppl who sexualize age regression & pet regression, fatphobia, ppl who believe in blackwashing, ppl who remove the cultural partz of a character when adding hcz, basic dni criteria . . .

toxic fanz of any media, wilbur soot apologistz/likerz/fanz, toxic/weird genshin fanz, okegom creator apologistz/likerz, ybc fanz, vivziepop apologistz/likerz, toxic/weird hazbin hotel & helluva boss fanz, toxic/weird danganronpa fanz, toxic/weird bsd fanz, all south park fanz & anything related to it., traveller harem, kaeluc, zhongchi, zhongxiao, huxiao, ganxiao, dottoscara, dottolei, dottobina, genshin children x anyone, jingyun, toyakasa, sakitoya, bandori x men, coderra (sierra x cody), proshipz/comshipz, gross shipz in general.

shtwt, edtwt, goretwt + anything related to these thingz, anyone i have had issues with in the past, please avoid interacting with me again.

my blacklist !

πœ—πœšβ€ƒβ”ˆβ€ƒDiSCOMFORTZ q

the wordz vomit & puke
mentionz of throwing up, animal death/cruelty, manipulation, guilt tripping ++
sexual or rude commentz towards me , my bf , my family , or my friendz (i will get extremely defensive and can become a bit harsh)


Pub: 13 Jun 2023 20:55 UTC
Edit: 27 Jun 2024 01:17 UTC
Views: 3473