" The earth births you, molds you into who you are, loves you from the very day you take your first breathe and yet it is there for you even in death, "

Art by miilkybnn and yooo-lets-go on tumblr !

#0 . #1 . . #3 . #4 . #5


Basic DNI Criteria
Proshippers / Darkshippers
Extreme anti's to any fandom / Extreme fans (to the point it's unhealthy)
Aka you dox people or send death threats lmfao
Specifically PsychoCuties Fans
Bffr it looks like lolibait go outside and touch grass bro.
You hate on someones sillie little pronouns or xenogender, ruh roh a few pixels letters on a screen >_<
Fake claimers, you do more harm than good
You say smash to a minors pixel pony as an adult because theyre cosplaying ur fav character !? /aimed
Just dont be a complete ass and have common sense and we'll be fine for the most part
I'll probably add more when i think of something ,

Pub: 27 Apr 2023 04:40 UTC
Edit: 10 Aug 2024 18:14 UTC
Views: 1801