i deel really stupid and edatery right now irs making me sad. discord edaters with matching PROFILESSSS. ALL OF OUR SHIT IS MATCHING EIGHT NOW DUDE except our bios but fhat DOESNT EVEN COUNT BECAUSE!! BOTH OF US ARE STILL THERE. this is saddening like Actually. After all that too. wild

mid..? i dont even know what to call that. umm. i dont know? just some serious conversation. this guy starts talking about fanfic troupes. get off ao3

this dude is like. goFuck i cant even talk about this i need u to know this is like Super embarrassing. super embarrassing. everything that ure saying right now is embarrassing me. i NEVERRRR GET EMBARRASSED. LIKE EBVER. but i do Not need to know all that
^ update! i ate. and i used my food as a distraction til i was comfortable. Goated

12 hours on call dude. do u know how embarrassing it was to have my dad come in my room and say "are you still calling callie..? have you done anything else today?" like GET OUT get out oh my Lord


i'm really happg we've spent a lot of time together recently :( especially since we've been playing stuff. i'm sure you noticed ive been a lot more social when we call, which is ENTIRELY because we're playing something. its so much easier to talk while specifically playing games with people, and its especially nice with you because i struggle to have convwrsations with you BADDDDLYYY. i'm really glad you like daybreak and i'm glad youve been inviting me to play forsaken :( i believe this is the? third/fourth night in the past week that weve spent hours playing stuff together. in a row too i'm pretty sure (excluding the night that i stood you up, but that still counts to an extent, because we'd planned to, and you were upset we didn't get to. you usually decline and wouldn't mind too bad if we didn't.) which is SUPER :( superrr goated :( like we have NEVER done that before. ever. we've used hyperbeam consistently, which is still nice, but its NOT thw same as playing games. playing games together is my #1 when it comes to talking to people.

i know ive said this before but i need to say it again. u sound so pathetic and sad when ure tired. ive been trying really hard to talk to myself for the past 2 hours in order to keep you up. butin Soo freaking tired. and u jusy sound so SAD DUDE like if i hadnt known this is? just how you sound when ure tired? i would think uve been crying. so awful

this dude just fought with some random on copycat. and then proceeded to? insult some poor lucky guys race? called him a monkey? and then got mad at me. for bringing up his racism during a meeting. AND THEN PROCEEDED TO INSULT COPYCAT. LIKE BOY THE GAME IS FINE!!! YOURE JUST EVIL
but on the brightside he!!! agreed to play daybreak with me more often. im so excited. this used to be my SHIT dude u have no idea. i was thee daybreak hoarder back in my day. i have like 80% of the full name urls. i used to have a bunch of their first names. i gave away most, but i still have /emery and thats all that matters to me

this is like. some s&m shit. making my twink boyfriend do something degraded except hes not a twink, we're only kinda dating, and hes uploading a screenshot of himself so i can make fun of it. X2 might i add. this freak just did this twice. i dont even give a fuck about what i wanted to say at first this dude is an absolute degradee what the hell

^ He also resized this image for me. i totally couldve done it myself. i just wanted to see if he Would. and since he did, he has officially earned the title of my Submissive Partner. congrats callie
^^ he put the wrong image in originally. is this resistance? dare i say Bratty behaviour? jesus christ
^^^ I PUT THAT IN. he just lied to me about the order he sent them in. holy fuck this is insane. hes making fun of me for it lightly. is this role reversal? is this guy a switch? am i the sub now? whats going on
* does it really matter. lets kiss
it DOES matter. its relevant. are you finally feeling the shame of your actions. Pucker up

i miss u
how sweet :( i miss u too we should watch a show or something soon
^ (speaking of.. please... please.

hi balatro was goated btw. sorry i didnt respond to you whneever you were talking to me. i am really tired and your wuestions are so Freaking stressful. hop on idv AWWW i just texted you abojt lethal company and now j want to play ahain. can we play soon. sometime this weekend perhaps

^ sometimes i wonder what you think i do when we do stuff like that, be it me watching you or us watching something together. i feel like typically someones focus would be on? something other than whatever you're watching, like how you cleaned your room while we were watching charlie. and i feel like? you reallyyy. underestimate how much attention i pay to stuff like that. when you offer to stream my attention is like. 100% on whatever youre doing. same with when we watch videos, and if i am going to be doing something else, i state it.

when you asked me if i'd pay attention & try to understand you explaining balatro, i didn't immediately respond.
i prefer to go through responses in my head rather than blurt out the first thing i think of, which is why i get a bit stressed during conversations. i need that extra bit of planning. and the first thing i'd thought to say was "no shit?" to insinuate that i'd? been paying attention anyway, because it felt like a really really Really stupid question to me. like of Course i'd listen. my entire focus in the first place was on trying to understand what you were doing (which by the way, the way you play is fucking AWFUL and you were stressing me out and i wanted to die so bad) and i guess thatsss? odd? to expect you to immediately assume that. especially since i've had an Awful habit of falling asleep to you playing games, so i feel like it might beeee. less expected of me to have this Huge Massive attention span in relation to that. but thats just because i sleep every 5 minutes. sorry.

ive also noticed you donttt focus on things like that though. whenever i watch you do something you tab off every 2 seconds to do something else before going back to whatever you were doing before which is absolutely INSANE!!! TO ME BTW!!! i could NEVER dude. i dont know if you really noticed but when i was playing yttd for you i ONLY tabbed off to go to dogpark after you told me to. the rest was on my phone, which i only used sometimes to talk to you. i don't think i've streamed to you outside of that, but i need you to know. that is EXACTLY what i do. and at first i expected you (as i do everyone) to be similar in that way. but youre Not. youre bonkers dude. absolutely crazy. (except for tgaa. tgaa is the only thing ive seen you Actually sit through, and i cant tell if its because you like it a lot or because i had you read it to me. i will figure out One day. mark my words, boy.)
whatever my point with that is MAYBEEE you also. think i'd be like you or whatever. or maybe im overthinking that one little sentence you said i dont Know i dont know get out leave me alone

and for the record none of this means anythinggg i feel like this sounds kind of? complainy? or like im trying really hard to clarify something that doesnt matter. i'm Not. its 3 in the morning and im bored and im tired and ive had so much caffine that i cant sleep. Thank you bye

v--- split because this was Hard to write without paragraph breaks / line breaks / whatever theyre called.

* well now i feel bad. i have a few things to explain here i think
- hi. dnot feel bad. its not that big im not complaining and there truly was No intent behind anything i said.

  1. i was off tab because i was waiting on a response about a url from that person and also the preson i commissioned for wolfgang (i think. i don't remember exactly, just feeling like i was expecting something. also, people were talking in my IRL server, so i like answering them.)
    - i mean in general. everytime i watch you do stuff, you get distracted. really easily. and i did forget you had adhd. so that makes a difference. my bad
  2. i do underestimate it. i don't particularly trust you i think. i ask if you're going to try because what matters to meeee. is like. that you know i want you to. i'm sure you would cme to your own conclusions. but it's important to me that it feels like we're doing things Together when i care about it. ONLY, though, for the sake of you caring ON YOUR OWN. i assume people don't care about what i say naturally, so i ask them to care, in hopes that they will end up caring without me, and we oculd enjoy it together. i wouldn't want yout attention just because you feel like you owe me it without me appreciating it. i do appreciate it. i was relaly happy you said you understood it.
    - shhh callie. shh its oaky i care i Care its okay shhh i care its Okay. you really do need to trust me dude :( if i care about something immmm. going to? pay attention. and while i didnt necessarily care about what you were doing, i care about you, and obviously you care about the game, and you care about the fact i'm watching you play said game, whichhh. makes me care about the game. do you feel me. so if it means something to you that i'm there watching you play, i'm going to watch you play. Do you feel Me
  3. i felt bad at the time, actually. i don't like tabbing off whileee. youre there. because Well it's rude :( my attention was on you and the game anyway. oh thats another hting
    - i want to make it clear i don't find it rude. its like.. going to someones house in a way. you as a guest? wouldn't someone for the way they decorate? i'm watching you do something. i'm not there to Criticise you for your lack of focus. especially when i? enjoy watching u do stuff. its nice. i dont know
    ^ i also need you to know those 2/3 days wereeee. super goated. like i think that wassss. my favourite thing i did with you. i don't remember much of it obviously since i was so insanely tired. i think about them everytime i'm tired and can't stay awake during the day. i cannot stress how :( goated that is dude. you tabbing off and doing stuff is also nice. most of the time it feels too invasive but i thug it out without complaint because its actually so fun and awesome and it makes me so happy uve got no idea absolutely no idea (tldr: There is no difference to me whether you do or dont tab off)
  4. for the record, my attention is ABOUT you regardless if you're talking or not. i'm playing the game For You. I'm (mostly) reacting For You.
    - how sweet
  5. picture it as likeee. if we ewre on a super romantic date and i got a call and like lookde all pissed and then turned to u and went sorry sorry :) just one sec. yo uknow? i in fact like. i like apologising for stuff like that. i need you to know that i Am in fact like sorry and that i don't acc careeee dude cuz my attention i like to be on you. but i feel like you'd just be like "idc" and i believe that but like. i don't care if you care. it's important to me that you :( know i like DSONT LIKE!!! doing that when you're watching :( and otherwise you always get my full attention bro.
    - how..? Sweet? and i really don't care by the way. obviously your attention is mainly on me i'm hovering over your shoulder watching your every move. again i Do not think youre being a dick and i am not bothered by it at all what is your problem
  6. one of the reasons i love doing stuff with you is because i try really hard to Lock the fuck in and not do other stuff. iget stuff done dude. i watch things :( ahh and dude you just. i. like. Ok Sorry for reference i do believe the following sentence is contradicting. i do believe. this is. cognitive dissonence. anyway. i know that you pay attention i just don't believe it. so like deep down. i feel bad for pretending a little that u dont. but also TRULY i appreciate it so much like so so so much dude no one else freaking. gaf. and i don't think you particularly give a fuck but you watch. and thats. that means a lot.
    note: it's the same way loyalty is friendship for me. attention means stuff u know. esp cuz its mostly not on me and on the thing. sooo lovely.
    - why are you Evil dude. u dont have to believe it. i just need u to knowwww at least a little bit. i am not lying dude. you literally hear me cozy up and prop my phone on my pillow every time you play something for me. what is your problem. can we kiss

yeah so a bit. i do think you're doing other stuff. i don't know how you could Not. oh yo udon't have adhd i don't think. wow that's wild. umm. normally when i talk about my adhd its about other stuf but this is very stereotypical isn't it. whatever. likeee. yeah. um. i pay attention to what you're doing you know. i think. it. relatibely just means more ot me to sit still and focus. (fun fact actualy SORRYRYYY SORRY NOT IMPORTANT but i do actually very much love sitting still Physically. adhd thing where htey 'don't sit still'. but that isnt me. anyway. i get embarrassed about how much it means to me (knowing that you just pay attention cuz i think you just CAN) and then i tab off and stuff so i'm not. embarrassed. revelation: it was about me being mebarrssed again
- u need to Stop being embarrassed. What is your problem. do you want me to kill myself. again IM!!! NOT DOING OTHER STUFF URE JUST EVIL DUDE. but its okay. is upport u. i supporty ou. umm. again. i expect people to be like me until they prove theyre not in a sense. it just? shocked me a bit that we're so different in that way. ouhhh u just woke ups rory wait


only you could ever shit yourself over the mention of a word like this. Jesus

oh haha yeahhh. thats me and internet bf. FUCK MY BAKA LIFE THEY THINK WE'RE INSANE

  1. its okay. do you know how many times ive been called bad mean things for having this in my bio
  2. we are insane have you read any of this. its like our public sex tape
  3. Sorry

i just watched you get hit by like 6 trucks live action someone save this guy rest in peace to all dogpark disciples

need u to know im about to fall asleep and im not gonna warn you but its very very close i can feel sleep coming its coming hard and its going to happen so so so freaking soon. im sorry i love u this is peak. for reference theyre talking about handbags right now. ummm. and i will want to watch you play again because this is!' fire!!! fireeee!!!!! fire !!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!!!!!! fire!!! ir whatever. thanks i love you goodnight sleep well mwah mwah hearts and kisses mwah mwah
^ i cant remember jf j do that with u. it felt kinda weird to say mwah mwag hearts and kisses. i think thats mainly something i do with kayn. but im not sure maybe j do say it with you and my memorys just butthole
guess thats my answer dude. damn

Hi holy fuck i hyst typed out this whole thing but i couldnt see and i guess i entered the ec wrong and it didnt save. and j couldnt tell
i had :( a couple coughing fits. while you were reading. and you completely ignored them. and i appreciated it a lot. umm. you didnt stutter or pause ir anything either. didnt Ask if i was okay. abd ut was nice. you always tell me that "youre not gonna pay attention to me anyway" whenever i tell you i dont wanna calk bevause youll hear me. and its nice to know youll actually ignore me. my health is not :( the greatest :( and i shake and have spasms often and i cough and if im not coughing im grunting to avoid couching and i have fucking Tics and im hust. im not necessarily noisy but im not by any means quiet. and its justtt. unconfy to have peiple hear me. whatever. thank you for ignoring it. is all im saying. because you always do. its just different when its umm. something that most people would instinctively point out. cuz you typically dont hear someone fucking Dying and go on without making sure theyre fine or whatever.
* ok but i want u to know if i thought u were. hurt i would still ask. but i also think you'd tell me if you were hurt.
* how Kind. it is okay. i am Okay. my chest has just beennnn. odd again. and its a bit hard to breathe. which makes me cough sometimes. but itll go away soon it comes every month or so (refer back to the many times ive refused to call because i was sick & couldnt breathe properly. except ive never been sick. ive just got a disorder. and i Cant Breathe. i cannot breathe)

this freak is voicing tgaa for mOHHH MY GOD HES SAYING THEIR NOISES DUDE!!! WHY WOULD YOU SAY "AH" OUT LOUD!!! WITH SUCH A BLAND VOICE. im writing this and suddenly i'm hearing you shout "HA HA HA HAH." as if youre fucking screaming at me dawg WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU
^ you stopped! im glad uve finally gotten into character. so much more enotion than HA HA HA HAH. please learn how yo pronounce peculiarity its not that hard

you said umm. hehe. u actually said hehe. like He-He. and im like giggling as quietly as i possibly can at it. who does that

"You think I won't be able to get you off" thats crazy. screenshotted. screenshotted. why would you say that." DO U WANT ME TO DIE!! WHY WOULD YOUUU. YOU SAY THAT. wwhy did Whats wrong wtih you im giggling so hard and i dont think you can hear me cus im struggling real fucking bad to be quiet. dude shutup stop reading this whaSTOPOk you. just heard me. u yelled "HES SO HOTTTTTTT" at some ugly ass fucking. frame of kazuma. This is embarrassing youre killing me im so glad i didnt agree to read this weird ass semiyaoied bullshit with u dude
* dude kazuma is hot as hell. why would YOU be affected by me screenshotting kazuma. also i could hear u giggling whats wrong with u.
* it affected me because it was really loud and i have sensitive little baby ears :( and youre right he is hot. i just needed toooo. realise that.

callie and innon?!!?!?! finally did something?!?!?!??!?!? insane?!?!?!??!?

lethal company was horrifying. sorry for not talking outside of Screaming. i hate that i dont have a mic because i know for a fact you can hear absolutely everything sooo. talking is like... 100x worse. cus houre going to hear every single noise i make. so if i dont talk at all, youll focus on your own voice instead of mine. or whatever. cus u can Hear Everything. Including urself. or whatever.

i really really really like the big pumpkins :( im sorry for leaving you to jump on them like twice. you always tell me to die when we find each other again. but i was having so much fun on my fucking pumpkin. its your fault for going the boring pumpkinless way

Callies Kind Encouragement Towards Me (stressed scared and abused) After He Dies In Lethal Company

you said my name sometime while we played. and it really scared me. because the last time you'd said my name aloud was like four months ago on call with kayn. imnlike 50% sure when we first met you..? decided to? call me pet names?-
(if this is like me being delusional Ignore It. i feel like im risking a lot (my esteem from both myself and you) by mentioning this. cus im not sure it ever happened. and what a weird thing that'd be to imagine. it sounds like im fantasising about you addressing me ronantically, because i wouldve been, but im qhite sure it happened with somebody. and as ive mentioned previously- if somethings happened with someone and i dont know who that someone is, im going to assume it was you. plus it sounds like something ude do. i font know. i feel like having a paragraph defending myself makes me look even worse as well. this is embarrassing. im embarrassing myself. i am embarrassing myself)
-cus i told u to stop calling me by my name. and insanely it was Easier to hear u call me darling than it was to hear you say innon. not that it was better. it was really cringey. but cringey in a way that makes me want to 'Haha' kill myself and not Actually kill myself. hearing u say innon only makes me cringe in the way that makes me want to kill myself. normally. with a gun. and its not like ide rather have u call me something else. the idea of you using my real / legal name makes me want to die even worse. and i guess the idea of never having you address me by name at all feels kind of sad as well, but i guess itd at least? not be noticable? because u dont anyway. but i feel like id probably notice sometime and id be a bit sad about it. because wouldnt that be? kind of awful?? imagine if you were friends with someone who'd never say your name. all because you complained about it a few times. isnt that so sad. i dont know i was supposed to sleep like 20 minutes ago HAPPY BIRTHDAY :( hapoy birthday happy birthday happy birthday yay dude happy birthday im so excited for u happy birthday thats so goated. awwww dude happy birthday :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

no way inhell this freak doesnt mnow who fucking carti is. insane
^ he is now playing arnival. carnival. and fein. on spotify. and im. having to listen to it. and its . . . BAD
^ ^ AND. and. and. and. telling me about the weird ass haikyuu thirst traps hes seen yop the song. r us erious. get out

i am currently alone on hyperbeam waiting for u. i have so far looked at 24 different foods that i either ate a lot in portugal or. liked. and had as a treat. most of them are persian though which i had a lot around my fucking trailer home in miami. mobile home. sorry. in a trailer park. sorry. i think you're doing chores right now and i go start making my strawerry sauce for the flan i'm going to mae tomorrow but... i dont know. uve een gone for a bit now. so im. waiting. or whatever. cus i hope ule e back soon.

i am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SO so so excited for tshd anime. i've been waiting for years bro. i hope we can watch itt ogether. i Hope. im so excited its going to be so peak :( so peak so peak so peak

Callie Sleet Kirill, the average agoraphobe, & avid mental note taker, takes some notes on the behaviours around him.

we've gotten our 2 hours. only 15 minutes of rank tho.
sorry. umm. does dw rank count. i'll rank dw likeee sometime this week (nov 25; monday)

/daisuke is costing you at least 2 hours of idv btw. 1 of which must be rank. as well as 2 episodes of tgcf. maybe 3. possibly 3 i cannot believe you convinced me to trade /women
* ok. rank. whatever. but i might not be able to watch tgcf coherently until i fr catch up on some school. please ynderstand
she heaven on my officials til i blessing

witneessing u go thru all of ur asks on retrospring was. insane. insane why were there so many how are u not done yet bro
* 500 left i Got This

i'm anxious for spotify wrapped. if i get over 2 of your songs mentioned i'm going to kill myself

I umm. washed all my stuffed animals last night cus i havent in like 3 years and i felt like it. i had to fluff a few of them back out including the little cat WHO IM PRETTY SURE IS NAMED GEORGENOTFOUND (as a joke i got him last year he is named in a hateful mean way not in a dsmp fan way) that skylla bought me. and its kindaaa like my valerie i think. rolled it around and started cuddling with it (as i am while writing this) which is like. what u did with valvals im oretty sure
* valvals. aw. yes that is what i did with her. can you tell gnf i love it dearly.
yes of course. he loves you too. oh my god why is he?? telling me to give you a kiss for himmmm. wow. thats strange. but i guess ill do it for his sake. or whatever. if u want. or whatever. puxker up... or whatever. for georgenotfound the cat i guess

called u like 50 times and u still went back to sleep. after insisting that we call while u study. Okay
^ called u!! and we actually called. a little. i was so tired. i was so tired i barely felt coherent dude i am Sorry for not talking. Sorru
* i was tired. and also i'm fine

letess fuyck mehink ummm nbono no
"id watch this even if u hadnt made me"
"so you hate it and we should stop watching it"
Okay dude

* it was more like "it was ok i'd watch it if i had nothing better to do and wouldnt want to waste time watching it with someone else"
"so we should atop watching it"
you duck so bad
INSAID IDE?? WATCH IT OUT OF MY OWN FREE WILL. i said i liked it enough to enjoy it on my own. in the sense that i'd watch literally anything you told me to, but this was above that because it was like. acrually good. tahani my goat.
not saying what we watch is bad. im just saying i wouldnt be watching fucking. haikyuu if i werent with u. or ponyo or stray or ur youtube guy. doesnt mean i dont think theyre good, i just think ide be too lazy to watch it on my own. this is goated enough that id want to watch it with or witjout u. but i wont watch it without you cause im watching it with you. its like if i went and watched an episode of dandadan on my own because i didnt wanna GO AWAY GO AWAY STOPD MING ME STOP DMING ME!!!! wait for u. thats so cruel. ide mever do that. ever. itd break my heart if u refused to watxh this with me all cus u think im fucking evil and dont like it. for NO TEASON!! whatever whatever i need to shut up

i was reminded of something sweet ude said 4 weeks ago and it made me happy. i just want u to Know that.

"I do not like talking to you. "
writes almost 8.k words about me
i'm blushing
okay but this Isn't talking to you. this is talking about you. very different
hiii i know thats why i said about me and not to me. i know. i'm still blushing. its cutee

paprika is still my least fav of what weve watched. but this first season of haikyuu is not far above it. i am praying that u are correct and it Does get better. i have faith. so much faith
i hated that drew dream though. i dont like it when i have dreams that take place in the current time. its like sleep paralysis thats.. not? sleep paralysis??? but its still so uncomfortable and it makes it hard to tell the difference between dreams and reality (for example, me having to look at the previous videos that'd played while i slept to make sure i wasn't confused) and its justt. so awful. i only knew one of the dreams was a dream because you were there in person..? and danny was. also there. with drew. and i walked into a room. with you danny and drew like. interacting. or whatever. the other one was semi realistic because we were just watching a video together, but you were on my tv and laptop at the same time, and it was still light outside. thats the one i was confused about when id woken up. thats the one i had to make sure didn't actually happen
i dont usually dream either. up until about a year ago i hadn't remembered any dreams since a nightmare when i was 7ish, but theyve gotten a lot more frequent in the past month. and theyre always things that happen in the exact moment. and they Fuck me up dudeee. i want you to know after that dream about having my house broken into i couldnt leave my room for a hot minute, and when i did i couldnt go 30 seconds without looking down the hall to make sure he wasnt there. awfulllll. awful.
i think i dream slightly similar to the way you do now that ive been dreaming more actually. not at all the same, but i definitely?? feel bits of what you say you do. in the sense that they're repetitive and familiar and i can feel them so vividly. i also think i dream a bit lucidly and i do recall you mentioning having at least some control over your dreams outside of just. basic awareness. Whatever goodnight i just heard you move
^ Oh my god dude I wasnt supposed to write that much I jusg wanted to call Haikyuu ass sorry. sorry sorry Sorryyyyy sorry
OUUUU I ALSO WANT TO MENTION!! ive dreampt of the video we were watching before about a week ago. the video isnt real. i can only describe the scene as some kind of..? kidnapping? imagine drew having someone tied to a metal folding chair in an abandoned building with broken windows lighting up the room just before sunset. thats what it is. and i cant remember anything else about it except for a single still picture. i cant get it to move either. but i dreampt of the scene a week ago. the video was playing on my tv and laptop, but it was different. on my tv, the light shining in was a firey yellow-orange, and on my laptop it was a vibrant blue-green. god i feel so fucked i cant remember what it was originally anymore. im pretty sure it was the bluegreen in my first dream but i dont know. the other dream probably took place in this same building, but in a different room or whatever. i was in a metal room talking to some woman, and she directed me down a hall. and when i opened the door you danny and drew were standing around in that same bluegreen light or whatever. Whatever it was weirddd it was weird I difnt realise they wrre probs the same until now. whatever Whatever whatever whatever whatever
Hi last thing! it was not a kidnapping. im bot sure id i said that. drew and danny did Not kidnap anyone. the scene just looked like they probably did. or whatever.

i want you to know this movie is making me feel the same way doukyuusei (2) & mulan made me feel. but im suffering in silence cus this movie is too peak for me to make a fool out of myself. or to pause. ide never ever dare to pause this. this is so amazing. i love howls moving castle so much. i don't even have a favourite/preference/anything between ANY characters. they're all equally amazing i love this movie so much :( #1 comfort movie foreverrrr. its so pretty and sweet and the soundtrack is so amazing and the animation is beautiful and just oh my goddd its so perfect im happy we're finally watching itttt. i don't think i've seen this since around? this time last year. its been a lot longer than i would've liked. but its fine because im watching it nowwww. and i get to watch it with u which is like so much more goated. so goated
i guess i lied a bit. i do have a preference. the fucking stupid ass ugly old dumb dog. i love that dog a lot

maybe i need a whole new category after pretty princess dancing and floppy dick for times youve dropped to your knees and begged me to make out or something. i have ideas

another 12 hour (ongoing) watch session this is awfulll awful awful awful. i hope ur physics assignment is going well :( i hope we're still watching dandadan and stray this weekendddd. can we maybe throw hmc on our list if we have time in the end. i havent watched it in a while and i miss it. wait fhey dont love tou like i love u waitrt they dont love h like i love u ahhh ah ahhh ah ahhh ah ahh ah wait they dint love u like i love you

I still cannot believe u just asked a bunch of randoms on rs to explain to u how theyd kill themself if the time came. You are awfullllll. so awful. i cant stopp giggling dude what made u think that was a good idea. maybe if you slept and lived like a normal person your brain would stop killing itself and you would be smarter.
* "if the time came" referencing an apocolyptic scenario is crazy
* i don't know if uve realised this but i like to twist your words. i like making people think you genuinely asked a bunch of 14-16 year olds how theyd kill themself. it makes me happy. it brings me pride. because you technically did.
+ i do think its kind of stupid that people took it that way.
"how though. how would you. because i can't image it'd be anything easy to go with. maybe you americans own guns, LOL"
doesnt sound like you're..? literally. asking a bunch of people to genuinely truly really tell you in detail How they want to end their life. i read it sarcastically at firsttttt. like Whatt what what What u look like ure making fun of people for saying theyd rather kill themself than live life alone :( i dont know. wild. maybe im just defending u cus ur my little uke eboyf. maybe im dickriding. i dont knowwwww. still a Wild fucking thing to do though jesus

dudeee. rentry was like being weird. and kept saying my edit code was invalid. but it wasnt invalid. it was like ude Dropped me. it was like youd just broken up with me. via Rentry. by changing the edit code to this.
* literally why would i do that.

"What changed on /fuck" whyyyy do u need to know that dude. why do u need to know

3 block 360 jump makes Master parkour man Yield to some random prisoner noob live action

^ please be quiet

we have spent 8!!! EIGHTTTTT hours together tonight and we are STILL GOING dude. i have literally spent my entire day with u. from the moment i woke uppp. thats so insane to me im so happy we played idv together Sorry i was really quiet on call today was not a good talking day gomen gomen gomen
+ watching stuff with u was fun tonight :( i really really really enjoyed that like a lottt a lotttt im surprised i was able to focus for that long i think i only zoned out like twice. but i also fell asleep for a bit during stray. and i guess im typing this while ure still showing me awful awful shit. but its picture in picture. im still watching. i hate parkour civilization. this is awfullll
++ stray!! was super cute!!! i liked stray a lottt :( AND DANDADANNNNN. DANDADAN WAS ABSOLUTE PEAK. EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. im so excited to do this again next week. i hope we can make this at least a bimonthly thing i had fun :( i had fun :( except for ur little breakdown over ur rentry url. ure okay internet boy i loveee uuuu
+++ ive been sitting here looking at ur discord chat for like 10 minutes straight waiting for u to come back and tell me if i can put on a danny gonzalez video so i can go to sleep. u make me sickkk. sick. ill. negatively. update 20 minutes later you have come back and picked out a danny video for us to watch that was so sad i feel like a DOGGG DUDE. i feel sad. u make me so sad. goodnight

does it make you happy that you're on the one i keep all my close friends on. my real account. this is the true me you never have to see rentry name innon ever again. u never have to see my chronically online rentrysona ever ever again. u do have to see tobias though. but tobias is dead. tobias killed himself. so idk what we're doing now. matthias is calling my name. or shall i say OUR name. dramatic semi-evil laugh. muahaha type shit.

* it does make me happy yes

you had me DYING over calling u on snapchat. feeling so guilty. only for u to not wake up nor come back. if i dont see you tonight ill be sobbing in my pillow

* sorry. i was really tired :( two works worth of school work in a day :( 3 tests this week :(
* its okay. i was also really tired. i did about 2 weeks worth of work as well :( i was gonna stay up til like 3 and see if ude wake up before then. which u did. but i fell asleep. im sorry and i love u. i loveeeeeee uuuuuu. good luck on your tests

my tummy hurts

Lied..???? i didnt see any of that. i have no idea who wrote that. i didnt even notice. wdym 11/15 screenshots were with little ol innon. i didnt see

11/15 of ur profile screenshots in #3 since we met were taken in my dms. how sweet am i ur favourite accessory
this is my favourite :( that was my favourite profile of yours AND it was my favourite profile of mine!! and ure listening to mbv (probably with me). and im proclaiming your sadness to the world in ur bio. so sweet. soooo blue as well. so blue and so pretty. so goated
i associate this with you the most though. when i think of callie discord account i think of that exact profile

"i cant talk" and the most incoherent thing is the 500 times you stopped to complain about how hard it was to think. maybe if you didnt keep deleting your messages gayboy. maybe

noooo haha we arent dating lollll my on repeat is just full of you for some other mysterious friendly platonic reason hahaha

* the mysterious friendly platonic reason: you don't listen to music that often
* i do listen to music that often. its just ive stopped listening to it without you, and when i do listen alone, its your playlist. debunk THAT.

danny gonzalez heat waves made me think of dreamnotfound made me think of dsmp made me think of you
but at the same time
danny gonzalez heat waves made me think of glass animals made me think of creatures in heaven made me think of your dad made me think of you
i dont know which feeling overpowered the other. just know i felt both

it makes me sad that i like actually wanna talk to you. and i know that sounds kinda stupid. but again. i really hate talking to you dude. it feels so bad. not because you make me feel bad. but everything about it feels so awful to me. its scary dude. and it used to not really matter cause i didnt want to talk to u that bad. like i was goated just listening to u. which still kinda worried me but its okay cause we both found out that was for no fucking reason. the wonders of communication i dont know. but :( i dont know dude :( intimidating scary man oooooooohhhh hes gonna gut me the second i open my stupid little mouth about stupid little things
plus in talking to you more ive been :( noticably less ..??? tasteless ???? how do i say that. whatever. stupid. ive been stupider. far far stupider. ive been meaner and overall just. far more annoying. and that makes me sad. i want to be the goated internet bf to your pathetic eboyf. thats so sad dude.
also its kinda fucked that im internet bf 1 of 2 but ure eboyf 1 of 1. actually thats a lie. ure 1 of 1 cause i have a gf. ohh thats fucked. ohh youre tied too. if i had to list you you'd be yao/ri probably. because i wouldnt be able to pick. thats wild.

* i don't find you any more annoying or mean or stupid than usual (not to say i'd call your usual self those things, but as everything has a range, "usual" is an amount for everything. so not "usual" in the normal use of the word, which implies a lot/a noticable or considerable amount, but rather, just the amount it always is. usual. not very annoying nor mean nor stupid. i don't think anyway)
* you should. i swear theres such a difference im not just self conscious dude ive :( been an ass and not even in a good way :( even if im not outright mean i do not like the way ive been talking to you and i dont like the fact i only notice until after its so annoying. its so annoying

* can you get out. can u leave me alone]
* i love you :( i miss and i love you]
Fuck!!! Fuck...

i have such a headache right now and i havent responded to ur dms yet and i feel evil and mean. i miss u. why are u playing seekl dude. ur failing all ur classes and u have school tomorrow. you make me so sad. what happened to locking in man

are you really that ashamed to be with me. what the fuck. i love you so much and you literally want to gut me dude
also i think ur rentry is nice :( i think its nice its cute its simple its goated

Why wont you play chess with me

My mom did in fact yell at me this morning btw. Thank god I chose danplan

you sound so sad and pathetic when you wake up. like u sound like ure crying. poorboys medicine is nasty. poorboy is taking nasty gross medicine. i really hope you cant hear me laughing right now. i really hope im being quiet. im trying so hard youre so fucking stupid. i hope this doesnt make you refuse to call me again. that makes me sad. maybe i Goodmorning gayboy im not replying to that https://files.catbox.moe/q745wl.png. I wish i could go and mute myself but then youde for sure know im awake and I dont think ur gonna see this til later.

im listeninf to something Juicy right now who has energy to argue at 8 in the morning what is going on

i think ure Awake. im scared. I am going to go to sleep now and pray to the good lord above that i dont kill myself. this is terrible. i wanted to be asleep before u woke up so i didnt have to deal with it.
^ me and amia (hi i dont know if you read this i hope you dont) started talking. I am not sleeping. i am listening. im observing.

Youre making noises right now and I cant tell if ur awake or if ur sleeping

ive been thinking of you when i hear certain songs :( mainly because theyre so far from my own tastes that i would never ever ever tolerate listening to them on my own. now whenever i hear your music i think about how thats something i listen to with you instead of it just. being shitty music. this is like a curse. this is such a curse dude

i peed for you unmuted on call while you slept btw. i even saw my sound pick up for a second. you listened to me piss i love you

you also didnt say goodnight again dude. i hayw you

your discord status changed to idle while you are supposedly reading this and i feel Awful inshouldve deleted this Okay youre texting https://files.catbox.moe/mps0vl.png
Watch me kill mtself live action i swear to duckinf fod https://files.catbox.moe/px4t7w.jpeg
Insulting me with the rope around my neck dont play with me right now https://files.catbox.moe/9xu6c1.jpeg

Considered deleting this but I think youde kill me

i still think about this sometimes. that was sweet. such an awful setting though. and a very awful way to tell me. i remember the entire conversation by heart and i doubt ill forget it anytime soon. it started with you talking about how you wanted to make some kind of twitter account ?? i dont know the words. a new priv i'd assume. and you paused for a second before saying "i don't know why but you were one of the first people i considered letting on" before continuing to talk about that for a while. it truly is ass to express vulnerability through twitter. thats such an awful thing. but it was still sweet. it was so sweet. it made me feel happy. it still makes me happy. even if ive kinda made it clear i am a judgemental asshole recently. the fact that you managed to think that way about me even for a second is So fucking nice dude

i also think it was sweet that you remembered me complaining about this after i fell asleep on call with you for the first time, so you decided to deafen yourself. it kinda feels dumb to say that, saying its such a small gesture (even worse, a small gesture through a fucking discord call), but i do feel like. i definitely feel a lot better about calling you when im scared ill fall asleep. i am sad that i didnt get to finish watching you play your stupid game though im so sorry i was so fucking tired :(
^ also, i really like calling you when i'm tired. we don't get to do it often, and i'm always terrified i'll fall asleep when we do, but i do really appreciate it anyway. its nice to be able to talk to you and rest at the same time, because i'm usually too tired to hold my phone and read your messages, but i enjoy your company too much to leave :( makes me sad. its why i try not to mention being tired or whatever. id much rather go to sleep with you than have to leave early because i told you i was going to bed. feels awful. plus hearing you rant about stupid is like my bedtime story :( like that shits goated so goated wdym headband tgaa guy dies but not really and then comes back all mysteriously and ohhh im Sleeping now.
^ also again, i kinda ruined my sleep schedule for you. cause when you went back to your moms house it kinda fucked what i had going. i couldnt talk to you around 3 am anymore (which was around the time ide start my day embarrassingly, 0300-1800) so i had to resort to talking to you late at night. i'm awake from about 1200-0400 now.
^ also again again, i dont want you to feel bad for this. im only getting a bit less sleep now, and thats my own fault. it felt kinda evil to say that without some kind of reassurance. at least i know ide feel bad if someone said that to me. i didnt mean it like that. sry

found our screenshots again love you

the first time :( you complimented my rentry i think :( on such an ass design too. that took me 10 minutes and 8 of them were thinking of info about me

Is ur pfp near

you're such an Ass.

* now that we're watching haikyuu thats crazyyyy. i'm not like him at all do you just fucking hate me
first of all. the astrix is mine. back off. secondly i was referring to The Halo Around The Moon, s3 ep4. him in that episode.
* not anymore gayboy. if he's still ass in that episode i will be killing myself

still kinda crazy that even your Dad thinks youre into me but you Won't admit it. I am rich handsome kind loving talented and generous dude Why are you fumbling right now

Good Morning World! :heart:

i've been typing weird since i met you and i don't like it :( i really don't like it. i've NEVER talked like this btw. and at first it was just be being a shy flustered little bitch around you. but that started really (a/e)ffecting my personality. i'm Ruined dude :( you can literally see the bit of flavour dissipate in this paste alone. or maybe its just getting more genuine. maybe im feeling hot steamy and intimate. i dont know man.

bro. while i was playing my persona music there were 3 songs added to queue. but i .???..?.?.??..?.? don't remember them being there ???????? and i cant tell if you fucking added them like. recently. or if they were there even while we were looping your shitty wilbur soot song. i'm sorry if you were awake. i'm sorry if you're still awake sitting through this awful persona music. i'm also sorry i didn't say goodnight to you. but thats kinda your fault. i told you to call me before you went to bed so i could give you your nightnight kisses and shit. but you never called. i checked discord like once every 5 minutes to make sure i hadn't missed anything fyi. not even a TEXT. not even a text. fawk you so bad

youre playing a song called world is big by kitchen and its looped and i feel bad because i cant tell if i did that on accident or if youd set that yourself. either way the song is really nice :( relaxing

hi this is stuff i didnt feel like flooding your dms with but still needed to talk about. love u callie. it wasn't /fuck worthy though, its just. a playlist ive been listening to while u slept.

hi dude so i tried to sleep with you. but i couldbt fall fucking asleep. i actually hadnt realised itd been 2 hours since ide left until just now when i gave up and grabbed my phone. i want you to know i am in fact thinking very hard about everything i said tonight. i feel so evil. but at the same time not really. whatever

i need to seperate this so its easier to talk on

im being so serious when i say i just wrote like a fucking essay on accident sorry. love you
(this was entirely seperate from whats displaying here now btw.)
^ sorry about this. i do remember the general idea though
1, felt bad for calling you an asshole/every other time i'd insulted you in some kind of way. that felt mean. i doubt you minded. but i really really did. especially because it was genuine. i know the general idea was my opinions on you, and i know i've made it clear that i don't necessarily think you're a 'good person', but it still felt a bit harsh to say something like that in that type of context
(because i didnt mean it as an insult, which im sure youre aware of. but i didnt mean it as criticism either, nor was it a flat statement. it was just me verbalising a negative opinion on you, which i guess falls under the description of an insult. no malice was in that though, again, im sure youre aware of that, but still such an evil feeling)
2, i feel like you misunderstood a lot of what i said, and i tried to correct a few big points that bothered me the most. i just love you Soooooo much and wanted to make sure u knew that i didnt think you were evil nor a weak little pussyboy. because i felt like i said you were both. a lot.
3, it was just overall a very. very different conversation. i mean you typically don't fucking. randomly tell somebody that you have a perfect image of them that gets rapidly destroyed and restored. i don't think i'd ever ever ever in a million years be comfortable enough to talk about that with somebody other than you.

but, again. all of this feels kind of way too personal to talk about here. on a public paste that all of our friends can see. rentrycord can't hear me talk about your awful awful awful habits you're supposed to be the amazing sleet callie ray kirill i could never ever ever fucking slander you. this feels like shit talking. its like im shit talking you. on the paste i have to express how deep my desire for u is. thats so fucked

also, i only have 20 minutes to sleep now. FREAK you for stressing me jesus
I was gonna make a sex joke but it made me sad. Why do you do that

im sorry you dont stress me why would i say that i feel like an awful eboyf im sorry i love and adore you you are the light of my life i cant imagine what ide do without your beautiful voice in the background of my rank matches. i love you i need you ide literally fucking kill myself without u

14 minutes. im sad and i miss you.
also, tbis was a Terrifting messagw to Fuck i cant stop the typos im tryinf. terrifying message to recieve:
nevermind. thats even more terrifying to admit. just know u said something today that made me feel a bit horrid. flustered 😳 as u might say. not really. but i did wanna end it all for a good 5 seconds.

8 minutes. umm. i hope that ure awake before my dads surgery. i hope that we can talk a bit during that. if ure not i may die dude. but ill also be doing school. and my mom will be with me. im gonna ask you to use a google doc. i dont know when you typically check this and it seems to be during the evening so i should be goated. i hope youre kind to me when i ask. im doing this out of love
update at 0726: we dont need docs we need snapchat. i love you.
update at 0838: we dont need to use snapchat i got the internet to work. i love you.

4 minutes :( i hear my dad waking up. im super tired. but i slept from around 1800-2100 earlier so it shouldnt be that bad. but i only slept from 1800-2100 earlier because i barely slept last night. so im still really kinda fucking screwed. but whatever. im gonna drink like 3 shots of black coffee in a couple minutes. then im gonna shower. then im gonna make a sweet large iced coffee and im fonna be happy

2 minutes. had somethinf to say here but figured ide finish my 4 minute bit instead. lost it.

1 minute :( i thought of it. you didnt wake up in time to kick me from the music. so its kinda good that youve been plaguing my thoughts for the past few hours. i wouldve missed my alarm anyway

4 am :( i love you i hope ure wishing me luck. that was a lot. again i miss u :( miss u

i had something to say to you before i went to bed, hence me picking my phone back up at 5 in the morning just to edit this url. but now that im here i cant remember what i wanted to say. isnt that So fucking unfortunate. but. oh well. i love you and hope you're sleeping well :(
( i almost said 'i love you, hope you're sleeping well.' and it sounded WAY too serious. that reminded me of you. i feel like thats something youd do. go back and swap out words in your messages if they felt too genuine. i feel like thats something you do. at least semi often do you feel me. thats just so you )
^i had a reason for thinking this, but for some reason i cant fucking remember and its driving me insane
(( or maybe thats me being madly in love with you and constantly trying to hide it. needing all these excuses so i dont have to face it yet. i dont know ))
((( or maybe i'm not hiding it and you're just stupid )))
(((( jesus if i keep saying shit like that im gonna start convincing myself and not just our rentrycordian audience (and your friends) ))))

i think that makes up for not saying whatever it was i wanted to. at least theres something. i can sleep well now

i love you
i love you too

you're about to confess your love to me while we watch a danny x drew youtube video together
that wasnt even a confession. dont get my hopes up. you've said worse
You just said worse. "I’m pretty sure u literally made me blush like. Pretty hard." Hi

this is goated youre getting all my merch of all my guys and gals. every last bit of it. im so excitded

i wish u wanted my childe merch
^ AUWWWWWWW WAIT. should i sent u tgcf 1 and svsss 1 or tgcf 1 & 2. or do u want all 3. yghhh. im gonna lend u some of my tgcf merch too. do u want some xie lian stuff or hua cheng. prolly xie lian cus ur a twink but whatever. who would u prefer IM ABOPUT TO KITE IDV. nevermind the hunter changed targets
^auuwwwww wait p2. that means we'll have matching yaoi merch. isnt that sweet. god why are you in such fucking denial about our relationship

opt 1. first 2 tgcf novels
opt 2. tgcf 1 + svsss 1
opt 3. tgcf 1&2 + svsss 1

"maybe im nicer to u because i pretend to be in love with u" Think on this tonight and ask me out when you wake up

i cant believe you freaked out over meeting my best friend why do you have no balls why do you hate skylla you dont evne know her why do you haye me why do tou hate everyrhing that makes me happy she doesnt carw that yourw a twink shes very accepting and toure basicallt the same person and im sure she wouldnt tell tou ro kill urself i dont think because shes above bullying poor canadian boys who have oronouns and use rentry and shit like that or something. i dont know

thank u for nortganji qm even if u tried to pussy out like 5000 times
"you're not gonna guilt me" yet i did Three times. Nortganji 1. Nortganji 2. Almost copycat 3. you are weak for me. im too perfect

"we chill" i am Madly in love with you

hi! tgaa was fun. i may play. NO guarantees but i am. considering

such an artist :heart: ewwww. and that freak who keeps crying over his internet boyfriend praising him. ewwwww. uke. pathetic weak uke.

We finished yay.

Thank you for listening to me rant about how in love I am with you to the point where I get so flustered I can't even speak properly around you for an HOUR. AN HOUR!!!!!! WHO LET ME DO THAT HELLO :( I'm not even high this time. i just told u like :( so many of my fears. :( what :( and i dont even have an excuse :( what :( what :(
I still can't believe the idea of feeling sympathy for you was shocking until I had the realisation that was a normal human emotion that i should be feeling more often than i do. That was crazy.
My little weak pathetic uke who cant take a joke
* stop that
(flustered reminded me of the flushed emoji which reminded me of You. Thats so sad)
* :flushed: me rn reading this. awwwh. i'm so glad u told me though. it was nice hearing u talk for once
* and about something so genuine!!! so lovely. i hope i did well on my behalf of that conversation

^^---- Hi I cant stop thinking about this. I dont know why I said all that. It really is kinda insane that the only time I've been able to hold a conversation with you while actively giving my input was me telling you How fucking scary you are. thats so unfortunate. why do i hate you so bad. is there a reason. why do i hate you :(
* umm. i do not know. ? weak pathetic uke

i want to play idv :( can we rank together. ure almost there callie. ur so close. we are almost touching ranks. ure so close.

YOU NEVER MADE US A URL. let me think. things i wwanted to watch.
howls moving castle (obviously)
tian gian ci fu (again, obviously)
to your eternity :( its really good. i think ude like it a bit if u havent watched it already.
also read lost in the cloud i cannot believe you havent read this absolute peak yet. we need to do it together.
have you watched violet evergarden. specifically the movie. lets watch the movie maybe.

Whenever someone calls this corny I die like Hello. That is very obviously the point

Showing me some ugly ass fucking tshd trailers. one doesnt have music. bad bad bad
* i lovwe you innon. i wont ever show you this bullshit again
* hi callie! i was wondering why you'd ever say this. then i remembered it was me. then i remembered you wouldnt say that. and you didnt. because i did.
* hi innon. i too was wondering why i'd say that? but then i read the next line. why would you make me say that? thats manipulative? and youer evil?

everytime i see a lily in qm i think of u ❤️❤️
* i'm blushing. stop

Wait i was supposed to go to sleep im so tired
Hii i woke up

why do you have some weird fucking group chat where theyre talking about the guy from gravuty falls hello

Why ?? is this freak showing me some. fuckass anime gore shit. between little kids. what is this. What is this
hi!!! so i suffered through it and now we're watching my fav together :D i hope you love this. i love tgcf. if you don't lvoe this. i will be super sad. this is my #1 all time favourite.

sometimes people comment on what im listening to and i just. have to take it. this drives me insane i look awful

this is like my little diary but instead of writing my secrets im telling everyone on rentry my favourite things about you. thats so romantic. can we kiss yet when do we become official edaters are we past that point yet

hi so right now you just switched from one of ur god awful songs to never gonna give you up by rick astley and? ive gotta have some kinda fucking. internet trauma from this shit. i swear to god i like cower in fear whenever you play it til i realise "ohh its callie im not being rickrolled its just a good song" and then im fine again

Its been like 6 hours since we've talked and I'm having withdrawls. Come back my internet rentry boyfriend. I miss u.

also, when listening to 116 alone today i kinda realised i did in fact like andy Fucking shauf. i kept picking out songs to tell you i liked and i kid you not EVERY SINGLE ONE was by him. im so :( god i hate you so much
(!!! ive officially listened to every song from those 2 albums you mentioned liking. my favourite is still 'jesus shes a good girl'. i like it a lot and its in my playlists now)

i told this freak i played the piano and bro put on his classical playlist while confessing his love to me (also i didnt get my nightnight kiss so lowk die?? if i sleep like shit tonight its your fault)

am i required to make this pretty now god i want you dead
im too lazy to make it any more organised than this
why would you make it pretty??? thats so random. it was much prettier before you changed it btw.
I'm aware. I regret it awfully. at least I can actually read it a bit better
i am glad to hear that cuz then it was worth it. i in contrast cannot read it at all now and it hurts my ryes
Its okay :heart: i'm more important anyways
Also i got rid of it ! as im assuming u saw since. u kinda just edited it. it was inf act harder to read the more i looked at it. its still really hard to read. i kinda regret it. but thats ok.

ihad to remove scs. Sorr.y sorry. pucker up. sorry. Sorry. sorry
WOW. WHY. am i that embarrassing.
yea basically. its ok i still love u tho
I'd want me to die too. 🙃
ok get out of here stop that
im sry. i love u bro.
awhh i love you too :)


this should go under the "things callies done that've gotten me really fucking horny" category, but it fits better here. thank u so much for making sure this song is in the queue every time u let me listen to music with u. it truly is my favourite and i love that i was able to share this absolute masterpiece with u and i hope u like it. I rly hope u like it. my bloody valentine is so amazing and is this and yes is their best song. i love it. ily. i love you. a lot.

i hope that years from now we still use this little url like this. as friends? lovers? no idea. i just pray we keep talking here man
though if you drop me, im keeping it. faggot. i hate you

things callies done that've made me dance like a pretty little princess:
listened to closer nine inch nails with me while sensually whispering the lyrics on my neck  
listened to careless whisper by george michael with me, again sensually whispering the lyrics on my neck
listened to tear you apart by she wants revenge with me, still sensually whispering the lyrics on my neck, this time lightly nipping
listened to sunsetz by cigarettes after sex with me, this time dropping lower and whispering the lyrics into my inner thigh while i lay there bare naked
listened to out of control again by she wants revenge with me, approaching my dick ( slick with cum and other fluids ) slowly
mansplained the difference between anything & everything to me for a good half hour ( got concerned he was actually mean while explaining the difference & apologised for it. Ur so sweet i love u )
showed me his weak little twig arms trying to flex
took my music virginity? was the first one i intentionally listened to music together with
says "Lol" when he laughs ( its cute. annoying as hell but cute )
opens bottle caps with his teeth ( and doesnt chip them )
trusted me with the edit code to this url
..the ec of this url in general ??
sped kid in sped classes
stays up til 8 in the morning just so i don't get lonely
hyped me up while i flopped as ithaqua in a qm
hyped me up while i flopped as ithaqua in rank
remembers the ec to this url by memory.. its like youre flirting with me constantly
matching roses and champagne pfps with me on discord ( even if it took decades worth of convincing. ) thank you for being the weird twink to my russian dom STOP INSULTING THE DEPTH OF MY VOICE?? ( again, got concerened he was actually mean & apologied. please pucker up jesus )
rants to me about stupid ass shit. i've never met anyone this into tgaa & grammar before.. at least you're unique !
matching chiscara pfps with me on discord as someone who doesnt know jack about genshin. love u thanks for indulging in my weird ass hyperfixation
fell asleep in the middle of playing scrabble after a 6 hour call. it was sweet, but we both know i wouldve won if you hadnt
calls me even though i say a good 5 words per hour ( maybe 7 if the topics easy enough )
talked about how you trusted me for like a good half hour while i was getting the fuck kited out of me by a merc in rank. u have no idea how much that meant to me
explained tgaa lore to me while i slept
explained tgaa lore to me again a few days later while i was awake
mbv top 3 weekly albums
said i was funny sometimes occasionally
made me my little pikmin looking guy :( i love you :( Even if you told me to shut up before my messages made you cry. that wasnt nice. i need to tell u about my guy.

assured me that we would play identity v today. if we don't i will be sad, but for now im very happy ( !! we did. thanks )
is listening to music & watching stuff with me frequently again :( the bit of time where we didn't broke my heart i felt more suicidal than ever i need your awful music and commentary youtubers
gave me like. some stupid awful gradient to use for my url after i showed him my awful way of colour picking
cosplay pics :( me if i were goated + me if i were goated p2 + the other loml + me if i were goated & the other loml + fucking KAKYOIN!!!! THE BEST EVER
called me and played portal even though i took several naps and havent said a single word in the past hour. the naps dont matter that much though. youre awful enough that youre always at the same area when i wake up
^ is once again doing stuff and letting me watch. this time its more me accomanying him, but its the same either way. this is actually really fun despite how boring it might sound. i dont think a lot of people would get that much entertainment out of watching someone else do school but :( it really is so nice. you get distracted a lot though jesus christ. okay i have to go now tou just agreed to talk to me hold on byebyebye bye bye bye bye sorry for telling u to shut up i love u byebye
Question 22 :heart: ( complimented me for remembering the number )

things callies done that've made my dick so floppy it nearly fell off:
no dick pics? no nsfw twt @?
^ reopening my healed wounds man
hasnt officially given me this url to keep for myself
apple pie beaver tail
first opinions on me were, and i quote, "Also he’s an asshole and has terrible humour normally I actually typically hate tha kinda person and we dont get along at all"

got high, called me, barely said shit except for "youre so scary" for a half hour straight
probably fucking listened to me snore
* you don't snore. but to be fair i fell asleep like immedietly after sooo * THANK GOD MAN. ohmy god dude im actually terrified of sleeping around people and having them hear me snore jesus
/dipshit gap :( fix it please callie. ( thank you )
as i write this, it is 00:16. I'VE just finished watching doukyuusei while someones fucking sleeping. i suffered through that entire movie only for you to fucking fall asleep. Ohh you just woke up
told me i didnt look act a tobias and the name was stupid on me
has a private screenshot of him typing "I WON??? I WON I WON" in response to finding out that i was (unknowingly) listening to the playlist he made for me & calling it my favourite. Who does that why are u embarrassing ( update! the screenshot was not private. he'd saved it in order to..? disprove some enemies to lovers thing his friend said about us? by proving that we're..? just? lovers? i don't know. we were enemies in my heart before, though. i will forever remember hating /cinnabar /ash /grantz owner. i'm sorry. i love you a lot. )

forced me and irl to sit through demon slayer dub
purposefully ghosted me on snapchat because you hate me or something

mais ninguem. please dont listen to any of my music other than mbv i feel like im negatively dying
parkciv banner in my server. if you're gonna have a server profile in a server only i'm in, please make it decent. not this minecraft yaoi.
broke down over expressing the Want (carnal desire..? i guess? what do you want from me) to hug me for about 2 weeks
no idv :(
doesnt know who the fuck STEVE LACY IS??? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU

no idv p2 :(
forced me to witness this. i stayed up just to watch him die because i Didn't wanna leave him incase he fucking. ended up sending me a suicide note while i slept
soft blocked me on twitter as if i was nothing more than a mere fan of his ( <---- ???? why is this dude an actual fucking sadist )

tried to force me into meowing at him for like an hour straight ( i gave in after he baited me with something that'd "make me want to kill myself". at first i thought he meant something embarrassing that was relevant to our prior conversation. it was not. he just made me sad. i meowed at him so he could makw me sad. suicidally killing myself, not embarrassingly killing myself. what the fuck. )
sang closer by the fucking chainsmokers in choir. and fight song
i fucking hate bruno mars

compared our relationship to fucking dreamnotfound (specifically heatwaves). with a full LIST of our similarities. and then he ghosted me after
* i was mostly comparing it to helium for the record. they're too annoying in heatwaves
this fucking asshole just closed hypernbeam on me out of NOWHERE IN THE NMIDDLE OF WATCHING A MOVIE!!! BECAUSE HE EMBARRASSED HIMSELF. DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DUDE YOU CANNOT DO THAT AFTER BEING ALL KINDATER "ahahah youre the kusakabe to my sajou lets make out" WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU oh my god u just texted me asking if i wanted to watch you play your fuckjing ball game whats WRONG WIHT YOU DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE "wanna watch me play balatro" GO AWAY
called the thumbs down emoji a fucking downvote as if we're on reddit
asked me to call him and watch something, proceeded to mute himself and leave halfway through our video. what the hell
left and almost forced me to watch a fucking 5 minute battle ship ad. get out.
"i like calling on whatsapp because i can hear everything. i dont listen but i like hearing the rustling of your blankets and stuff. like awww youre just asleep over there" ..? What a fucking creep
Question 22. ( thought i was too dumb to remember the number )

^ everytime i edit this i wonder why he's there dude. what made you feel the need to put this here. why has he BEEN here.

no i dont jnnon marry me ❤ NOW
i accept are we edaters now

(hi, the main reason "yes i will" is flawed isnt because its inforrect, but because i doubt it is accurate to what u wanna say. "yes i will" isn't just sassy, it implies (or, means) you were already going to. like, "yeah yeah, i will.." you know? but it's a bit romantic to say you were going to anyway… so it's ok ❤)
OH MY GOD BRO SHUT THE FUCK UP?? at least my intentions were there regardless of my poor grammar. i love you man :heart:

I'm lowkey in love with you can we kiss yet

yeah. c'mere okay :heart:

seone sedate this guy
you need to sedate me
Get it? get it? edate?

Lol yeah good wordplay there. edate! cuz sedate is just edate with an s at the front, yeah, that's Funny.

i saw this before you changed it
(and was gonna say yes)
i don't know what you're referring to :P.
so you hate me now & don't wanna date. Ok
are we not already dating :(
?? i meant breaking up
Oh! no.. when did i Say that. r u making things up
^ also, don't "??" me. it's rude.
"its rude" as if its undeserved???
hey. don't be mean to me

This is fawkedddd <- maya
Shhhh. shhhhh. its okay maymays. Shhhh

hi! come back
sorry for being a big american man with guns who goes shooting 5 miles in the forest at 2 in the morning. I love u though. you act weird when ur high. like weirder than most people when theyre high. like youre odd
hey. i can't control that. i'm sorryu
Ya. U should be.

Day 2 without listening to spotify together are we breaking up on god right now
i've missed you but Someone keeps GHOSTING ME or holding thefact i need to slepe early AGAINST ME
ummm… fibber…
umm i wouldnt fo that. you know me. when do i lie.
u literally hate me.
i do not actually!
u make it obvious.
no :( i want u to love me and act like u love me. not this :( u hate me :( u hate me and u act like it :(
do i not act like i love ypu :disappointed: :(
you don't. if you loved me, you wou;dntve closed idv MID FUCKING KITE. me and that ench sacrificed ourselves for you.
i said sorry. So. Technically ure in the wrong.
i dont think you did actually. but itd ok i miss uou come back
i probably didn't! i miss you too. sorry. i love you callie. Sorry.
noshit im forgiven ? my EW EW EW EW EW HAS THE ? ALWAYS LOOKED LIKE THAT
callie i dont like it. i dont like it it looks weird
it's ok i'll change it for you :heart:
i appreciate you man. can we play idv
no! but i love you
This is why I like IRL more than u
irl would never put yp with the way u are he would block u so soon
i know :( thats why i need you to monitor every interaction i have with him. i don't want ur friends to hate me.
irl HAS been phtting up with the way i am. me and irl have a bond that u and me could never even dream of achieving. this is my new best friend
irl watched me flop like 3 matches in idv i don't think he likes me anymore that Hurt. that hurt bad. my heart hurts. i told him to trust that i'd carry him as well. i hope he doesnt fucking hate me.

hi. miss and love u. bye
awww i miss and love u too :( doukyuusei tonight << not tonight. we are both busy actually. maybe tomorrow. doukyuusei tomorrow :( << hi its tomorrow? doukyuusei today?
we didnt :( doukyuusei tomorrow. maybe.
doukyuusei Sometime this month. maybe.
doukyuusei today? 9/24?
yes my goat :( yes yes yes :(
i still hate you for fucking jumpscaring me with it. no warning. i walked into my room to see 2 guys making out on my laptop RIGHT AFTER MY DAD WALKED IN!!! WHILE I WASN'T THERE!!! awful. but then again i have hualian posters of them making out and shit so i guess. he's used to the fujoism. or whatever. desensitised to it.
hii when u cane back they hadn't kissed yet. what r u on ab broski. also get out how was i supposed to know.
that does Not mean my heart didnt drop. awful. my Dad. my dad my dad my dad my dad my dad my dad my dad my dad my DAQD!!!! my DAD

that is orth being the header. its ok

Pub: 16 May 2020 18:08 UTC
Edit: 03 Mar 2025 09:52 UTC
Views: 9403