theres nothing special about this i just think its generally a good song especially for such an awful band, especially this part. so good. the entire page

DSMP ERA INNON!!! SOMEONE COME EXECUTE ME GOD. c!revivebur was my fav. alongside c!quackity. i also liked c!tubbo but that was more because he was named toby and ava nicknamed me after him :( plus he was also just kinda goated. he was one of the only tolerable dsmp members. him quackity nihachu. OHH PEAK JUST STARTED PLAYING SO I NEED TO MOVE ON

this is my favourite thing i got out of umm. my 2021 music taste. its such an awful song too. But he sounds goated kinda i thWHYS REVIVED PLAYING AGAIN

im happy

i think i might've died there twice, and i would do it all again
i guess i loved you, i guess i really loved you, all my filthy life i loved someone i barely knew
So. so so peak. 12/13 year old innon killed himself over this i want you to know

this reminded me of you because i believe you either mentioned that you used to like or currently like lovejoys music. and i believe i either flamed you for it or heavily considered it. but i do think this song is kinda nice. i still think theyre a shit band, but :( at least they have one semidecent song

been insane over this for like 7 years and counting. such an amazing song, obviously cus its one of their biggest, but. but. its still so amazing man god. i forget where i first heard it, it was like. 2017. and i remember my soul Lifting. i remember little innon going crazy going wild going insane. i listened to it on repeat for YEARS!!! YEARS. i dont think ive had a big phase with it since 2022, but holy freak. i love this song more than anything

hi dude so i tried to sleep with you. but i couldbt fall fucking asleep. i actually hadnt realised itd been 2 hours since ide left until just now when i gave up and grabbed my phone. i want you to know i am in fact thinking very hard about everything i said tonight. i feel so evil. but at the same time not really. whatever

im being so serious when i say i just wrote like a fucking essay on accident sorry. love you
(this was entirely seperate from whats displaying here now btw.)

also, i only have 20 minutes to sleep now. FREAK you for stressing me jesus
I was gonna make a sex joke but it made me sad. Why do you do that

im sorry you dont stress me why would i say that i feel like an awful eboyf im sorry i love and adore you you are the light of my life i cant imagine what ide do without your beautiful voice in the background of my rank matches. i love you i need you ide literally fucking kill myself without u

14 minutes. im sad and i miss you.
also, tbis was a Terrifting messagw to Fuck i cant stop the typos im tryinf. terrifying message to recieve:
nevermind. thats even more terrifying to admit. just know u said something today that made me feel a bit horrid. flustered 😳 as u might say. not really. but i did wanna end it all for a good 5 seconds.

8 minutes. umm. i hope that ure awake before my dads surgery. i hope that we can talk a bit during that. if ure not i may die dude. but ill also be doing school. and my mom will be with me. im gonna ask you to use a google doc. i dont know when you typically check this and it seems to be during the evening so i should be goated. i hope youre kind to me when i ask. im doing this out of love
update at 0726: we dont need docs we need snapchat. i love you.
update at 0838: we dont need to use snapchat i got the internet to work. i love you.

4 minutes :( i hear my dad waking up. im super tired. but i slept from around 1800-2100 earlier so it shouldnt be that bad. but i only slept from 1800-2100 earlier because i barely slept last night. so im still really kinda fucking screwed. but whatever. im gonna drink like 3 shots of black coffee in a couple minutes. then im gonna shower. then im gonna make a sweet large iced coffee and im fonna be happy

2 minutes. had somethinf to say here but figured ide finish my 4 minute bit instead. lost it.

1 minute :( i thought of it. you didnt wake up in time to kick me from the music. so its kinda good that youve been plaguing my thoughts for the past few hours. i wouldve missed my alarm anyway

4 am :( i love you i hope ure wishing me luck. that was a lot. again i miss u :( miss u

i had something to say to you before i went to bed, hence me picking my phone back up at 5 in the morning just to edit this url. but now that im here i cant remember what i wanted to say. isnt that So fucking unfortunate. but. oh well. i love you and hope you're sleeping well :(
( i almost said 'i love you, hope you're sleeping well.' and it sounded WAY too serious. that reminded me of you. i feel like thats something youd do. go back and swap out words in your messages if they felt too genuine. i feel like thats something you do. at least semi often do you feel me. thats just so you )
^i had a reason for thinking this, but for some reason i cant fucking remember and its driving me insane
(( or maybe thats me being madly in love with you and constantly trying to hide it. needing all these excuses so i dont have to face it yet. i dont know ))
((( or maybe i'm not hiding it and you're just stupid )))
(((( jesus if i keep saying shit like that im gonna start convincing myself and not just our rentrycordian audience (and your friends) ))))

i think that makes up for not saying whatever it was i wanted to. at least theres something. i can sleep well now

i love you
i love you too

you're about to confess your love to me while we watch a danny x drew youtube video together
that wasnt even a confession. dont get my hopes up. you've said worse
You just said worse. "I’m pretty sure u literally made me blush like. Pretty hard." Hi

this is goated youre getting all my merch of all my guys and gals. every last bit of it. im so excitded

i wish u wanted my childe merch
^ AUWWWWWWW WAIT. should i sent u tgcf 1 and svsss 1 or tgcf 1 & 2. or do u want all 3. yghhh. im gonna lend u some of my tgcf merch too. do u want some xie lian stuff or hua cheng. prolly xie lian cus ur a twink but whatever. who would u prefer IM ABOPUT TO KITE IDV. nevermind the hunter changed targets
^auuwwwww wait p2. that means we'll have matching yaoi merch. isnt that sweet. god why are you in such fucking denial about our relationship

opt 1. first 2 tgcf novels
opt 2. tgcf 1 + svsss 1
opt 3. tgcf 1&2 + svsss 1

"maybe im nicer to u because i pretend to be in love with u" Think on this tonight and ask me out when you wake up

i cant believe you freaked out over meeting my best friend why do you have no balls why do you hate skylla you dont evne know her why do you haye me why do tou hate everyrhing that makes me happy she doesnt carw that yourw a twink shes very accepting and toure basicallt the same person and im sure she wouldnt tell tou ro kill urself i dont think because shes above bullying poor canadian boys who have oronouns and use rentry and shit like that or something. i dont know

thank u for nortganji qm even if u tried to pussy out like 5000 times
"you're not gonna guilt me" yet i did Three times. Nortganji 1. Nortganji 2. Almost copycat 3. you are weak for me. im too perfect

"we chill" i am Madly in love with you

hi! tgaa was fun. i may play. NO guarantees but i am. considering

such an artist :heart: ewwww. and that freak who keeps crying over his internet boyfriend praising him. ewwwww. uke. pathetic weak uke.

We finished yay.

Thank you for listening to me rant about how in love I am with you to the point where I get so flustered I can't even speak properly around you for an HOUR. AN HOUR!!!!!! WHO LET ME DO THAT HELLO :( I'm not even high this time. i just told u like :( so many of my fears. :( what :( and i dont even have an excuse :( what :( what :(
I still can't believe the idea of feeling sympathy for you was shocking until I had the realisation that was a normal human emotion that i should be feeling more often than i do. That was crazy.
My little weak pathetic uke who cant take a joke
* stop that
(flustered reminded me of the flushed emoji which reminded me of You. Thats so sad)
* :flushed: me rn reading this. awwwh. i'm so glad u told me though. it was nice hearing u talk for once
* and about something so genuine!!! so lovely. i hope i did well on my behalf of that conversation

^^---- Hi I cant stop thinking about this. I dont know why I said all that. It really is kinda insane that the only time I've been able to hold a conversation with you while actively giving my input was me telling you How fucking scary you are. thats so unfortunate. why do i hate you so bad. is there a reason. why do i hate you :(
* umm. i do not know. ? weak pathetic uke

i want to play idv :( can we rank together. ure almost there callie. ur so close. we are almost touching ranks. ure so close.

YOU NEVER MADE US A URL. let me think. things i wwanted to watch.
howls moving castle (obviously)
tian gian ci fu (again, obviously)
to your eternity :( its really good. i think ude like it a bit if u havent watched it already.
also read lost in the cloud i cannot believe you havent read this absolute peak yet. we need to do it together.
have you watched violet evergarden. specifically the movie. lets watch the movie maybe.

Whenever someone calls this corny I die like Hello. That is very obviously the point

Showing me some ugly ass fucking tshd trailers. one doesnt have music. bad bad bad
* i lovwe you innon. i wont ever show you this bullshit again
* hi callie! i was wondering you'd ever say this. then i remembered it was me. then i remembered you wouldnt say that. and you didnt. because i did.

everytime i see a lily in qm i think of u ❤️❤️
* i'm blushing. stop

Wait i was supposed to go to sleep im so tired
Hii i woke up

why do you have some weird fucking group chat where theyre talking about the guy from gravuty falls hello

Why ?? is this freak showing me some. fuckass anime gore shit. between little kids. what is this. What is this
hi!!! so i suffered through it and now we're watching my fav together :D i hope you love this. i love tgcf. if you don't lvoe this. i will be super sad. this is my #1 all time favourite.

sometimes people comment on what im listening to and i just. have to take it. this drives me insane i look awful

this is like my little diary but instead of writing my secrets im telling everyone on rentry my favourite things about you. thats so romantic. can we kiss yet when do we become official edaters are we past that point yet

hi so right now you just switched from one of ur god awful songs to never gonna give you up by rick astley and? ive gotta have some kinda fucking. internet trauma from this shit. i swear to god i like cower in fear whenever you play it til i realise "ohh its callie im not being rickrolled its just a good song" and then im fine again

Its been like 6 hours since we've talked and I'm having withdrawls. Come back my internet rentry boyfriend. I miss u.

also, when listening to 116 alone today i kinda realised i did in fact like andy Fucking shauf. i kept picking out songs to tell you i liked and i kid you not EVERY SINGLE ONE was by him. im so :( god i hate you so much
(!!! ive officially listened to every song from those 2 albums you mentioned liking. my favourite is still 'jesus shes a good girl'. i like it a lot and its in my playlists now)

i told this freak i played the piano and bro put on his classical playlist while confessing his love to me (also i didnt get my nightnight kiss so lowk die?? if i sleep like shit tonight its your fault)

am i required to make this pretty now god i want you dead
im too lazy to make it any more organised than this
why would you make it pretty??? thats so random. it was much prettier before you changed it btw.
I'm aware. I regret it awfully. at least I can actually read it a bit better
i am glad to hear that cuz then it was worth it. i in contrast cannot read it at all now and it hurts my ryes
Its okay :heart: i'm more important anyways
Also i got rid of it ! as im assuming u saw since. u kinda just edited it. it was inf act harder to read the more i looked at it. its still really hard to read. i kinda regret it. but thats ok.

ihad to remove scs. Sorr.y sorry. pucker up. sorry. Sorry. sorry
WOW. WHY. am i that embarrassing.
yea basically. its ok i still love u tho
I'd want me to die too. 🙃
ok get out of here stop that
im sry. i love u bro.
awhh i love you too :)


this should go under the "things callies done that've gotten me really fucking horny" category, but it fits better here. thank u so much for making sure this song is in the queue every time u let me listen to music with u. it truly is my favourite and i love that i was able to share this absolute masterpiece with u and i hope u like it. I rly hope u like it. my bloody valentine is so amazing and is this and yes is their best song. i love it. ily. i love you. a lot.

i hope that years from now we still use this little url like this. as friends? lovers? no idea. i just pray we keep talking here man
though if you drop me, im keeping it. faggot. i hate you

things callies done that've made me dance like a pretty little princess:
listened to closer nine inch nails with me while sensually whispering the lyrics on my neck  
listened to careless whisper by george michael with me, again sensually whispering the lyrics on my neck
listened to tear you apart by she wants revenge with me, still sensually whispering the lyrics on my neck, this time lightly nipping
listened to sunsetz by cigarettes after sex with me, this time dropping lower and whispering the lyrics into my inner thigh while i lay there bare naked
listened to out of control again by she wants revenge with me, approaching my dick ( slick with cum and other fluids ) slowly
mansplained the difference between anything & everything to me for a good half hour ( got concerned he was actually mean while explaining the difference & apologised for it. Ur so sweet i love u )
showed me his weak little twig arms trying to flex
took my music virginity? was the first one i intentionally listened to music together with
says "Lol" when he laughs ( its cute. annoying as hell but cute )
opens bottle caps with his teeth ( and doesnt chip them )
trusted me with the edit code to this url
..the ec of this url in general ??
sped kid in sped classes
stays up til 8 in the morning just so i don't get lonely
hyped me up while i flopped as ithaqua in a qm
hyped me up while i flopped as ithaqua in rank
remembers the ec to this url by memory.. its like youre flirting with me constantly
matching roses and champagne pfps with me on discord ( even if it took decades worth of convincing. ) thank you for being the weird twink to my russian dom STOP INSULTING THE DEPTH OF MY VOICE?? ( again, got concerened he was actually mean & apologied. please pucker up jesus )
rants to me about stupid ass shit. i've never met anyone this into tgaa & grammar before.. at least you're unique !
matching chiscara pfps with me on discord as someone who doesnt know jack about genshin. love u thanks for indulging in my weird ass hyperfixation
fell asleep in the middle of playing scrabble after a 6 hour call. it was sweet, but we both know i wouldve won if you hadnt
calls me even though i say a good 5 words per hour ( maybe 7 if the topics easy enough )
talked about how you trusted me for like a good half hour while i was getting the fuck kited out of me by a merc in rank. u have no idea how much that meant to me
explained tgaa lore to me while i slept
explained tgaa lore to me again a few days later while i was awake
mbv top 3 weekly albums
said i was funny sometimes occasionally
Question 22 :heart: ( complimented me for remembering the number )

things callies done that've made my dick so floppy it nearly fell off:
no dick pics? no nsfw twt @?
hasnt officially given me this url to keep for myself
apple pie beaver tail
first opinions on me were, and i quote, "Also he’s an asshole and has terrible humour normally I actually typically hate tha kinda person and we dont get along at all"
got high, called me, barely said shit except for "youre so scary" for a half hour straight
probably fucking listened to me snore
* you don't snore. but to be fair i fell asleep like immedietly after sooo * THANK GOD MAN. ohmy god dude im actually terrified of sleeping around people and having them hear me snore jesus
/dipshit gap :( fix it please callie. ( thank you )
as i write this, it is 00:16. I'VE just finished watching doukyuusei while someones fucking sleeping. i suffered through that entire movie only for you to fucking fall asleep. Ohh you just woke up
told me i didnt look act a tobias and the name was stupid on me
Question 22. ( thought i was too dumb to remember the number )

no i dont jnnon marry me ❤ NOW
i accept are we edaters now

(hi, the main reason "yes i will" is flawed isnt because its inforrect, but because i doubt it is accurate to what u wanna say. "yes i will" isn't just sassy, it implies (or, means) you were already going to. like, "yeah yeah, i will.." you know? but it's a bit romantic to say you were going to anyway… so it's ok ❤)
OH MY GOD BRO SHUT THE FUCK UP?? at least my intentions were there regardless of my poor grammar. i love you man :heart:

I'm lowkey in love with you can we kiss yet

yeah. c'mere okay :heart:

seone sedate this guy
you need to sedate me
Get it? get it? edate?
Lol yeah good wordplay there. edate! cuz sedate is just edate with an s at the front, yeah, that's Funny.
i saw this before you changed it
(and was gonna say yes)
i don't know what you're referring to :P.
so you hate me now & don't wanna date. Ok
are we not already dating :(
?? i meant breaking up
Oh! no.. when did i Say that. r u making things up
^ also, don't "??" me. it's rude.
"its rude" as if its undeserved???
hey. don't be mean to me

This is fawkedddd <- maya
Shhhh. shhhhh. its okay maymays. Shhhh

hi! come back
sorry for being a big american man with guns who goes shooting 5 miles in the forest at 2 in the morning. I love u though. you act weird when ur high. like weirder than most people when theyre high. like youre odd
hey. i can't control that. i'm sorryu
Ya. U should be.

Day 2 without listening to spotify together are we breaking up on god right now
i've missed you but Someone keeps GHOSTING ME or holding thefact i need to slepe early AGAINST ME
ummm… fibber…
umm i wouldnt fo that. you know me. when do i lie.
u literally hate me.
i do not actually!
u make it obvious.
no :( i want u to love me and act like u love me. not this :( u hate me :( u hate me and u act like it :(
do i not act like i love ypu :disappointed: :(
you don't. if you loved me, you wou;dntve closed idv MID FUCKING KITE. me and that ench sacrificed ourselves for you.
i said sorry. So. Technically ure in the wrong.
i dont think you did actually. but itd ok i miss uou come back
i probably didn't! i miss you too. sorry. i love you callie. Sorry.
noshit im forgiven ? my EW EW EW EW EW HAS THE ? ALWAYS LOOKED LIKE THAT
callie i dont like it. i dont like it it looks weird
it's ok i'll change it for you :heart:
i appreciate you man. can we play idv
no! but i love you
This is why I like IRL more than u
irl would never put yp with the way u are he would block u so soon
i know :( thats why i need you to monitor every interaction i have with him. i don't want ur friends to hate me.

hi. miss and love u. bye
awww i miss and love u too :( doukyuusei tonight << not tonight. we are both busy actually. maybe tomorrow. doukyuusei tomorrow :( << hi its tomorrow? doukyuusei today?
we didnt :( doukyuusei tomorrow. maybe.
doukyuusei Sometime this month. maybe.

Pub: 16 May 2020 18:08 UTC
Edit: 20 Sep 2024 09:42 UTC
Views: 5857