IxC999’s MOGAI coining, A-L
♪ Directory ♪
These are the genders/MOGAI terms we have coined that can be used by singlets as well as systems, alphabetically A through L.
For genders M through Z, check here. For our system-specific genders, check here.
While we only coin terms for ourselves and our friends/mutuals, anyone can use these and interact with the posts, regardless of whether we would want them following us on Tumblr.
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☆ Albitic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for luxine people who are attracted to agender people. That is, luxine-loving-agender.
It is named after the albite gemstone, which is white (one of the colors of the agender flag).
☆ Alieveldic: a neutral-in-nature gender that is connected to/represented by aliens, gender non-conformity, and being a gay man, like an alien navigating human gender on Earth and translating their identity into Earth terms as “GNC veldian”.
☆ Angelicenelic: a gender relating to being an angel and a cenelian. it may feel holy, bright, ethereal, or any other adjectives one may associate with angels. it may be neutral, androgynous, or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Amomortic: a xenogender relating to/represented by love and being (un)dead. it may feel like being (un)dead and feeling love for someone else, or it may feel like your love itself is undead in some way. it may be agender-in-nature in the same way that corpses lack a gender. it may feel warm, safe, comforting, cold, rotting, final, and/or any adjectives with which one would associate love and/or (un)death. the love in question may be of any variety.
☆ Amosoporidreamic: a soporine lovegender related to having pleasant dreams about someone one loves. it may feel warm, safe, comforting, dark, deep, or any words one may associate with these things. the love involved with this gender may be of any kind.
☆ Angelicomfic: a gender related to angels and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in angels, but also themes of angels involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.) depending on one’s associations with angels, it may be luxine and/or spiritine.
☆ Angelidogspectric: a luxine xenogender gender related to or represented by angels, dogs, ghosts, or any combinations thereof (e.g. an angelic ghostly dog). this gender may feel blessed, light, golden, loyal, comforting, protective, empty, haunted, transparent, and/or any adjectives with which one would associate angels, dogs, or ghosts. depending on one's associations with ghosts, this gender may be kenic as well as luxine.
☆ Angelilesbic: a gender relating to being an angel and a lesbian. it may feel holy, bright, ethereal, or any other adjectives one may associate with angels. it may be feminine/female in nature due to its connection to being lesbian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by lesbian concepts of femininity and gender, as well as angelic concepts of gender that don’t relate to earthly genders.
☆ Angelimonic: a gender related to being angelic in appearance and demonic in actions and nature
☆ Angelimelanyx: a nyxivull (and kenic) gender that relates to, is that of, or is represented by angels, black holes, and especially the concept of black holes as angels. it may feel heavy, dark, holy, vast, empty, destructive, ethereal, or any other words one would associate with angels and black holes. depending on one's associations with angels, this gender may be luxine and/or spiritine.
☆ Angelistellic: a gender relating to being an angel and a stellian (mspec gay). it may feel holy, bright, ethereal, or any other adjectives one may associate with angels. it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.
☆ Angeliveldic: a gender relating to being an angel and a veldian. it may feel holy, bright, ethereal, or any other adjectives one may associate with angels. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender, as well as angelic concepts of gender that don’t relate to earthly genders.
☆ Angelthing: a xenogender best represented by being both an angel and a thing, or an angelthing. this may include feelings of holiness and/or inhumanity. the idea of angels lacking free will and thus being more like "things" than people may be part of this gender, too. depending on one's associations with angels, it may be luxine and/or spiritine.
☆ Angelweirdic: a xenogender associated with weird things/weirdcore, angels/angelcore, or being a weird(core) angel! this gender may feel strange, heavenly, unsettling, light, or any adjectives one would associate with weirdness/weirdcore or angels. depending on one's associations with weirdness/weirdcore and/or angels, this gender may feel kenous or luxine/spiritine.
☆ Apicute: a cutegender that has to do with bees! this gender relates to/is represented by cute bees, but also cuteness expressed in a beelike way, as well as cute imagery surrounding bees.
☆ Artagender: An agender gender related to, represented by, or experienced through art.
It may include:
-relating your gender to artistic depictions of non-gendered subjects
-feeling as though your art style is genderless
-feeling as though, instead of gender, you have art instead
However, it could involve anything and is inclusive of art of any kind.
☆ Artandrogynous: An androgynous gender related to, represented by, or experienced through art.
It may include:
-relating your gender to artistic depictions of androgyny or of both men and women
-feeling as though your art style is androgynous
-relating to both masculine and feminine archetypes of artists
However, it could involve anything and is inclusive of art of any kind.
☆ Artemastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both artemian and astraean - i.e. feminine-aligned and neutrois-aligned. This could be the same as "feminine-aligned neutrois person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
☆ Artemiboötian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both artemian and boötian - i.e. feminine-aligned and agender-aligned. This could be the same as "feminine-aligned agender person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments. This is different from arcalísian (a mix of boötian and lunarian) because lunarian can refer to both feminine-aligned and female-aligned, while this is intended to refer to femininity in specific.
☆ Artfeminine: A feminine gender related to, represented by, or experienced through art.
It may include:
-relating your gender to artistic depictions of women/femininity
-feeling as though your art style is femininity
-relating to feminine gendered archetypes of artists
However, it could involve anything and is inclusive of art of any kind.
☆ Artgenderqueer: A genderqueer gender related to, represented by, or experienced through art.
It may include:
-relating your gender to artistic depictions of genderqueer people
-relating to genderqueer archetypes of artists
-feeling as though your art style is genderqueer
However, it could involve anything and is inclusive of art of any kind.
☆ Arthrotrenchic: a gender that is related to and/or best represented by a swarm of various arthropods in a trenchcoat
☆ Artkenochoric: A kenochoric gender related to, represented by, or experienced through art.
It may include:
-relating your gender to artistic depictions of kenochoric themes (e.g. liminality, eerieness, darkness, etc.)
-feeling as though your art style is kenochoric
However, it could involve anything and is inclusive of art of any kind.
☆ Artluxine: A luxine gender related to, represented by, or experienced through art.
It may include:
-relating your gender to artistic depictions of luxine themes (e.g. light, vastness, divinity, etc.)
-feeling as though your art style is luxine
However, it could involve anything and is inclusive of art of any kind.
☆ Artmacarshric: A macarshric gender related to, represented by, or experienced through art.
It may include:
-relating your gender to artistic depictions of macarshric themes (e.g. the macabre, death, discomfort, etc.)
-violent, gory, or horror art in particular
-feeling as though your art style is macarshric
However, it could involve anything and is inclusive of art of any kind.
☆ Artmasculine: A masculine gender related to, represented by, or experienced through art.
It may include:
-relating your gender to artistic depictions of men/masculinity
-feeling as though your art style is masculine
-relating to masculine gendered archetypes of artists
However, it could involve anything and is inclusive of art of any kind.
☆ Artneutral: A neutral gender related to, represented by, or experienced through art.
It may include:
-relating your gender to artistic depictions of gender neutrality or non-gendered subjects
-feeling as though your art style is gender neutral
-relating to archetypes of artists that aren't strongly gendered
However, it could involve anything and is inclusive of art of any kind.
☆ Artsoporine: A soporine gender related to, represented by, or experienced through art.
It may include:
-relating your gender to artistic depictions of sleep
-feeling as though your art style is soporine
However, it could involve anything and is inclusive of art of any kind.
☆ Artxenic: A xenic gender related to, represented by, or experienced through art.
It may include:
-relating your gender to artistic depictions of things related to your xenogender
-relating to archetypes of artists that relate to things you connect to your xenogender
-feeling as though your art style is xenic
However, it could involve anything and is inclusive of art of any kind.
☆ Astraean: A Galactian Alignment for someone who is neutrois-aligned. This is different from stellarian in that stellarian can include unaligned people as well as people who are neutral-aligned without necessarily considering neutrois or neutral to be their gender. Additionally, this can be accompanied by other alignments, Galactian or not (e.g. a phoebian astraean would be a masculine-aligned neutrois person).
☆ Astraglittric: a gender connected to/represented by glitter, music, the colors blue and orange, outer space, gender non-conformity, and aliens/being an alien. it may feel shiny, exciting, bright, spacey, distant, or any other adjectives one may associate with these things.
☆ Astrocomfic: a gender related to outer space and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in outer space, but also themes of outer space involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.)
☆ Astronicute: a cutegender that has to do with outer space! this gender relates to/is represented by cute imagery associated with outer space, cuteness expressed in a way that reminds one of outer space, and/or cute beings from outer space.
☆ Astrojellitrum: an agender- and neutral-in-nature xenogender connected to outer space and jellyfish. it may feel empty, aimless, voidy, floaty, and/or transparent. depending on what associations the user has with space and/or the ocean, it may also be kenic.
☆ Astroplantic: A gender related to plants and outer space!
This could involve:
-being a plant-based alien species
-plants from outer space
-taking care of plants on a spaceship
-loving both outer space and plants
However, this could involve anything.
☆ Bakeric: a gender that is related to, best represented through, or feels like cooking and/or baking. it feels tasty, hard-working, friendly, bright, and ambitious.
☆ Bastardgender: a gender in which, rather than being a man or a woman, one is a bastard
☆ Beelightfloric: a luxine xenogender relating to/represented by bees, sunlight, flowers, and any combination thereof (e.g. seeing a bee on a flower in the sunlight). it may be accompanied by a sense of joy and innocence (regarding the bees, light, and/or flowers), as well as warmth in the sunlight. the luxine themes of learning, experiencing, and living may manifest in the form of learning about bees/flowers and viewing the mundane experience of seeing a bee on a flower as an experience of the beauty of living things.
☆ Benzowarmic: a gender related to the warm feeling one gets when high on benzodiazepines. this gender may feel comforting, soft, golden, cozy, or anything someone would associate with this feeling.
☆ Bimbodollic: a hyperfeminine gender related to/represented by being a bimbo doll, but not necessarily being a woman
☆ Bivampiric: a gender relating to being a bisexual vampire. this gender may feel violent, bloody, gothic, elegant, passionate, or any adjectives associated with vampires. it may also include a relationship to one’s gender that is informed by or experienced through the lens of being bi.
☆ Bloodroyalic: a xenogender relating to blood, body horror, and royalty. it may feel violent, wet, gory, regal, distinguished, formal, or any other words one would associate with these things.
☆ Boötiastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both boötian and astraean - i.e. both agender-aligned and neutral/neutrois-aligned. This could mean "agender neutrois", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments. This is different from alkaluropsian (a mix of boötian and stellarian) because stellarian can refer to unaligned genders too, while this is intended to refer to neutrality in specific.
☆ Boötihelian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both boötian and helian - i.e. both agender-aligned and man-aligned. This could mean "agender man", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments. This is different from arcturian (a mix of boötian and solarian) because solarian can refer to both masculine-aligned and male-aligned, while this is intended to refer to masculinity in specific.
☆ Boötiselenian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both boötian and selenian - i.e. both agender-aligned and woman-aligned. This could mean "agender woman", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments. This is different from arcalísian (a mix of boötian and lunarian) because lunarian can refer to both feminine-aligned and female-aligned, while this is intended to refer to female-aligned in specific.
☆ Boywreck: when you’re a boy and you’re a wreck. this may be construed as the opposite and masculine version of the term “girlboss”. this gender may feel chaotic, disastrous, disorganized, tired, and/or other words one would associate with this experience. it may also be related to archetypically/stereotypically masculine expressions of frustration, exhaustion, and/or dysfunction. this gender is not intended to encourage people to overly-identify with negative emotions/experiences but rather describe how they feel gender with regards to those things.
☆ Bxyfriend: when you’re (an) agender (boy) and you’re a boyfriend! this could be in the sense of being (an) agender (boy) and using the label “boyfriend” for yourself in a relationship, or you could relate to the world “boyfriend” in a gendered way like some people relate to “man” or “woman” and also be (an) agender (boy). “bxyfriend” can be both a gendered relationship label as well as a gender in and of itself. the user of the word decides which is the case. while “boyfriend” has romantic connotations, this gender is not necessarily related to romantic relationships, as “boyfriend” is just a word and can be applied to any relationship, even a platonic one, if the involved parties agree to use it.
☆ Calypsiastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both calypsian and astraean - i.e. both androgynous-aligned and neutral/neutrois-aligned. This could mean "androgynous neutrois person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
☆ Calypsihelian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both calypsian and helian - i.e. both androgynous-aligned and man-aligned. This could mean “androgynous man”, but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
☆ Calypsiselenian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both calypsian and selenian - i.e. both androgynous-aligned and woman-aligned. This could mean "androgynous woman", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
☆ Candycenelic: A gender related to candy and being a cenelian!
It may feel sweet, colorful, fun, or anything one may associate with candy. It may be neutral, androgynous, or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Candyheartic: a gender related to heart-shaped candies! these can be candies of any kind, and while this gender is likely to be lovecoric and/or a lovegender, it doesn't have to be.
☆ Candylesbic: A gender related to candy and being a lesbian!
It may feel sweet, colorful, fun, or anything one may associate with candy. It may be informed by lesbian concepts of femininity and gender, or feminine/female-aligned, but it doesn't have to be.
☆ Candyplantic: A gender related to candy and plants!
It may feel alive, growing, healthy, natural, earthy, or any other things one may associate with plants, as well as sweet, colorful, fun, or anything one may associate with candy.
☆ Candystellic: A gender related to candy and being a stellian (mspec gay)!
It may feel sweet, colorful, fun, or anything one may associate with candy. It may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.
☆ Candyveldic: A gender related to candy and being a veldian (gay man)!
It may feel sweet, colorful, fun, or anything one may associate with candy. It may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender, or masculine/male-aligned, but it doesn't have to be.
☆ Canicenelic: a gender related to dogs and being a cenelian. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Canicomfic: a gender related to dogs and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in dogs, but also themes of dogs involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.)
☆ Canicute: a cutegender that has to do with dogs! this gender relates to/is represented by cute dogs, but also cuteness expressed in a doglike way, as well as cute imagery surrounding dogs.
☆ Canistellic: a gender related to dogs and being a stellian (mspec gay). it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.
☆ Caniveldic: a gender related to dogs and being a veldian. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may feel independent, strong, protective, or any other adjectives that may be associated with both masculinity and dogs. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender.
☆ Carnifloric: a plantgender that is connected to/represented by carnivorous plants. this gender may feel sharp, instinctual, botanical, carnivorous, unusual, or any other adjectives one may associate with carnivorous plants.
☆ Carosculptic: a neogender best represented by sculptures of meat/flesh, the action of sculpting meat/flesh, being a sculptor of meat/flesh, or being a sculpture made of meat/flesh. this gender is visceral, but calm and composed. it is also comparable to a florist making a bouquet, or a gardener pruning their plants.
☆ Catandro(gynous): an androgynous catgender, or androgyny expressed in a catlike way. it may be associated with softness, cuteness, smallness, as well as independence, toughness, silliness, or any mix of traits associated with cats that may be thought of as feminine or masculine.
☆ Catboyfriend(ic): when you're a catboy and somebody's boyfriend, or instead of being a man or a woman, you're a catboyfriend! this may be a catgender-specific word for a partner or be a gender experience in and of itself.if this is a gender itself, it may involve or be affected/represented by love, cats, and performances of masculinity in a relationship. this can be a gender term in and of itself, but if someone wants a distinction between the gender and the term for a partner, the gender can be called "catboyfriendic".
☆ Catbraindark: a gender related to/described by cats and being outside at night in an altered state of consciousness.it may feel hazy, liminal, disconnected, dangerous, dark, and/or cold, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. it may also feel soft, cute, playful, or any other adjectives with which one would describe cats. it can be both represented by seeing a cat outside at night as well as BEING a cat who is outside at night. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. (note that, even when this is a druggender, this gender does not have anything to do with giving drugs to actual animals.) depending on one’s associations with the night, it may be kenic as well.
☆ Catbrainlight: a gender related to/described by cats and being out during a sunny day in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, light, disconnected, dangerous, bright, and/or warm, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. it may also feel soft, cute, playful, or any other adjectives with which one would describe cats. it can be both represented by seeing a cat outside during the day as well as BEING a cat who is outside during the day. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. if it is due to dissociation, it may be a neurogender. (note that, even when this is a druggender, this gender does not have anything to do with giving drugs to actual animals.) depending on one’s associations with daylight, it may be luxine as well.
☆ Catfem(inine): a feminine catgender, or femininity expressed in a catlike way. it may be associated with softness, cuteness, smallness or other traits that may be associated with both femininity and cats.
☆ Catfriendnestic: a xenogender related to/represented by cats, friendship, and nesting. it may be represented by a cat making a nest with a friend. it may feel soft, small, cute, safe, friendly, comfy, cozy, and/or any adjectives one might associate with those things. it may have sleepy qualities to it (especially if nesting is done before bedtime) and therefore be soporine. if the feelings towards one's friends includes love, it may also be a lovegender.
☆ Catgirlfriend(ic): when you're a catgirl and somebody's girlfriend, or instead of being a man or a woman, you're a catgirlfriend! this may be a catgender-specific word for a partner or be a gender experience in and of itself. if this is a gender itself, it may involve or be affected/represented by love, cats, and performances of femininity in a relationship, whatever that looks like to the user. this can be a gender term in and of itself, but if someone wants a distinction between the gender and the term for a partner, the gender can be called "catgirlfriendic".
☆ Catjoyfriend(ic): when you're nyan-binary and somebody's joyfriend, or instead of being a man or a woman, you're a catjoyfriend! this may be a catgender-specific word for a partner or be a gender experience in and of itself. if this is a gender itself, it may involve or be affected/represented by love, cats, and expressions of a relationship. this can be a gender term in and of itself, but if someone wants a distinction between the gender and the term for a partner, the gender can be called "catjoyfriendic".
☆ Catmasc(uline): a masculine catgender, or masculinity expressed in a catlike way. it may be associated with independence, toughness, silliness, or other traits that may be associated with both masculinity and cats.
☆ Catneu(tral): a neutral catgender, or gender neutrality expressed in a catlike way. it may be associated with traits of cats that are not strongly gendered, or to how cats do not have a concept of human gender.
☆ Catplushbutchic: A butch gender involving or represented by cats and plushes. It may feel cute, soft, small, or anything with which one would associate these things. Butch can but does not inherently mean masculine-aligned and can be used by any gender.
☆ Catplushfemmic: A femme gender involving or represented by cats and plushes. It may feel cute, soft, small, or anything with which one would associate these things. Femme can but does not inherently mean feminine-aligned and can be used by any gender.
☆ Catsomnigothifem: a feminine-in-nature soporine xenogender relating to/represented by cats, roses, and gothic aesthetics. this may include the following: -femininity felt by way of sleep and/or cats/roses/goth -sleeping cats -dreams about cats, roses, and gothic themes -bedding with the aesthetics to which this gender is related
☆ Cenelicute: a gender related to/represented by being cute and a cenelian. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Cenelicomfic: a gender related to being a cenelian and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in being a cenelian, but also cenelian themes involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.) it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Ceneliloveic: a gender related to love and being a cenelian. it may feel rosy, comforting, safe, exciting, or any other words one may associate with love. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be. the love involved in this gender can be of any variety, which naturally includes love felt as part of cenelian attraction.
☆ Ceneliplantic: A gender related to plants and being a cenelian! It may feel alive, growing, healthy, natural, earthy, or any other things one may associate with plants.
It may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Chainbowic: a gender connected to/represented by bright colors, heart shapes, rainbows, leopards, chains, and gender non-conformity.
☆ Cheetdogfriendic: a gender related to or represented by the bond between dogs and cheetahs in captivity. this gender may include feelings of friendship/love, security, playfulness, and non-humanity. it may also include themes of contrast (e.g. between cat and dog or wild and domesticated) as well as the blending of those things. this may be a doggender and/or a catgender, as well as a lovegender and a kingender, but it doesn't have to be seen as any of these.
☆ Chromastellavenic: a neutral-in-nature gender connected to/represented by stars, rainbows, glitter, and being a lavenian (a GNC gay man). it may feel shiny, colorful, bright, glowy, or any adjectives one may associate with those things. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Churchauntic: a gender that relates to, feels like, or is best represented by a ghost haunting a church. it may feel empty, hollow, and floaty, as well as reverent, joyful, and virtuous, or any adjectives with which one would associate ghosts and/or churches. it may be agender-in-nature in the same way that ghosts are genderless. depending on one's connection with ghosts and/or churches, this gender may be kenic and/or spiritine. the connection to churches can be aesthetic, religious, or metaphorical (e.g. related to a feeling of community). this gender may be affected by one's experiences with religion, negative or otherwise.
☆ Calcinian: A term for gay luxine individuals, like how lesbian is a term for gay women. This term is named after citrine, a gemstone associated with the sun and therefore light.
This could be considered a raphinic (luxine-loving-luxine) version of cenelian (gay non-binary)
☆ Clematian: A term for androgyne-loving-androgyne, exclusively or not. It is named after the clematis flower, which is purple in color (a mix of pink and blue, traditionally feminine and masculine colors).
☆ Coffeeloveic: a lovegender that is connected to/represented by coffee! things it may be related to include the following: -consuming or making coffee with/for someone as an act of love -love(core)-related imagery including coffee (e.g. heart-shaped coffee mugs) -love that feels excited, energetic, or other ways coffee makes one feel. the kind of love this post relates to may be of any kind - romantic, platonic, familial, for fictional characters, etc.
☆ Concugender: A gender related to concubi (gender neutral for incubus/succubus)!
It may be neutral, androgynous, genderqueer, and/or unaligned in nature and/or related to being a switch/verse in a kink/sexual sense, but it doesn't have to. It may additionally be related to feelings of lust, desire, attraction, or any other feelings commonly felt by concubi.
☆ Conculoveic: A gender related to concubi (gender neutral for incubus/succubus) and love! It may feel rosy, comforting, safe, exciting, or any other words one may associate with love.
It may be neutral, androgynous, genderqueer, and/or unaligned in nature and/or related to being a switch/verse in a kink/sexual sense due to its connection to concubi, but it doesn't have to. It may additionally be related to feelings of lust, desire, attraction, or any other feelings commonly felt by concubi.
☆ Concuplantic: A gender related to plants and being a concubus (gender neutral for succubus/incubus)! It may feel alive, growing, healthy, natural, earthy, or any other things one may associate with plants. It may also be accompanied by a sense of lust, attraction, desire, or other feelings often felt by concubi.
☆ Consciloveic: a gender related to/represented by love and altered states of consciousness. if the altered states are due to substance use, it may be a druggender. if they are caused by dissociation, it may be a neurogender.
☆ Corpseagender: an agender-in-nature gender in which one lacks a gender in the same way corpses do.
☆ Cosmartic: a xenogender related to art and outer space, especially art as an act of defiant non-conformity and personal expression. it may feel vibrant, excited, lively, and confident, and it may relate to how the user relates personally to the themes of their art. the connection between art and outer space may involve art about outer space, or art that feels like it was done in space. because this gender is inspired by the book Cortez on Jupiter by Ernest Hogan, this may be considered a fictigender.
☆ Cosmicenelic: a gender related to outer space and being a cenelian. it may feel vast, cosmic, starry, or any other words one may associate with outer space. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Cosmigothlavenic: an agender-in-nature xenogender connected to/represented by outer space and feeling like one comes from space, altered states of consciousness, goth music and aesthetics, smoke, the color purple, and being a lavenian (a GNC gay man). the GNC aspect of this gender may heavily relate to the goth aspect, as gender non-conformity is common in goth fashion. if the altered states of consciousness (and smoke) come from substances, it may be a druggender. if the altered state comes from dissociation, it may be a neurogender. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Cosmilavenic: a gender related to outer space and being a lavenian (GNC gay man). it may feel vast, cosmic, starry, or any other words one may associate with outer space. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be. its relationship to outer space may extend to aliens if one wishes.
☆ Cosmilesbic: a gender related to outer space and being a lesbian. it may feel vast, cosmic, starry, or any other words one may associate with outer space. it may be feminine/female in nature due to its connection to being lesbian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by lesbian concepts of femininity and gender. its relationship to outer space may extend to aliens if one wishes.
☆ Cosmistellic: a gender related to outer space and being a stellian (mspec gay). it may feel vast, cosmic, starry, or any other words one may associate with outer space. it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.
☆ Cosmivanisoapic: a xenogender related to outer space, vanilla, and soap. it can involve all these things at once (e.g. vanilla-scented soap in outer space-related shapes) or not. it may feel clean, scented, sweet, vast, starry, or anything associated with any of these things.
☆ Cosmiveldic: a gender related to outer space and being a veldian. it may feel vast, cosmic, starry, or any other words one may associate with outer space. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender. its relationship to outer space may extend to aliens if one wishes.
☆ Crysticomfic: a gender related to crystals/gemstones and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in crystals, but also themes of crystals involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.)
☆ Cupiopellic: Cupiopellic is a term for somebody who participates or wants to participate in non-sexual kink acts despite not experiencing it as kink attraction or not identifying as kinky.
The reasons somebody would want to participate in non-sexual kink without personally being kinky are as varied as the reasons somebody would want to participate in sex or romance without being allosexual/alloromantic.
However, one reason includes non-kink enjoyment of the subject of the kink. e.g. someone who enjoys the sensation of pain but does not identify as a masochist in the kink sense, or someone who participates in a clothes kink because they enjoy the clothes in a way they do not regard as kink.
☆ Cursedbeanic: A gender related to cursed pictures of beans - e.g. beans in weird places, in things they shouldn't be, etc.
It may feel jarring, strange, uncomfortable, humorous, surreal, chaotic, or any words one may associate with these things.
This could be considered a memegender.
☆ Cxtbxy: a gender related to being a cat(boy) and a bxy/agender boy/man at the same time.
☆ Cxtgxrl: a gender related to being a cat(girl) and a gxrl/agender girl/woman at the same time.
☆ Daybrainlight: a gender related to being out during a sunny day while in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, light, disconnected, dangerous, bright, and/or warm, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. if it is due to dissociation, it may be a neurogender. depending on one's associations with daylight, it may be luxine as well.
☆ Delphiniangender: an orientationgender where one’s delphinian identity heavily affects, correlates with, or influences one’s gender. delphinian is defined as gay/same-gender agender attraction, or agender-loving-agender.
☆ Demonistellic: a gender relating to being a demon/demonic and a stellian (mspec gay). it may feel evil, rebellious, firey, or any other adjectives one may associate with demons. it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.
☆ Demoniveldic: a gender relating to being a demon/demonic and a veldian. it may feel evil, rebellious, firey, or any other adjectives one may associate with demons. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender, as well as demonic concepts of gender that don’t relate to earthly genders.
☆ Depechic: a gender related to/represented by the colors black and blue, leather, roses, nighttime, and synthesizers. it may feel dark, rhythmic, musical, strong, cold, beautiful, or any other adjectives with which one may associate these things. because this gender is inspired by the band Depeche Mode, it may be considered a musicgender.
☆ Discomfic: a gender associated with, related to, or represented by discomfort. having this gender is not necessarily a negative experience, as it may relate to trying to become more comfortable with discomfort (since such is a part of life). it may also be related to things that others find discomforting but that the user relates to and/or enjoys.
☆ Divorcimortus: an amourtus gender relating to/represented by divorce and death. the themes could be separate, or they (and other amourtus themes) can be combined, e.g.:
-death that occurs shortly after a divorce
-moments that lead to a divorce and that take place at death-related settings (e.g. funerals)
-the death of love in a relationship that ends in divorce
-divorce as the death of the relationship itself
☆ Dogandro(gynous): an androgynous doggender, or androgyny expressed in a doglike way. it may be associated with cuteness, friendliness, and softness as well as independence, strength, protectiveness, or any mix of traits associated with dogs that may be thought of as feminine or masculine.
☆ Dogbraindark: a gender related to/described by dogs and being outside at night in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, disconnected, dangerous, dark, and/or cold, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. it may also feel soft, cute, protective, or any other adjectives with which one would describe dogs. it can be both represented by seeing a dog outside at night as well as BEING a dog who is outside at night. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. (note that, even if this is a druggender, this gender does not have anything to do with giving actual drugs to actual animals.) depending on one’s associations with the night, it may be kenic as well.
☆ Dogbrainlight: a gender related to/described by dogs and being out during a sunny day in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, light, disconnected, dangerous, bright, and/or warm, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. it may be associated with loyalty, protectiveness, cuteness, softness, friendliness, or any other traits associated with dogs. it can be both represented by seeing a dog outside during the day as well as BEING a dog who is outside during the day. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. if it is due to dissociation, it may be a neurogender. (note that, even when this is a druggender, this gender does not have anything to do with giving drugs to actual animals.) depending on one’s associations with daylight, it may be luxine as well.
☆ Dogfem(inine)/pupfem(inine): a feminine doggender, or femininity expressed in a doglike way. it may be associated with cuteness, friendliness, softness, or any other traits that may be associated with both femininty and dogs
☆ Dogfriendnestic: a xenogender related to/represented by dogs, friendship, and nesting. it may be represented by a dog making a nest with a friend. it may feel soft, loyal, cute, protective, safe, friendly, comfy, cozy, and/or any adjectives one might associate with those things. it may have sleepy qualities to it (especially if nesting is done before bedtime) and therefore be soporine. if the feelings towards one's friends includes love, it may also be a lovegender.
☆ Dogmasc(uline)/pupmasc(uline): a masculine pupgender, or masculinity expressed in a doglike way. it may be associated with independence, strength, protectiveness, or any other traits that may be associated with both masculinity and dogs
☆ Dogneu(tral)/pupneu(tral): a neutral pupgender, or gender neutrality expressed in a doglike way. it may be associated with traits of dogs that are not strongly gendered, or to how dogs do not have a concept of human gender.
☆ Dogplushbutchic: A butch gender involving or represented by dogs and plushes. It may feel cute, soft, small, or anything with which one would associate these things. Butch can but does not inherently mean masculine-aligned and can be used by any gender.
☆ Dogplushfemmic: A femme gender involving or represented by dogs and plushes. It may feel cute, soft, small, or anything with which one would associate these things. Femme can but does not inherently mean feminine-aligned and can be used by any gender.
☆ Dogsomnigothidrox: a droxinine-in-nature soporine xenogender relating to/represented by dogs, candles, and gothic aesthetics. this may include the following: -masculinity/neutrality felt by way of sleep and/or dogs/candles/goth -sleeping dogs -a gender that feels warm and bright like a candle -dreams about dogs, candles, and gothic themes -bedding with the aesthetics to which this gender is related
☆ Dominamasculine: A kinkgender that has to do with Dominance and masculinity. This could include:
-expressing Dominance in a masculine way
-experiencing Dominance as masculine
-including other things you find masculine with how you perform Dominance
-having masculine (xeno)genders associated with the subjects of the kinks in which you are Dominant
However, it can involve anything.
☆ Dreameldric: a soporine and kenic gender related to being an eldritch dream entity. "dream entity" could mean anything including an entity that: -is made of dreams -lives in a dream world -appears in dreams -consumes or affects dreams. it may feel vast, frightening, cosmic, or monstrous, as well as sleepy, dark, vivid, or surreal. it may also be connected to having non-human body parts (e.g. tentacles, multiple eyes, etc.)
☆ Droxaceveldic: a droxinine gender related to being an asexual veldian, where the neutral component is informed by asexuality and the masculine part is informed by being a veldian.
☆ Droxikenoconsciec: a droxinine kenic gender relating to ghosts, the void, writing, and altered states of consciousness. if the altered states of consciousness are due to substance use, it may a druggender, and if they are due to dissociation, it may be a neurogender, but it does not have to be either.
☆ Droxiluxiborzic: a droxinine luxine gender relating to borzois, angels, and light. it may be elegant, golden, protective, or any adjectives with which one may associate these things. it may also be vast, unknowable, awe-inspiring, or other luxine descriptors. the droxininity of this gender may involve dogs as a symbol of masculinity juxtaposed with the fact that a dog lacks a human gender. it may also be informed by the fact that neither dogs nor angels have a human concept of gender. it may also be connected to non-human body parts, both those of dogs and of angels. depending on one’s association with angels, it may be spiritine.
☆ Droxiveldic: a gender related to being a droxinine veldian - that is, a gay man with a gender that is a combination of masculine and neutral.
☆ Dxgbxy: a gender related to being a dog(boy) and a bxy/agender boy/man at the same time. The relationship between the dog part of oneself, the male part of oneself, and the agender part of oneself can be anything. This can also be considered a form of pupgender.
☆ Dxggxrl: a gender related to being a dog(girl) and a gxrl/agender girl/woman at the same time. The relationship between the dog part of oneself, the female part of oneself, and the agender part of oneself can be anything. This can also be considered a form of pupgender.
☆ Dxmgender: an agender-in-nature gender related to being a Dom in kink. This gender can be felt during kink activities and/or as a result of/with regards to a role one takes in kink. The gender experienced during one's role in kink does not have to be agender. For example, one could typically feel agender but feel neutrality while Domming and could therefore call themselves Dxmgender, or Dxmneu(tral).
☆ Earthiluxic: A luxine gender that involves the themes of wonder, joy, awe, vastness, indescribability, and learning, but applies them towards earthly things or everyday life, either instead of/alongside divine things or where the earthly is also seen as divine.
This could include the following:
-learning about the world or humanity
-awe over nature or human achievement
-the vastness of nature or human experience
-joy felt over everyday things
However, it can involve any of these themes - or indeed, any luxine themes as well - as long as they are combined in some way with something that is earthly in nature.
☆ Egospiritine: a spiritine egogender related to the fact that one has a unique and deeply personal spiritual practice that one feels is an extension of oneself, and therefore a part of one’s identity/self manifesting as gender. “unique and deeply personal spiritual practice” could mean many different things, including:
-a system of spiritual beliefs that one created for oneself
-worshipping a pantheon/deity of one’s own creation and/or in a way completely different to how others worship them
-practicing an established religion/spirituality but with enough additional personal spiritual beliefs that your way of practicing the religion looks very different than how most people practice it.
it is important to the definition of this gender that, not only does it relate to having a unique set of spiritual beliefs, that set of spiritual beliefs feels like an extension of oneself, or is otherwise difficult/impossible to separate from one’s identity, therefore meaning that to say “my gender is my spiritual beliefs” is to say to some extent “my gender is me”.
☆ Eldricenelic: a gender related to being an eldritch being and a cenelian. it may feel unknowable, frightening, cosmic, or any other words one may associate with eldritch beings. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be connected to body parts that eldritch creatures have that humans do not (e.g. tentacles, multiple eyes, etc.) depending on one’s association with the eldritch, it may be kenic.
☆ Eldricomfic: a gender related to the eldritch and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in the eldritch, but also themes of the eldritch involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.)
☆ Eldristellic: a gender related to eldritch beings and being a stellian (mspec gay). it may feel unknowable, frightening, cosmic, or any other words one may associate with eldritch beings. it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be. it may be connected to body parts that eldritch creatures have that humans do not (e.g. tentacles, multiple eyes, etc.) depending on one’s association with the eldritch, it may be kenic.
☆ Eldriveldic: a gender related to being an eldritch being and a veldian. it may feel unknowable, frightening, cosmic, or any other words one may associate with eldritch beings. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender. it may also be connected to body parts that eldritch creatures have that humans do not (e.g. tentacles, multiple eyes, etc.) depending on one’s association with the eldritch, it may be kenic.
☆ Felicenelic: a gender related to cats and being a cenelian. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Felicomfic: a gender related to cats and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in cats, but also themes of cats involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.)
☆ Felicute: a cutegender that has to do with cats! this gender relates to/is represented by cute cats, but also cuteness expressed in a catlike way, as well as cute imagery surrounding cats.
☆ Felistellic: a gender related to cats and being a stellian (mspec gay). it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.
☆ Feliveldic: a gender related to cats and being a veldian. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may feel independent, tough, silly, or any other adjectives that may be associated with both masculinity and cats. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender.
☆ Femflorimousic: a feminine xenogender related to mice, flowers, and cuteness. it may feel small, timid, pretty, fragrant, or anything one would associate with these things.
☆ Fleshreveric: a gender that is related to/represented by chains, flesh, pain, and reverence. it may feel bloody, burning, eldritch, and holy.
☆ Fluffloric: a gender that is fluffy and warm but spicy, like a living flower that makes a good tea if you were to harvest it that is also an animal which will
definitely eat you.
☆ Frankenstitched: A gender that is stitched together from pieces of other genders over an agender or genderless frame, which often replaces its stitched-on parts to match whatever situation it is in.
It is similar to genderfluid, but different in that it changes to fit in as opposed to changing randomly.
It also has ties to undead genders, Frankenstein's monster and Dr. Frankenstein, and trauma.
☆ Fruitigaeric: an aesthetigender related to and/or best represented by the Frutiger Aero aesthetic. it may feel smooth, shiny, bright, deep, or digital. it may also be related to the future and technology and the relationship between those things and gender.
☆ Galactiblastic: a gender that is neon, alien, and feels like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick. it tastes like mint and olive, and it feels intense, burning, bitter and salty. it is a strange cacophony that messes with one’s brain.
☆ Gastrokinkic: a xenogender related to kink and food. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. food kink, involving kink in food), or they can be more separate.
☆ Gayplatonighostic: a xenogender related to/represented by ghosts and gay platonic love! it may feel empty, floaty, transparent, warm, safe, comforting, and/or any other words with which one would associate ghosts and love. "gay platonic love" may be defined any way the user wishes, but some possible definitions are platonic same-gender love that leads to a relationship that may be given an orientation label (such as a queerplatonic relationship), platonic love between people who are gay, or platonic love that is expressed in a way that others would construe as seeming gay. it may be agender-in-nature in the way that ghosts are genderless. due to its relationship to love and being gay, it may also be considered a lovegender and/or an orientationgender.
☆ Genderbodiless: a gender that relates to the fact that its user is bodiless, views themself as bodiless, and/or identifies with the concept of not having a body. this may be due to alterhumanity, systemhood, neurodivergence, or any reason. this gender may be agender-in-nature (where not having a body corresponds to not having a gender) but does not have to be.
☆ Genderhamster: a multigender experience in which one collects/hoards genders, then after a while drops those labels and starts their gender hoard over from scratch. they may or may not use different types of genders or labels at the start of such a cycle, but either way it’s a cycle of collection and then starting over. inspired by how hamsters stuff food in their cheek pouches (“hoarding” it) and then empty their cheeks so they can later put more food in.
☆ Gendergonch: when your gender is best described in connection to things that are not real or that do not make sense to the people listening to you talk about your gender. this gender may seem confusing, complex, secret, and/or unreal. given that it is inspired by the Goncharov meme, it may be a memegender or fictigender.
☆ Gentlegender: a gender in which one is a gentleperson - like a gentleman or a gentlewoman - and experiences this as part of the gender.
☆ Glitchmeat: a gender related to/represented by glitches and meat. it may feel staticy, sudden, scratchy, as well as fleshy, raw, and bloody, or any adjectives with which one would associate glitches and/or meat.
☆ Ghostagender: an agender-in-nature gender in which one lacks a gender in the same way ghosts do.
☆ Ghostfriend(ic): a word similar to boyfriend or girlfriend, for those whose genders involve ghosts in some way! this may include anyone who feels that their gender is connected to or represented by ghosts. this can be used as a term for a partner as well as a gender. as a gender, it may be connected to love, ghosts, and the feelings and behaviors associated with being in a relationship. "ghostfriend" can be a term for a partner as well as the name of the associated gender, but the word "ghostfriendic" can be used to denote the gender specifically. while this word is modeled after a term for a romantic partner, anyone can use this word for their relationship/gender if that is how they choose to label it.
☆ Ghostiloveic: a xenogender lovegender relating to/represented by a ghost who loves another ghost. this love can be of any kind. it may feel transparent, undead, haunted, warm, soft, safe, glowy, familiar, understanding, and any other adjectives with which one would associate with ghosts and love, or a ghost loving another ghost. it may be agender-in-nature in the same way that ghosts don't have a gender. it may therefore be a form of delphiniangender (an agender-loving-agender orientationgender) but it does not have to be.
☆ Ghostwizardic: when your gender is related to, represented by, and/or best described as “ghost wizard”/“wizard ghost”! The connection to ghost wizards can be merely aesthetic or it can be deeper (e.g. being ghostkin while being someone who performs magic).
☆ Girlwreck: when you’re a girl and you’re a wreck. this may be construed as the opposite of the term “girlboss”. this gender may feel chaotic, disastrous, disorganized, tired, and/or other words one would associate with this experience. it may also be related to archetypically/stereotypically feminine expressions of frustration, exhaustion, and/or dysfunction. this gender is not intended to encourage people to overly-identify with negative emotions/experiences but rather describe how they feel gender with regards to those things.
☆ Glitterheartgender: a xenogender relating to/represented by glitter and heart shapes! it may feel sparkly, shiny, decorative, happy, warm, loving, or any adjectives with which one would associate glitter or hearts.
☆ Glowstarrian: a xenogender in which one’s gender is represented by glow in the dark stars.
☆ Goatwizardic: a xenogender related to goats, wizards, and goat wizards! it may feel loud, rebellious, magical, whimsical, or any words with which one may associate goats and wizards.
☆ Gothirosic: a gender relating to/represented by roses depicted in a gothic way. this gender may feel beautiful, romantic, despairing, fragrant, edgy, dark, or any other words that would be applied to gothic roses.
☆ Gothleatherkinkic: a xenogender related to kink, leather, and goth music. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. having a kink for the other aspects of the gender, or leather as emblematic of both kink and goth), or they can be more separate.
☆ Gothpinkcatundead: a xenogender gender related to/represented by goth aesthetics, the color pink, cats, undeath/being undead, or any combination of these things. it may feel dark, morbid, cute, soft, fluffy, rotting, dead, or any other adjectives with which one would associate these things.
☆ Gothrosecatic: a gender that is related to/best represented by cats, gothic aesthetics, roses, chains, and red and black color schemes. it may feel soft, fluffy, dramatic, dark, fragrant, beautiful, metallic, bright, or any other adjectives with which one may associate these things.
☆ Gothwizardic: a gender relating to goth, wizards, and the juxtaposition of the two (e.g. goth wizards, goth wizard aesthetics, etc.) the connection to goth can be through music, aesthetic, literature, architecture, fashion, or anything that is associated with the term “goth(ic)”, and what kind of goth it refers to is up to the user. the connection to wizards may be aesthetic or it can be deeper (e.g. being someone who practices magic and calls themself a wizard for it).
☆ Hamlovecoric: a cutegender related to hamsters and lovecore. this gender may feel soft, small, loving, or anything else one would associate with these things.
☆ Heartmusilavenic: a xenogender relating to/represented by music, performance, a pink/white/silver/black color scheme, heart shapes, and being a lavenian (a GNC gay man). it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may feel powerful, excited, bright, flamboyant, or any other adjectives one would associate with those things. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender.
☆ Heartsoapic: a xenogender related to heart-shaped/patterned soap. this can be any kind of soap (e.g. bar soaps, bath bombs, etc.) and it may be a lovegender, lovecoric, and/or aesthetigender. it may feel loving, fragrant, clean, or anything with which one may associate these things.
☆ Hematic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for macarshric people who are attracted to agender people. That is, macarshric-loving-agender.
It is named after the hematite gemstone, which is black (one of the colors of the agender flag).
☆ Hesperian: A Galactian Alignment for someone who is neutral-aligned. This is different from stellarian in that stellarian can include unaligned people, whereas this term is specifically for people who do have an alignment and whose alignment is neutral. Additionally, this is not necessarily about being neutrois or considering your actual gender to be neutral, just your alignment to be. For example, someone could be a hesperian woman if they consider themselves a woman who is neutral-aligned.
☆ Hesperiboötian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both hesperian and boötian - i.e. neutral-aligned and agender-aligned. This could be the same as "neutral-aligned agender person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments. This is different from alkaluropsian (a mix of boötian and stellarian) because stellarian can refer to unaligned genders too, while this is intended to refer to neutrality in specific. Additionally, this is gender neutrality in a sense that is not inherently the gender itself and can be mixed with other genders (e.g. neutral-aligned woman).
☆ Hesperihelian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both hesperian and helian - i.e. neutral-aligned and man-aligned. This could be the same as "neutral-aligned man", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
☆ Hesperiselenian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both hesperian and selenian - i.e. neutral-aligned and woman-aligned. This could be the same as "neutral-aligned woman", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.
☆ Highliminalic: a gender that can best be described as liminal or in-between in the same way that being slightly high feels like being in-between sober and fully high. while this gender expresses itself in relation to drugs, the gender(s) or the experience thereof does not have to be connected to substances. due to its in-between nature, it can be considered demigender or ambiguine. depending on the user's association with liminality, it may be kenochoric.
☆ Holicatlux: a luxine catgender that comes from viewing cats as holy or divine. reasons one may see cats this way include the following: -worshipping a cat-related deity -seeing cats as messengers of divinity -having a spiritual connection to cats that one describes as holy. one may also consider it spiritine.
☆ Holidoglux: a luxine pupgender that comes from viewing dogs as holy or divine. reasons one may see dogs this way include the following: -worshipping a dog-related deity -seeing dogs as messengers of divinity -having a spiritual connection to dogs that one describes as holy. one may also consider it spiritine.
☆ Holivoidic: a luxine gender whose luxinity is kenous due to the user finding the Void to be holy, and therefore themes of emptiness, the unknown, outer space, etc. are within the luxine concept of "holy" for how the user defines that word. this gender may have any other luxine qualities to it, but especially vastness (as this overlaps with kenous as well as void-like qualities).
☆ Hopevillic: a gender connected to music, gothic aesthetics, evil/villains, confidence, healing, and hope.
☆ Horrorcenelic: A gender related to horror and being a cenelian.
It may feel scary, tense, violent, exciting, psychological, mysterious, or anything one would associate with any genre of horror.
It may be neutral/androgynous/genderqueer-aligned, relate to cenelian concepts of gender or cenelian/non-binary characters in horror, or be kenochoric and/or macarshric depending on one's associations with horror, but it doesn't have to.
☆ Horrorlesbic: A gender related to horror and being a lesbian.
It may feel scary, tense, violent, exciting, psychological, mysterious, or anything one would associate with any genre of horror.
It may be feminine/female-aligned, relate to lesbian concepts of gender or lesbian characters in horror, or be kenochoric and/or macarshric depending on one's associations with horror, but it doesn't have to.
☆ Horrorloveic: A gender related to love and the horror genre!
This could include:
-being a horror character in love, or being in love with a horror character
-enjoying horror media with someone you love
-a love for horror in general
-horror media with themes of love
However, this can involve anything. This can involve any genre and medium of horror and any kind of love.
☆ Horrorstellic: A gender related to horror and being a stellian (mspec gay).
It may feel scary, tense, violent, exciting, psychological, mysterious, or anything one would associate with any genre of horror.
It may be aligned to the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, relate to depictions of those genders in horror, or be kenochoric and/or macarshric depending on one's associations with horror, but it doesn't have to.
☆ Horrorveldic: A gender related to horror and being a veldian (gay man).
It may feel scary, tense, violent, exciting, psychological, mysterious, or anything one would associate with any genre of horror.
It may be masculine/male-aligned, relate to veldian/gay male concepts of gender or veldian characters in horror, or be kenochoric and/or macarshric depending on one's associations with horror, but it doesn't have to.
☆ Howlitic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for xenogender people who are attracted to agender people. That is, xenogender-loving-agender.
It is named after the howlite gemstone, which is white (one of the colors of the agender flag).
☆ Humangender: A gender connected to being human in some way.
This could involve:
-identifying as a human over identifying as a man, a woman, or any other gender
-feeling as though one's humanity/human-ness affects one's gender outside of their gender just being one that is known to humans
-relating to the human experience (whatever that means to oneself) in a gendered way
-feeling that your gender is one that is known to humans but preferring not to label it further
-identifying both as human and otherkin and having (a) kingender(s) while also feeling the equivalent for one's identity as a human
The demographic with which this gender was coined in mind are human headmates who are in systems with a lot of non-human headmates with non-human genders and who feel that their status as a human affects their gender, too. However, this can be used by anyone who views themself as human to any extent.
☆ Humanidoxic: A gender related to feeling paradoxically both human and non-human at the same time.
This could involve:
-relating to humanity and another species at the same time
-feeling a disconnect from humanity due to neurodivergence, trauma, and/or systemhood but wanting to connect to it regardless
-identifying as human to some extent but having genders that feel non-human
-being physically human and identifying with this fact but not identifying with the concept of species in general
However, it could involve anything.
☆ Humoragender: an agender gender related to humor. this could involve:
-feeling that one has a sense of humor that is not strongly gendered
-relating to comedians/presentations of comedy that are not strongly gendered
-relating to memes or jokes about genderlessness/being non-binary
-having a genderless gendered connection to humor
-feeling like it would be funniest if you had no gender
-feeling that, where gender should be, there is humor instead
the humor can be delivered in any form - jokes, memes, comedy, etc. - and what constitutes as humorous is up to the user of this label.
☆ Humorfem(inine): a feminine gender related to humor. this could involve:
-feeling that one has a feminine sense of humor
-relating to female/feminine comedians/presentations of comedy
-relating to memes or jokes about femininity/being a woman
-having a feminine gendered connection to humor
-feeling like it would be funniest if you had a feminine gender
☆ Humorgenderqueer: a genderqueer gender related to humor. this could involve:
-feeling that one has a sense of humor that is distinctly genderqueer
-relating to genderqueer comedians/presentations of comedy
-relating to memes or jokes about genderqueerness/being non-binary
-having a genderqueer gendered connection to humor
-feeling like it would be funniest if you were genderqueer
-feeling that, where gender should be, there is humor instead
☆ Humorkeno(choric): a kenochoric gender related to humor. this could involve:
-feeling that one has a sense of humor that is distinctly kenous
-relating in a kenic gendered way to comedians/presentations of comedy
-relating to memes or jokes about kenosity/kenochoric themes/being non-binary
-having a kenic connection to humor
-feeling like it would be funniest if you were kenochoric
-humor that is eerie, nostalgic, frightening, etc.
☆ Humorlux(ine): a luxine gender related to humor. this could involve:
-feeling that one has a sense of humor that is distinctly luxine
-relating in a luxine gendered way to comedians/presentations of comedy
-relating to memes or jokes about luxinity/luxine themes/being non-binary
-having a luxine connection to humor
-feeling like it would be funniest if you were luxine
-humor that feels divine, holy, etc. or that inspires joy or awe
☆ Humormacarshric: a macarshric gender related to humor. this could involve:
-feeling that one has a sense of humor that is distinctly macarshric
-relating in a macarshric gendered way to comedians/presentations of comedy
-relating to memes or jokes about macarshric themes or being non-binary
-having a macarshric connection to humor
-feeling like it would be funniest if you were macarshric
-a sense of humor that is morbid or dark
-jokes about violence
☆ Humormasc(uline): a masculine gender related to humor. this could involve:
-feeling that one has a masculine sense of humor
-relating to male/masculine comedians or comedy characters
-having a masculine gendered connection to humor
-feeling like it would be funniest if you had a masculine gender
☆ Humorneu(tral): a neutral gender related to humor. this could involve:
-feeling that one has a sense of humor that is not strongly gendered
-relating to comedians/presentations of comedy that are not strongly gendered
-relating to memes or jokes about gender neutrality/being non-binary
-having a neutral gendered connection to humor
-feeling like it would be funniest if you had a neutral gender
-feeling that, where gender should be, there is humor instead
☆ Humorsopor(ine): a soporine gender related to humor. this could involve:
-feeling that one has a sense of humor that is distinctly soporine
-relating in a soporine gendered way to comedians/presentations of comedy
-relating to memes or jokes about soporinity/sleep/being non-binary
-having a soporine connection to humor
-feeling like it would be funniest if you were soporine
-humor expressed while sleepy
☆ Humorxeno(gender): a xenic gender related to humor. this could involve:
-feeling that one has a sense of humor that is distinctly xenogender
-relating in a gendered way to comedians/presentations of comedy that use or involve something about which you have a xenogender
-relating to memes or jokes about xenogenders/being non-binary
-having a xenic connection to humor
-feeling like it would be funniest if you were xenogender
☆ Incugender: A gender related to incubi!
It may be masculine/male in nature and/or related to domming/topping in a kink/sexual sense due to its connection to incubi, but it doesn't have to. It may additionally be related to feelings of lust, desire, attraction, or any other feelings commonly felt by incubi.
☆ Inculoveic: A gender related to incubi and love! It may feel rosy, comforting, safe, exciting, or any other words one may associate with love.
It may be masculine/male in nature and/or related to being a dom/top in a kink/sexual sense due to its connection to incubi, but it doesn't have to. It may additionally be related to feelings of lust, desire, attraction, or any other feelings commonly felt by incubi.
☆ Incuplantic: A gender related to plants and being an incubus!
It may feel alive, growing, healthy, natural, earthy, or any other things one may associate with plants. It may also be accompanied by a sense of lust, attraction, desire, or other feelings often felt by incubi.
Due to its connection to incubi, it could be masculine/male-aligned and/or associated with domming/topping in a sexual/kink sense, but it doesn't have to.
☆ Industretakenic: a kenochoric and gendervoid gender related to or represented by industrial metal. it may feel powerful, forceful, energized, angry, aggressive, as well as empty, vast, eerie, offputting, strange, or hollow.
☆ Industretallic: a gender related to or best represented by industrial metal. it may feel powerful, forceful, energized, harsh, musical, angry, aggressive, or anything else with which one would associate industrial metal.
☆ Infiniloveic: a gender related to, felt through, and/or represented by infinite, universal love. things/people for which the individual feels love include the world, nature, humanity, the complex details of life, family, friends, pets, partners, and fictional characters.this also relates to love felt by the individual from the universe (i.e. that the universe loves them), as though the universe gazes its love onto them in sunlight, moonlight, and starlight. it is also connected to or represented by a candle to read by at midnight, or a parasol at the beach in the daytime.
☆ Intrusic: a gender related to intrusive thoughts. the intrusive thoughts can be ones that:
-you connect to in a gendered way
-you feel affects or is affected by your gender
-are about gender itself
-involve something about which you have a xenogender
-take the place of gender for you
☆ Intrusicagender: an agender-in-nature gender related to intrusive thoughts. the intrusive thoughts can be ones that:
-you connect to in an agender way -you feel affects or is affected by being agender
-are about genderlessness/gender/etc. itself
-involve something about which you have an agender xenogender
-you feel take the place of gender for you
-have to do with absence/nothingness/etc. in a way that you feel corresponds to not having a gender
☆ Intrusicandro(gynous): an androgynous gender related to intrusive thoughts. the intrusive thoughts can be ones that:
-you connect to in an androgynous way
-you feel affects or is affected by your androgynous gender
-are about androgyny/gender/etc. itself
-involve something about which you have an androgynous xenogender
☆ Intrusicfem(inine): a feminine gender related to intrusive thoughts. the intrusive thoughts can be ones that:
-you connect to in a feminine way
-you feel affects or is affected by your feminine gender
-are about femininity/femaleness/etc. itself
-involve something about which you have a feminine xenogender
☆ Intrusicgenderqueer: a genderqueer gender related to intrusive thoughts. the intrusive thoughts can be ones that:
-you connect to in a genderqueer way
-you feel affects or is affected by being genderqueer
-are about genderqueerness/gender/etc. itself
-involve something about which you have a genderqueer xenogender
-you feel take the place of gender for you
-has to do with queerness
☆ Intrusickeno(choric): a kenic gender related to intrusive thoughts. the intrusive thoughts can be ones that:
-you connect to in a kenous way
-you feel affects or is affected by being kenochoric
-are about kenosity/gender/etc. itself
-involve something about which you have a kenic xenogender
-you feel takes the place of gender for you in a way that you see as kenous
-involve kenochoric themes
☆ Intrusicosmic: a xenogender related to outer space and intrusive thoughts. it can involve:
-intrusive thoughts involving outer space
-being from outer space and having intrusive thoughts
-a sense of dread associated with both the vastness of space and the unwanted nature of the thoughts
-coping with intrusive thoughts with outer space-related distractions/etc.
however, these themes do not necessarily have to be connected.
☆ Intrusiclux(ine): a luxine gender related to intrusive thoughts. the intrusive thoughts can be ones that:
-you connect to in a luxine way
-you feel affects or is affected by being luxine
-are about luxinity/gender/etc. itself
-involve something about which you have a luxine xenogender
-are connected to something holy, divine, etc.
-involve luxine themes
☆ Intrusimacarshric: a macarshric gender related to intrusive thoughts.
the intrusive thoughts can be ones that:
-you connect to in a macarshric way
-you feel affects or is affected by being macarshric
-are about being macarshric or about gender itself
-are about violence, death, or inevitability
-make you feel unsettled or disturbed
however, it can involve anything.
☆ Intrusicmasc(uline): a masculine gender related to intrusive thoughts. the intrusive thoughts can be ones that:
-you connect to in a masculine way
-you feel affects or is affected by your masculine gender
-are about masculinity/maleness/etc. itself
-involve something about which you have a masculine xenogender
☆ Intrusicneu(tral): a neutral gender related to intrusive thoughts. the intrusive thoughts can be ones that:
-you connect to in a neutral-aligned way
-you feel affects or is affected by your neutral gender
-are about gender neutrality/gender/etc. itself
-involve something about which you have a neutral xenogender
☆ Intrusicsopor(ine): a soporine gender related to intrusive thoughts. the intrusive thoughts can be ones that:
-you connect to in a soporine way
-you feel affects or is affected by being soporine
-are about soporine/sleep/etc. itself
-involve something about which you have a soporine xenogender
-you use sleep to cope with
☆ Intrusicxeno(gender): a xenogender related to intrusive thoughts. the intrusive thoughts can be ones that:
-you connect to in a xenic way
-you feel affects or is affected by your xenic gender
-are about gender xenogenders/etc. itself
-involve something about which you have a xenogender
-you feel take the place of gender for you
☆ Keniccute: a kenic cutegender that has to do with cuteness juxtaposed with and/or found in the uncanny, liminal, frightening, empty, etc. this may involve:
-cute animals or imagery in liminal/eerie spaces
-aesthetics that mix cuteness with scariness
-nostalgia as both a kenochoric and cute experience
☆ Kenobiolumitentacleic: a kenic xenogender connected to/represented by bioluminescence and tentacles! this may involve a connection to bioluminescent creatures with tentacles. due to the kenic nature of this gender, the tentacles may be related to eldritch, frightening, or liminal beings/creatures.
☆ Kenocatboy/kenocatmasc: a kenochoric xenogender related to being both kenochoric and a cat(boy). it may feel like or be represented by a lost cat, cat-related nostalgia, frightening/unsettling imagery with cats, cats in liminal spaces, or any other combinations of cats with kenopsia/kenochoric themes.
☆ Kenocatgirl/kenocatfem: a kenochoric xenogender related to being both kenochoric and a cat(girl). it may feel like or be represented by a lost cat, cat-related nostalgia, frightening/unsettling imagery with cats, cats in liminal spaces, or any other combinations of cats with kenopsia/kenochoric themes.
☆ Kenocenelic: a gender relating to being kenochoric and a cenelian. it may feel vast, nostalgic, empty, frightening, liminal, or any other adjectives associated with kenic genders. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Kenocorpsivoid: an agender/gendervoid-in-nature kenochoric gender related to corpses and to the void, specifically in the way that both of those things might be associated with nothingness.
☆ Kenocxtbxy: a kenochoric xenogender related to being both kenochoric and a cxtbxy (or an agender catboy). it may feel like or be represented by a lost cat, cat-related nostalgia, frightening/unsettling imagery with cats, cats in liminal spaces, or being genderless in the way that a cat does not have human gender.
☆ Kenocxtgxrl: a kenochoric agender-in-nature xenogender related to being both kenochoric and a cxtgxrl (or an agender catgirl). it may feel like or be represented by a lost cat, cat-related nostalgia, frightening/unsettling imagery with cats, cats in liminal spaces, or being genderless in the way that a cat does not have human gender.
☆ Kenodogboy/kenodogmasc: a kenochoric xenogender related to being both kenochoric and a dog(boy), or having a masculine doglike gender. it may feel like or be represented by a lost dog, dog-related nostalgia, frightening/unsettling imagery with dogs, dogs in liminal spaces, or any other combinations of dogs with kenopsia/kenochoric themes.
☆ Kenodoggirl/kenodogfem: a kenochoric xenogender related to being both kenochoric and a dog(girl), or having a feminine dog-like gender. it may feel like or be represented by a lost dog, dog-related nostalgia, frightening/unsettling imagery with dogs, dogs in liminal spaces, or any other combinations of dogs with kenopsia/kenochoric themes.
☆ Kenodxgbxy: a kenochoric xenogender related to being both kenochoric and a dxgbxy (or an agender dogboy). it may feel like or be represented by a lost dog, dog-related nostalgia, frightening/unsettling imagery with dogs, dogs in liminal spaces, traits that one associates with both dogs and masculinity, or being genderless in the way that a dog does not have human gender.
☆ Kenodxggxrl: a kenochoric xenogender related to being both kenochoric and a dxggxrl (or an agender doggirl). it may feel like or be represented by a lost dog, dog-related nostalgia, frightening/unsettling imagery with dogs, dogs in liminal spaces, traits that one associates with both dogs and femininity, or being genderless in the way that a dog does not have human gender.
☆ Kenolesbic: a gender relating to being kenochoric and a lesbian. it may feel vast, nostalgic, empty, frightening, liminal, or any other adjectives associated with kenic genders. it may be feminine/female in nature due to its connection to being lesbian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by lesbian concepts of femininity and gender.
☆ Kenokinkic: a kenic gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink. ways this can manifest include:, feeling a kenic gendered connection to something for which you have a kink, feeling more kenous/kenochoric while doing kink, viewing certain parts of your role in kink as kenous and viewing those as part of your gender, being non-human in a way that feels kenochoric while also having a connection to kink
☆ Kenoloveic: a kenic lovegender in which love and kenosity/kenochoric-ness are linked. some examples of what this may look like: -relating to expressions/acts of love that one views as kenous -expressing traits associated with one’s kenic gender as part of expressing love -feeling like one experiences love in a kenous way -feeling like one experiences kenosity in a way that is informed by/intertwined with/connected to/represented by love. this may also involve love that: -feels vast, deep, liminal, unknowable, etc. -is for, associated, or from entities associated with the eldritch, the void, outer space, etc. -is felt or juxtaposed with dark and ominous imagery/situations. this can refer to love of any kind.
☆ Kenoluxikinkic: a kenoluxine/luxichoric gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink.
ways this can manifest include: feeling a kenolux gendered connection to something for which you have a kink, feeling more kenolux while doing kink, viewing certain parts of your role in kink as kenolux and viewing those as part of your gender, being non-human in a way that feels kenolux while also having a connection to kink
☆ Kenoluxiprophetic: a kenoluxine/luxichoric gender related to prophecy and/or being a prophet. the kenochoric and luxine themes in this gender could be the same - e.g. vastness, otherworldliness, fear, etc. - or they could be from either gender modality and combined with each other. depending on one's associations with prophecy, this gender may also be spiritine.
☆ Kenoplantic: A kenochoric gender related to plants!
This could involve:
-plants in liminal, dark, or uncanny settings
-relating to plants instead of humanity
-plants that are themselves uncanny or liminal
However, this could involve anything.
☆ Kenoprophetic: a kenochoric gender related to prophecy and/or being a prophet. the kenochoric and prophetic themes could be intertwined with each other - e.g. related to prophets or prophecy that are eerie, liminal, obscure, or other kenochoric themes. it could also relate to prophecy given by vast or unknowable entities. depending on one's associations with prophecy, this gender may also be luxine/kenolux and/or spiritine.
☆ Kenosparklic: A kenochoric gender that is sparkly, or has to do with sparkles. It is not inherently a xenogender but can be experienced as one.
☆ Kenostellic: a gender relating to being kenochoric and a stellian (mspec gay). it may feel vast, nostalgic, empty, frightening, liminal, or any other adjectives associated with kenic genders. it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.
☆ Kenoveldic: a gender relating to being kenochoric and a veldian. it may feel vast, nostalgic, empty, frightening, liminal, or any other adjectives associated with kenic genders. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender.
☆ Kenoweirdcoric: a gender that is related to weirdcore but specifically in a kenous/kenochoric way. it may be liminal, frightening, nostalgic, eerie, empty, or any other kenochoric themes that apply to weirdcore.
☆ Kinkgender: a gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink. ways this can manifest include: having a xenogender that is connected to the thing for which you have a kink. feeling more like a particular gender while doing kink. feeling the traits associated with your role in kink in a gendered way (like how men would feel masculine traits). This can manifest as kinkmasculine, kinkfeminine, kinkandrogynous, and kinkneutral.
☆ Kinkloveic: a kinkgender related to love! those two themes don’t have to be combined with each other to be part of this gender (i.e. they can stand alone), but if they are, it could involve -doing kink with someone whom one loves -kinks that involve love in some way -kink as an expression of love -love for kink itself.
☆ Kittenplayic: a kinkic gender related to/experienced during kittenplay! If one experiences a specific gender in relation to kittenplay, one can describe oneself as kittenplayicfem, kittenplayicmasc, kittenplayicandrogynous, etc. using whatever word describes one’s gender.
☆ Kittyclawic: a xenogender that is best represented by a cute cat fiercely clawing at someone. it may also be associated with softness and pastels. it may feel soft, small, sharp, violent, or anything else reminiscent of these things. it may be both a catgender and a cutegender.
☆ Knifeloveic: A gender related to love and knives!
This could include:
-knives with or in love(core) aesthetics
-giving a knife to someone you love
-love for knives (including objectum feelings)
-love that feels cutting, stabbing, sharp, or otherwise comparable to knives
However, it could involve anything.
☆ Lavenicute: a gender related to/represented by being cute and a lavenian (a GNC gay man). it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be. the cuteness may be part of the gender non-conformity itself.
☆ Lavrosmokic: a gender related to/represented by lavender, rose, mint, and smoke. it may be fragrant, thick, smokey, refreshing, calming, floral, or any other adjectives one may associate with those things. if the smoke is coming from the consumption of a psychoactive substance, this may be a druggender.
☆ Leatherkinkic: a xenogender related to leather and kink. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. leather kink, items made of leather being used in kink), or they can be more separate.
☆ Lepidan: A term for gay androgynes, like how lesbian is a term for gay women. It is named after the lepidolite gemstone, which is purple in color (a mix of pink and blue, traditionally feminine and masculine colors).
It could be considered the clematian (androgyne-loving-androgyne) version of cenelian (gay non-binary).
☆ Lesbiloveic: a gender related to love and being a lesbian. it may feel rosy, comforting, safe, exciting, or any other words one may associate with love. it may be feminine/female in nature due to its connection to being lesbian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by lesbian concepts of femininity and gender, as well as concepts of (queer) femininity performed in relationships, or (queer) feminine expressions of love. the love involved in this gender can be of any variety, which naturally includes love felt as part of lesbian attraction.
☆ Lesbiplantic: A gender related to plants and being a lesbian! It may feel alive, growing, healthy, natural, earthy, or any other things one may associate with plants.
It may be informed by lesbian concepts of femininity and gender, or feminine/female-aligned, but it doesn't have to be.
☆ Lightrixitrum: a gender similar to or represented by a lighter and the flicking on and off of fire. when this gender's "fire" is flicked on, it is feminine, and when flicked off, it is neutral. the flicking can be controlled or spontaneous, and there is always the "smoke" of femininity surrounding it. it smells and feels like fire and righteousness.
☆ Liminalicenelic: a gender relating to liminality and being a cenelian. it may feel in-between, unsettling, ephemeral, or any other words one may associate with liminality. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be. depending on one’s assocations with liminality, it may also be kenic.
☆ Liminalicomfic: a gender related to liminality/liminal spaces and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in liminality, but also themes of liminality involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.), or comforting imagery seen in liminal spaces.depending on one’s associations with liminality, it may be kenic (due to the theme of liminal spaces) or ambiguine (due to the connection to in-between-ness).
☆ Liminalicute: a cutegender that has to do with liminality/liminal spaces! this gender relates to/is represented by cute imagery in liminal spaces, cuteness expressed in a way that is somehow liminal, and/or cute beings from liminal spaces. depending on one's associations with liminal spaces, this gender may be kenochoric.
☆ Liminalilesbic: a gender relating to liminality and being a lesbian. it may feel in-between, unsettling, ephemeral, or any other words one may associate with liminality. it may be feminine/female in nature due to its connection to being lesbian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by lesbian concepts of femininity and gender. depending on one’s associations with liminality, it may also be kenic.
☆ Liminalistellic: a gender relating to liminality and being a stellian (mspec gay). it may feel in-between, unsettling, ephemeral, or any other words one may associate with liminality. it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be. depending on one’s assocations with liminality, it may also be kenic.
☆ Liminaliveldic: a gender relating to liminality and being a veldian. it may feel in-between, unsettling, ephemeral, or any other words one may associate with liminality. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender. depending on one’s assocations with liminality, it may also be kenic.
☆ Liotric: A term for macarshric individuals attracted to other macarshric individuals, exclusively or not.
This term is dervied from the heliotrope gemstone, also known as bloodstone, its name being used due to blood's relevance to macarshric themes.
☆ Lostdreamic: an obscurian and soporine gender related to/represented by dreams that one has trouble remembering immediately upon waking up and only has more trouble remembering afterwards. it may feel hazy, distant, fragmented, abstract, unknown, or any words one may associate with this experience. its obscurian nature emphasizes the part of the experience that involves the inability to know what one dreamt.
☆ Loveagender: an agender-in-nature lovegender in which love and genderlessness are linked. some examples of what this may look like:
-relating to expressions/acts of love that society does not strongly gender
-expressing not-societally-gendered traits as part of expressing love
-feeling like one experiences love in a way that is completely separate from gender
-feeling like one experiences genderlessness in a way that is informed by/intertwined with/connected to/represented by love.
this can refer to love of any kind.
☆ Loveandrogynous: an androgynous lovegender in which love and androgyny are linked. some examples of what this may look like:
-relating to expressions/acts of love, some of which are seen as masculine and some as feminine
-expressing traits society genders as masculine as well as feminine as part of expressing love
-feeling like one experiences love in an androgynous way
-feeling like one experiences androgyny in a way that is informed by/intertwined with/connected to/represented by love.
this can refer to love of any kind.
☆ Lovecherraotor: a neutral- and masculine-in-nature xenogender gender that is connected to/represented by chaos, cherries, and love. it may feel disruptive, tumultuous, tart, bright, comforting, and happy, or any other adjectives that may be associated with these things.
☆ Lovecherraotrix: a neutral- and feminine-in-nature xenogender gender that is connected to/represented by chaos, cherries, and love. it may feel disruptive, tumultuous, tart, bright, comforting, and happy, or any other adjectives that may be associated with these things.
☆ Lovecherraotrum: a neutral-in-nature xenogender that is connected to/represented by chaos, cherries, and love. it may feel disruptive, tumultuous, tart, bright, comforting, and happy, or any other adjectives that may be associated with these things.
☆ Lovedoggetor: a masculine- and agender-in-nature gender related to dogs and love. it may feel loyal, strong, safe, comforting, or any word with which one would associate dogs and love!
☆ Lovefeminine: a feminine lovegender in which love and femininity are linked. some examples of what this may look like:
-relating to expressions/acts of love commonly seen as feminine
-expressing feminine traits as part of expressing love
-feeling like one experiences love in a feminine way
-feeling like one experiences femininity in a way that is informed by/intertwined with/connected to/represented by love.
this can refer to love of any kind.
☆ Lovelux(ine): a luxine lovegender! this gender may relate to, be expressed by, or be represented by love that is:
-vast, pure, joyful, and/or innocent
-for, from, or between angels/divine beings
-seen by its experiencer as holy, or that love itself is holy
-related to love deities
-for life or humanity itself
-difficult to put into words
☆ Lovemasculine: a masculine lovegender in which love and masculinity are linked. some examples of what this may look like:
-relating to expressions/acts of love commonly seen as masculine
-expressing masculine traits as part of expressing love
-feeling like one experiences love in a masculine way
-feeling like one experiences masculinity in a way that is informed by/intertwined with/connected to/represented by love.
this can refer to love of any kind.
☆ Loveneutral: a neutral lovegender in which love and gender neutrality are linked. some examples of what this may look like:
-relating to expressions/acts of love that society does not strongly gender
-expressing not-societally-gendered traits as part of expressing love
-feeling like one experiences love in a gender neutral way
-feeling like one experiences gender neutrality in a way that is informed by/intertwined with/connected to/represented by love.
this can refer to love of any kind.
☆ Lovexenic: a xenic lovegender in which love and xeninity/xenogender-ness are linked. some examples of what this may look like:
-relating to expressions/acts of love that society does not strongly gender and/or that one relates to one’s xenic gender
-expressing traits associated with one’s xenic gender as part of expressing love
-feeling like one experiences love in a xenic way
-feeling like one experiences xeninity in a way that is informed by/intertwined with/connected to/represented by love.
this can refer to love of any kind.
☆ Lustgender: a gender related/connected to lust
☆ Luxandrogynous: an androgynous luxine gender. this gender may involve simultaneous or bigender androgyny and luxinity, a demigender/ambiguine gender that combines androgyne with luxine, luxinity felt in an androgynous way, or androgyny felt in a luxine way.
☆ Luxfeminine: a feminine luxine gender. this gender may involve simultaneous or bigender femininty and luxinity, a demigender/ambiguine gender that combines female with luxine, luxinity felt in a feminine way, or femininity felt in a luxine way.
☆ Luxicatboy/luxicatmasc(uline): a masculine luxine xenogender related to being both luxine and a cat(boy). it may feel like or be represented by a holy/angelic/divine cat, the joy of life as expressed through cats as living things, a cat made of light, or any other combination of cats with luxine themes. it may be associated with independence, toughness, silliness, or other traits that may be associated with both masculinity and cats.
☆ Luxicatgirl/luxicatfem(inine): a feminine luxine xenogender related to being both luxine and a cat(girl). it may feel like or be represented by a holy/angelic/divine cat, the joy of life as expressed through cats as living things, a cat made of light, or any other combination of cats with luxine themes. it may be associated with softness, cuteness, smallness or other traits that may be associated with both femininity and cats.
☆ Luxicenelic: a gender relating to being luxine and a cenelian. it may feel vast, divine, bright, awe-inspiring, angelic, or any other adjectives associated with luxine genders. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.
☆ Luxicute: a luxine cutegender that has to do with cuteness juxtaposed with and/or found in innocence, holiness, divinity, joy, wonder, etc. this may involve: -emotions like joy and wonder in reaction to something cute -the intersection of cuteness and innocence -cute divine/radiant imagery
☆ Luxidogboy/luxidogmasc(uline): a masculine luxine xenogender related to being both luxine and a dog(boy). it may feel like or be represented by a holy/angelic/divine dog, the joy of life as expressed through dogs as living things, a dog made of light, or any other combination of dogs with luxine themes. it may be associated with independence, strength, protectiveness, or any other traits that may be associated with both masculinity and dogs.
☆ Luxidoggirl/luxidogfem(inine): a feminine luxine xenogender related to being both luxine and a dog(girl). it may feel like or be represented by a holy/angelic/divine dog, the joy of life as expressed through dogs as living things, a dog made of light, or any other combination of dogs with luxine themes. it may be associated with cuteness, friendliness, softness, or any other traits that may be associated with both femininty and dogs.
☆ Luxikinkic: a luxine gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink. ways this can manifest include: feeling a luxine gendered connection to something for which you have a kink, feeling more luxine while doing kink, viewing certain parts of your role in kink as luxine and viewing those as part of your gender, being non-human in a way that feels luxine while also having a connection to kink
☆ Luxilesbic: a gender relating to being luxine and a lesbian. it may feel vast, divine, bright, awe-inspiring, angelic, or any other adjectives associated with luxine genders. it may be feminine/female in nature due to its connection to being lesbian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by lesbian concepts of femininity and gender.
☆ Luxiplantic: A luxine gender related to plants
This could involve:
-plants seen as holy or divine
-plants in well-lit, vast, or holy settings
-divine beings with a connection to plants
-learning about or feeling wonder over plants
However, this could involve anything.
☆ Luxiprophetic: a luxine gender related to prophecy and/or being a prophet. the themes of prophecy could be viewed as inherently luxine, or they could be accompanied by other luxine themes, such as prophecy that is awe-inspiring, joyful, hard to put into words, etc. the prophecy could also be given by divine/holy beings, or beings of light. depending on one's associations with prophecy, this gender may also be spiritine.
☆ Luxistellic: a gender relating to being luxine and a stellian (mspec gay). it may feel vast, divine, bright, awe-inspiring, angelic, or any other adjectives associated with luxine genders. it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.
☆ Luxiveldic: a gender relating to being luxine and a veldian. it may feel vast, divine, bright, awe-inspiring, angelic, or any other adjectives associated with luxine genders. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender. if the luxinity of this gender involves themes of light, these may be considered masculine as well.
☆ Luxmasculine: a masculine luxine gender. this gender may involve simultaneous or bigender masculinity and luxinity, a demigender/ambiguine gender that combines male with luxine, luxinity felt in a masculine way, or masculinity felt in a luxine way.
☆ Luxneutral: a neutral luxine gender. this gender may involve simultaneous or bigender neutrality and luxinity, a demigender/ambiguine gender that combines neutrois with luxine, luxinity felt in a gender neutral way, or gender neutrality felt in a luxine way.