IxC999’s MOGAI coining, M-Z


These are the genders/MOGAI terms we have coined that can be used by singlets as well as systems, alphabetically M through Z.

For genders A through L, check here. For our system-specific genders, check here.

While we only coin terms for ourselves and our friends/mutuals, anyone can use these and interact with the posts, regardless of whether we would want them following us on Tumblr.

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Macarshricenelic: a gender relating to being macashric and a cenelian.
it may feel horrific, violent, unsettling, gory, inevitable, or any other adjectives associated with macarshric genders.
it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.

Macarshricute: a macarshric cutegender that has to do with cuteness juxtaposed with and/or found in death, violence, horror, fear, etc.
this may involve:
-cute animals or imagery in disturbing settings
-horror depicted with a cute style or tone
-something being simultaneously unsettling and cute
however, it can involve anything.

Macarshrikinkic: a macarshric gender experienced in relation to, best represented by, and/or experienced during activities for kink.
ways this can manifest include:
-feeling a macarshric gendered connection to something for which you have a kink
-feeling more macarshric while doing kink
-viewing certain parts of your role in kink as macarshric and viewing those as part of your gender
-having kinks that involve violence, horror, fear, or discomfort

Macarshrilesbic: a gender relating to being kenochoric and a lesbian.
it may feel horrific, violent, unsettling, gory, inevitable, or any other adjectives associated with macarshric genders.
it may be feminine/female in nature due to its connection to being lesbian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by lesbian concepts of femininity and gender. however, it can involve anything.

Macarshriplantic: A macarshric gender related to plants!
This could involve:
-horror or gore featuring plants
-dead or dying plants
-plants lending to unsettling atmospheres
However, this could involve anything.

Macarshristellic: a gender relating to being macashric and a stellian.
it may feel horrific, violent, unsettling, gory, inevitable, or any other adjectives associated with macarshric genders.
it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.

Macarshriveldic: a gender relating to being macashric and a veldian.
it may feel horrific, violent, unsettling, gory, inevitable, or any other adjectives associated with macarshric genders.
it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian or informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender, but it doesn’t have to be.

Machinegirlic: A musicagender related to or represented by the music of Machine Girl. It may feel loud, chaotic, angry, energetic, forceful, technological, or any words with which one would associate this music.
Despite the name, it does not inherently have any connection to being a girl and does not have any alignment unless the user feels like it does for them individually.

Magicatboy: a masculine-in-nature gender related to/represented by being a catboy and a magical boy! this gender may feel sparkly, soft, cute, magical, powerful, playful, or any adjectives one would associate with both cats and magical boys!

Magicatgirl: a feminine-in-nature gender related to/represented by being a catgirl and a magical girl! this gender may feel sparkly, soft, cute, magical, powerful, playful, or any adjectives one would associate with both cats and magical girls!

Magicathero: a neutral-in-nature xenogender related to/represented by being a catgirl and a magical hero (gender neutral equivalent of "magical girl")! this gender may feel sparkly, soft, cute, magical, powerful, playful, or any adjectives one would associate with both cats and magical heroes!

Magicenelic: a gender related to magic and being a cenelian. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.

Magilavenic: a gender related to magic and being a lavenian (GNC gay man). it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be.

Magistellic: a gender related to magic and being a stellian (mspec gay). it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.

Magiveldic: a gender related to magic and being a veldian. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be.

Malitic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for androgynes who are attracted to agender people. That is, androgyne-loving-agender.
It is named after the tourmaline gemstone, which can be black (one of the colors of the agender flag).

Mashfluff: a gender that is fluffy in the way that mashed potatoes are fluffy

Maverastric: A maverine gender whose autonomous nature and strongly gendered component are connected to and/or represented by outer space.

Maverigoth: A maverine gender whose autonomous nature and strongly gendered component are connected to and/or represented by goth. This can be goth music, fashion, culture, etc. and any style of goth.

Meatkinkic: a xenogender related to kink and meat. this can involve a combination of these two things (e.g. food kink involving meat) but they can be separate.

Meatloveic: a gender related to/represented by meat(core) and love(core)! it may feel raw, bloody, and visceral, as well as happy, comforting, and bright, or any other adjectives with which the user would associate meat and love.

Melanospectrinyx: a nyxivull (and by extension kenic) gender relating to black holes and ghosts. it may feel empty, haunted, astronomical, heavy, or any adjectives with which one would associate those things. ways this may manifest include the following: -black holes as the ghosts of stars -feeling like a ghost that haunts a black hole -feeling emptiness in ways reminiscent of both ghosts and black holes. it may be agender-in-nature either in the same way that ghosts are genderless and/or in a way associated with emptiness.

Meraldic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for women who are attracted to agender people. That is, woman-loving-agender.
It is named after the emerald gemstone, which is green (one of the colors of the agender flag).

Mnemonilossic: an obscurian gender related to/represented by lost memories. this may feel empty, confusing, absent, hazy, frightening, or any words one may associate with those things. if the memories are lost due to a psychological condition, it may be a neurogender, but it can relate to memories lost for any reason.

Moatzic: A term for musicgender individuals who love other musicgender individuals, exclusively or not.
If experienced as a xenogender, this may be a specific form of xyric (xenogender-loving-xenogender).
The term is named after Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (with the spelling altered to make it more intuitive to pronounce).

Moldavic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for lumenoir people who are attracted to agender people. That is, lumenoir-loving-agender.
It is named after the moldavite gemstone, which is green (one of the colors of the agender flag).

Mortilux: a luxine gender relating to death as a holy concept. ways this may manifest include the following:
-worshiping a death-related deity
-death as vastness (due to its permanence)
-associating death with the afterlife (and luxine themes that may apply to it)

Musibastardveldic: a gender related to music, bastardcore, anger, and being a veldian/gay man. it may feel chaotic, emotional, angry, jarring, or anything else with which one may associate these things. it may be masculine/male in nature as well as informed by veldian/gay male concepts of gender, but it doesn't have to be.

Musijoyic: a gender that is energetic, loud, playful, and bigger than oneself. it is connected to concerts as well as the passion of community. because this gender is inspired by Hatsune Miku, it could be considered a fictigender.

Musikinkic: a xenogender related to kink and music. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. involving music in kink, songs about kink), or they can be more separate.

Musilacekinkic: a xenogender related to kink, lace, and alternative music. this could involve all of these things at once, but it doesn't have to. it may feel confident, loud, graceful, and sensual.

Musileatherkinkic: a xenogender related to kink, leather, and alternative music. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. having a kink for the other aspects of the gender, or leather as emblematic of both kink and alternative music), or they can be more separate. the description of "alternative music" is inclusive of a wide variety of genres.

Musiplantic: A gender related to plants and music!
This could involve:
-music about or for plants
-music made from the biofeedback from plants
-musicians using plant aesthetics
-loving both music and plants
However, this could involve anything.

Mycocarshric: A macarshric gender relating to fungi.
This could involve:
-fungi appearing in or as a source of horror
-fungi as decomposers (i.e. associated with death)
-unsettling or violent settings featuring fungi
However, it could involve anything.

Mycokenic: A kenochoric gender relating to fungi.
This could involve:
-fungi in liminal, dark, or uncanny settings
-relating to fungi instead of humanity
-fungi growing in darkness
However, it could involve anything.

Mycolumic: a gender relating to or represented by bioluminescent mushrooms. it may feel glowy, small, alive, natural, or any other words one may associate with them.

Mycoluxine: A luxine gender relating to fungi.
This could involve:
-fungi in holy, well-lit, or vast settings
-fungi seen as holy or divine
-learning about fungi or experiencing awe or wonder over them
However, it could involve anything.

Mycospiritine: A spiritine gender relating to fungi.
This could involve:
-fungi seen as holy, divine, or spiritual
-giving fungi as an offering to a spiritual entity
-relating to spiritual items decorated with fungi themes
However, it could involve anything.

Neucherricosmibowic: a neutral-in-nature gender relating to outer space, cherries, tea, and rainbows. it may feel bright, warm, tart, empty, vast, starry, colorful, flavorful, or anything else with which one would associate these things.

Nightbraindark: a gender related to/described by being outside at night in an altered state of consciousness. it may feel hazy, liminal, disconnected, dangerous, dark, and/or cold, or any other adjectives with which one would associate that experience. if the altered state of consciousness is substance-induced, it may be a druggender. depending on one's associations with the night, it may be kenic as well.

Nostalgistoric: a gender related to/represented by the ruins of historic buildings and monuments. it feels wistful, bittersweet, ambivalent, and nostalgic, specifically for something you have never personally experienced and/or that does not exist.

Nyxloveic: a nyxivull (and kenic) lovegender - that is, a gender that has to do with love as well as emptiness/vastness/nothingness/other nyxivull themes. this may involve:
-love for black holes, the void, and other nyxivull themes
-love that feels empty, voidlike, or vast
-love that feels unemotional
-love that feels not like human love but rather love from a black hole, void entity, etc.
-love that feels heavy and crushing like a black hole

Objectumgender: A gender related to being objectum!
This could involve:
-feeling a gendered connection to the objects to which you are attracted
-relating to your love or attraction for objects in a gendered way
-feeling your objectum feelings in an oriented way (e.g. lesbian, bisexual, etc.) and having an orientationgender related to it
However, it could involve anything.

Objectumloveic: A gender related to love and being objectum!
This could involve:
-love for objects
-the love one feels from objects
-being objectum for the concept of love
-things involved in how you show love for objects
However, this could involve anything.

Obsidic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for kenochoric people who are attracted to agender people. That is, kenochoric-loving-agender.
It is named after the obsidian gemstone, which is black (one of the colors of the agender flag).

Outnightic: a gender related to and/or best represented by being outside at night and that can be described as biting, nocturnal, and evil.

Pantherabutchis: a gender that is related to big cats in a specifically butch way (especially where domestic cats are seen as their femme counterparts). this gender may feel simultaneously masculine and feminine but doesn't have to.

Pellic: A term for someone who prefers non-sexual kink acts to sex. This can include asexual-spectrum people who are interested in kink but not sex, but it is also inclusive of allosexuals who prefer non-sexual kink to sex for any reason.
The term is derived from Latin "pellis", which translates both to "skin" (which is touched during many physical acts of kink) and "leather" (an item featured in many kinks and sometimes considered emblematic of kink as a whole).
This can be combined with another orientation (e.g. pellic lesbian, bipellic, etc.), or it can be used as a label on its own if one views one's interest in non-sexual kink as an orientation in and of itself.

Perstolgiakenic: a kenochoric gender related to nostalgia for time periods and/or places that one has actually lived in. this feeling is similar in some ways to nostalgia for things one did not personally experience (such as nostalgia for decades during which one did not live, or evoked by pictures that do not resemble places one has ever actually gone to). however, there are feelings evoked by nostalgia for an era in which one has lived and the types of locations one actually visited in one's past that are not evoked by "nostalgic imagery" unrelated to one's actual past, or by the concept of nostalgia in general. this gender concerns kenochoric themes of nostalgia specifically through this lens. this gender may feel personal, distant, bittersweet, melancholy, happy, innocent, longing, or any other words one may associate with nostalgia.

Petmoldic: a gender related to/represented by pet mold (i.e. mold that is regarded as a pet). it may feel friendly, unsafe, rotting, or any other adjectives one may associate with these things.

Phoebiastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both phoebian and astraean - i.e. masculine-aligned and neutrois-aligned. This could be the same as "masculine-aligned neutrois person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.

Phoebiboötian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both phoebian and boötian - i.e. masculine-aligned and agender-aligned. This could be the same as "masculine-aligned agender person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments. This is different from arcturian (a mix of boötian and solarian) because solarian can refer to both masculine-aligned and male-aligned, while this is intended to refer to masculinity in specific.

Pinkshadowic: a gender related to/represented by hot pink, spiders, blurry feelings, and shadows. it may feel delirious, frightening, crawling, bright, hazy, empty, or disconnected. given that this gender is inspired by the appearance and effects of diphenhydramine, it may be considered a druggender.

Plantloveic: A gender related to love and plants!
This could involve:
-love for or from plants
-giving a plant to someone you love
-plant and lovecore aesthetics combined
However, this could involve anything, including objectum feelings of love.

Platonighostisleepic: an agender-in-nature gender connected to/represented by sleep, ghosts, and platonic love. it may feel deep, haunted, safe, warm, dark, friendly, or any other adjectives with which one would associate those things. it may be kenic depending on one's association with sleep and/or ghosts.

Platonimortus: an amourtus gender related to passionate platonic love, being undead, and death imagery (e.g. cemeteries, coffins, etc.) it may feel exciting, devoted, friendly, cold, morbid, silent, or any words one may associate with these things.

Plushloveic: a xenogender related to love and plushes. this can involve: -love for one's plushes -plushes given to someone one loves -plushes as a symbol/representation of love -plushes with lovecore aesthetics

Poisofloriflux: a fluid/flux gender whose fluidity/fluctuation is connected to/represented by the contrast between a non-poisonous plant and its poisonous counterpart (e.g. oak and poison oak, hemlock tree and poison hemlock, etc.) the non-poison aspect of this gender may feel big, strong, and sturdy and come with a sense of being good for and helping people. the poison aspect may feel small, fragile, and vulnerable and come with a desire not to be touched. if one has a specific plant with which one associates this feeling (e.g. oak, hemlock, etc.), the name of this gender may be used as “[plant]flux” (e.g. oakflux, hemlockflux, etc.) the middle stripe of the flag may also be given a different color that one associates with said plant.

Prennian: A term for gay agender people, like how lesbian is a term for gay women. It is named after the prehnite gemstone, which is light green like the middle stripe of the agender flag.
It could be considered the delphinian (agender-loving-agender) version of cenelian (gay non-binary).

Programiglitch: a gender that is described as/represented by a glitch in the program. it feels chaotic and all over the place, and while it can sometimes be masculine/feminine/etc., it is usually simply a glitch.

Purplegreenwhitetrum: a neutral-in-nature colorgender represented by purple, green, and white color schemes

Queerplatonigender: a lovegender related to queerplatonic love and attraction. it may feel warm, happy, excited, safe, or any feelings with which one would associate queerplatonic love/relationships.

Queerplatonisubstic: a xenogender related to queerplatonic feelings and substances (namely anything that would be considered "drugs"). the themes could be combined (e.g. taking substances with a queerplatonic partner) but do not have to be.

Quoiroloveic: a lovegender related to being quoiromantic and the way one experiences love as a result of being quoiromantic.

Raphinic: A term for luxine individuals who are attracted to other luxine individuals, exclusively or not.
This term is named after seraphinite, a gemstone associated with angels.
While the term "Lux4Lux" exists and has the same meaning, this is a term that does not have the name of the gender actually in it and that follows the conventions of words such as "sapphic" or "achillean".

Ratsomnigothitroin: a troinine-in-nature soporine xenogender related to the void, rats, and gothic aesthetics. this may include the following: -femininity/neutrality felt by way of sleep and/or rats/the void/goth -sleeping rats -dreams about rats, the void, and gothic themes -bedding with the aesthetics to which this gender is related

Ratticomfic: a gender related to rats and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in rats, but also themes of rats involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.)

Redpinkwhiteic: a colorgender based on red, pink, and white color schemes.

Religimycic/spirimycic: a gender related to or represented by a religious/spiritual connection to mushrooms. it involves a detachment from humanity in favor of a connection to fungi. it feels rotting and fruiting. there are two names for it so the user can choose whether "religious" or "spiritual" feels correct for them. it can be spiritine but doesn't have to be.

Rodicomfic: a gender related to rodents and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in rodents, but also themes of rodents involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.)

Rococic: an aesthetigender related to and/or represented by the Rococo aesthetic. it may feel luxurious, ostentatious, flamboyant, and indulgent.

Selenitic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for neutrois/gender neutral people who are attracted to agender people. That is, neutral-loving-agender.
It is named after the selenite gemstone, which is white (one of the colors of the agender flag).

Skeletongender: A gender related to skeletons.
This can include anything but may involve:
-being genderless the way a skeleton is genderless
-using it/its or he/him the way people use those pronouns for skeletons
-a gender related to death and represented by skeletons
-comedic depictions of skeletons

Smokcontentic: a gender related to/represented by smoke, contentment, vanilla, spice, and lavender. it may feel hazy, calm, fragrant, or heavy. if the smoke comes from a psychoactive substance, it may be a druggender, but it doesn't have to be.

Somniloveic: a soporine lovegender related to sleep and dreams. it may be related to or represented by dreams about love, falling asleep next to someone you love, the feeling of knowing you’re safe sleeping in the presence of someone you love. it may feel deep, dark, comforting, warm, or any adjectives with which one would associate sleep and/or love.

Somnospectric: a soporine gender relating to/represented by ghosts. it may specifically feel like a sleeping/sleepy/dreaming ghost, dreams about ghosts, being asleep when a ghost is present, the ghost of a dream, or any ways in which ghosts and sleep/dreams are similar.

Soporicatboy/soporicatmasc(uline): a masculine soporine xenogender related to being both soporine and a cat(boy). it may feel like or be represented by a sleeping/sleepy/dreaming cat, dreams about cats, a dream in which one is a cat, or the feeling of sleeping next to a cat. it may be associated with independence, toughness, silliness, or other traits that may be associated with both masculinity and cats.

Soporicatgirl/soporicatfem(inine): a feminine soporine xenogender related to being both soporine and a cat(girl). it may feel like or be represented by a sleeping/sleepy/dreaming cat, dreams about cats, a dream in which one is a cat, or the feeling of sleeping next to a cat. it may be associated with softness, cuteness, smallness or other traits that may be associated with both femininity and cats.

Soporicenelic: a soporine gender related to sleep and being a cenelian. it may feel heavy, peaceful, dark, or any other words one may associate with sleep. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being cenelian, but it doesn’t have to be.

Soporicute: a soporine cutegender that has to do with being sleepy and cute. it may relate to or feel like
-cute behaviors associated with sleepiness
-having pleasant dreams
-comforting feelings associated with sleep

Soporidogboy/soporidogmasc(uline): a masculine soporine gender related to being both soporine and a dog(boy). it may feel like or be represented by a sleeping/sleepy/dreaming dog, dreams about dogs, a dream in which one is a dog, or the feeling of sleeping next to a dog. it may be associated with independence, strength, protectiveness, or any other traits that may be associated with both masculinity and dogs.

Soporidoggirl/soporidogfem(inine): a feminine soporine gender related to being both soporine and a dog(girl). it may feel like or be represented by a sleeping/sleepy/dreaming dog, dreams about dogs, a dream in which one is a dog, or the feeling of sleeping next to a dog. it may be associated with cuteness, friendliness, softness, or any other traits that may be associated with both femininity and dogs.

Soporidreamless: a soporine gender relating to/represented by dreamless sleep. it may feel lost, dark, heavy, empty, or any adjectives one may associate with these things. depending on the way one views one’s gender in relation to dreamless sleep, it may be agender-in-nature.

Soporilesbic: a soporine gender related to sleep and being a lesbian. it may feel heavy, peaceful, dark, or any other words one may associate with sleep. it may be feminine/female in nature due to its connection to being lesbian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by lesbian concepts of femininity and gender.

Soporiplantic: A soporine gender related to plants!
This could involve:
-dreams about plants
-sleeping with plants around you
-plant aesthetics in bedding/other sleep items
However, this could involve anything.

Soporistellic: a soporine gender related to sleep and being a stellian (mspec gay). it may feel heavy, peaceful, dark, or any other words one may associate with sleep. it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.

Soporitweenic: a soporine gender that feels like it is halfway between wakefulness and sleep. it may be ambiguine and/or a demigender.

Soporiveldic: a soporine gender related to sleep and being a veldian. it may feel heavy, peaceful, dark, or any other words one may associate with sleep. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender.

Spaceagendervoid: an agender-in-nature spacegender in which genderlessness is experienced as a void, specifically the void of space. this could be considered a more specific form of gendervoid.

Spaceman: when the word “spaceman” also describes your gender. being a spaceman could involve feelings of being a man from space (which may or may not involve being an alien), a man made of space matter, a man associated with or defined by space, etc.

Spaceperson: a gender-neutral equivalent of “spaceman”. being a spaceperson could involve feelings of being a person from space (which may or may not involve being an alien), a person made of space matter, a person associated with or defined by space, etc.

Spacewavebastardic: an agender-in-nature xenogender related to outer space, bastardcore, and new wave. it may feel cold, starry, chaotic, offputting, musical, or anything else related to these things.

Spacewoman: a feminine equivalent of “spaceman”. being a spacewoman could involve feelings of being a woman from space (which may or may not involve being an alien), a woman made of space matter, a woman associated with or defined by space, etc.

Spectregoatic: a xenogender gender related to/represented by ghosts, goats, and ghost goats. it may feel hazy, empty, haunted, rebellious, adventurous, loud, or any adjectives with which one would associate ghosts and/or goats.

Spectreloveic: a gender related to love and ghosts. it may feel floaty, haunted, and dark while also being warm, loved/loving, and bright. it does not have an alignment but could be considered agender in the same way that ghosts are genderless. the feelings of love associated with it can be of any variety. depending on one's association with ghosts, this gender could also be kenochoric due to its connection to them.

Spaciahelian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both spacialian and helian - i.e. both xenic/xenogender-aligned and man-aligned. This could mean "xenic-aligned man", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments. This is separate from pistolian (spacialian and solarian) because solarian can mean masculine or male-aligned, and this gender specifies male-aligned.

Spacialastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both spacialian and astraean - i.e. both xenic/xenogender-aligned and neutral/neutrois-aligned. This could mean "xenic-aligned neutrois person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.

Spaciaselenian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both spacialian and selenian - i.e. both xenic/xenogender-aligned and woman-aligned. This could mean "xenic-aligned woman", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments. This is separate from cometian (spacialian and lunarian) because lunarian can mean feminine or female-aligned, and this gender specifies female-aligned.

Spectricandloveic: a xenogender related to ghosts, candles, warmth, darkness, and love. it may feel empty, haunted, safe, nocturnal, bright, or any adjectives with which one may associate these things.

Spectricenelic: a gender related to ghosts and being a cenelian. it may be neutral, androgynous, and/or genderqueer in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may also be agender in nature due to how ghosts lack a body and thus potentially a gender. it may feel hollow, haunted, undead, or any other adjectives one would associate with ghosts.

Spectrifelicute: a xenogender connected to/represented by cats, love, cuteness, and ghosts. this gender may feel soft, cute, happy, playful, warm, empty, haunted, or any other adjectives one would use to describe those things.

Spectristellic: a gender related to ghosts and being a stellian (mspec gay). it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be. it may also be agender in nature due to how ghosts lack a body and thus potentially a gender. it may feel hollow, haunted, undead, or any other adjectives one would associate with ghosts.

Spectriveldic: a gender related to ghosts and being a veldian. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may also be agender in nature due to how ghosts lack a body and thus potentially a gender. it may feel hollow, haunted, undead, or any other adjectives one would associate with ghosts. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender.

Spiritnightic: a masculine- and neutral-in-nature gender that feels theatrical, strong, overwhelming, dark, nocturnal, and musical. it may be expressed through gothic aesthetics and feel like a performance. it is inspired by the song "Spirit" by Bauhaus, so it may be considered a musicgender.

Starfusic: a spacegender related to/represented by the nuclear fusion that happens inside of stars. it feels as though it is burning itself up and/or turning into something else and may someday explode brilliantly.

Stellicomfic: a gender related to being a stellian (mspec gay) and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in being a stellian, but also stellian themes involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.) it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.

Stellicute: a gender related to/represented by being cute and a cenelian. it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.

Stelliloveic: a gender related to love and being a stellian (mspec gay). it may feel rosy, comforting, safe, exciting, or any other words one may associate with love. it may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be. the love involved in this gender can be of any variety, which naturally includes love felt as part of stellian attraction.

Stelliplantic: A gender related to plants and being a stellian (mspec gay)! It may feel alive, growing, healthy, natural, earthy, or any other things one may associate with plants.
It may be aligned to or informed by the genders to which one is attracted as a stellian, but it doesn't have to be.

Strawlovecatrix: a feminine- and agender-in-nature xenogender that is best described by strawberries, lovecore, pink, and cats!

Submissifeminine: A kinkgender that has to do with submission and femininity. This could include:
-expressing submission in a feminine way
-experiencing submission as feminine
-including other things you find feminine with how you perform submission
-having feminine (xeno)genders associated with the subjects of the kinks in which you are submissive
However, it can involve anything.

Submissimasculine: A kinkgender that has to do with submission and masculinity. This could include:
-expressing submission in a masculine way
-experiencing submission as masculine
-including other things you find masculine with how you perform submission
-having masculine (xeno)genders associated with the subjects of the kinks in which you are submissive
However, it can involve anything.

Substakinkic: a xenogender related to kink and substances. these things can be combined with each other (e.g. intox kink), or they can be more separate.

Substancegender: A gender related to substances - mostly intended to refer to things that would be considered "drugs", but inclusive of any kind of substance.
This could include:
-feeling gender differently under the influence of substances
-comparing your gender to how the substance feels or works
-having a gender related to the substance itself, or to things relating to it
However, it could involve anything.
This differs from "drogegender" in that this gender, while probably usually referring to drugs, is also inclusive of substances that are not considered "drugs", either in general or by the user.
For example, someone could experience a substancegender related to their anti-depressants, or someone could experience a substancegender related to substances that some take recreationally but that they are taking medically (and thus wouldn't feel represented by "drogegender").
This is could be an identity on its own, but it could also be an umbrella label for any genders that relate to substances.

Substagenderfluid: A gender in which one is typically agender but one's gender changes according to what substance one is using. For example, one could feel masculine while under the influence of alcohol, kenochoric while under the influence of clonazepam, etc.
This can be combined with other genders in a multigender experience, so agender doesn't have to be one's ONLY identity when not under the influence, just that this gender is experienced as an agender experience affected by substances.

Succuloveic: A gender related to succubi and love! It may feel rosy, comforting, safe, exciting, or any other words one may associate with love.
It may be feminine/female in nature and/or related to being a sub/bottom in a kink/sexual sense due to its connection to concubi, but it doesn't have to. It may additionally be related to feelings of lust, desire, attraction, or any other feelings commonly felt by concubi.

Succuplantic: A gender related to plants and being a succubus!
It may feel alive, growing, healthy, natural, earthy, or any other things one may associate with plants. It may also be accompanied by a sense of lust, attraction, desire, or other feelings often felt by succubi.
Due to its connection to succubi, it could be feminine/female-aligned and/or associated with subbing/bottoming in a sexual/kink sense, but it doesn't have to.

Surrealhumoric: a xenogender related to surreal humor. this can be humor delivered in any form - comedy media, memes, jokes, etc. and the gender may feel strange, silly, confusing, uncanny, or any other qualities of surreal humor. what qualifies something as either surreal or humorous is up to the person using this term.

Sweetnsillygender: a gender that is both sweet and silly. it is additionally loving, caring, clowny, nostalgic, and honking. it is like a funnel cake at a carnival and smells like cotton candy and caramel apples.

Swxtchgender: an agender-in-nature gender related to being a switch in kink. This gender can be felt during kink activities and/or as a result of/with regards to a role one takes in kink. While agender is part of swxtchgender, the gender experienced during one's role in kink does not have to be agender. For example, one could typically feel agender but feel a feminine gender while engaging in kink activities and thus call themself swxtchgender/swxtchfem(inine). In addition, one can feel a different gender while Domming than while subbing.

Sxbgender: an agender-in-nature gender related to being a sub in kink. This gender can be felt during kink activities and/or as a result of/with regards to a role one takes in kink. The gender experienced during one's role in kink does not have to be agender. For example, one could typically feel agender but feel masculinity while subbing and could therefore call themselves sxbgender, or sxbmasc(uline).

Tagetic: A term for lumenoir individuals who love other lumenoir individuals, exclusively or not.
The term is derived from "tagetes", the genus of flowers to which marigolds belong, so chosen because of the relevance of golden colors to lumenoir themes.

Tangletoyic: a gender related to/represented by tangle toys. it may feel like it has the same shape as a tangle toy, that it moves in a way that feels like playing with one, or that it has the same texture as one. this gender does not have to be a neurogender, but it can be.

Tealoveic: a lovegender that is connected to/represented by tea! things it may be related to include the following: -consuming or making tea with/for someone as an act of love -love(core)-related imagery including tea (e.g. hearts on teapots) -love that feels energetic, calm, or other ways tea makes one feel. the kind of love this gender relates to may be of any kind - romantic, platonic, familial, for fictional characters, etc.

Thoclaesic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for men who are attracted to agender people. That is, man-loving-agender.
It is named after the orthoclase gemstone, which can be gray (one of the colors of the agender flag).

Timelordic: A gender related to, represented by, or associated with the Time Lords from Doctor Who.
It may be connected to space, time, and changes, and it may feel ancient, powerful, and knowledeable. It may alternatively or additionally feel free, adventurous, and whimsical. It may change over time or otherwise feel like it regenerates.

Traditemporic: a masculine xenogender with androgynous qualities that is connected to/represented by music, fusing the traditional with the contemporary, and a purple/light blue/white color scheme. it may feel powerful yet demure, graceful, romantic, and abstruse. as this gender is inspired by Gackpo (Vocaloid), it may be considered a fictigender.

Traumatix: A label for genders that are caused by, related to, and/or affected by trauma.
It can include a gender that:
-you have because of trauma
-trauma made you experience differently
-relates to something involved in your trauma
-relates to how you cope with trauma
-involves or is affected by symptoms associated with trauma
However, it can involve anything as long as it has to do with trauma.
It can be used as a label on its own, or it can be used as a prefix or suffix when coining genders to indicate that that gender has something to do with trauma. For example, "dogtraumix" could be a gender related to both dogs and trauma (whether that be trauma from dogs, trauma you have dog-related coping mechanisms for, feeling a doglike gender because of trauma, etc.)
By definition, it can only be used by people who have experienced trauma, and some people may personally consider it a neurogender, but it isn't otherwise exclusive to anybody.

Troilesbic: a gender related to being a troinine lesbian - that is, a lesbian with a gender that is a combination of feminine and neutral.

Truebeautific: a luxine gender that can be described as true and beautiful. luxine traits that could be associated with these adjectives include learning, a sense of awe, light, and joy, and may thus be part of this gender.

Tulikidic: a gender related to/represented by tulips, kidcore, and childhood nostalgia. it feels nostalgic, youthful, creative, familial, safe, and childish.

Unsettifriendic: a gender that is unsettling and unnerving but friendly and ultimately harmless.

Vaporliminalic: a kenochoric gender best represented by the eerie, liminal feeling present in vaporwave music. it may feel nostalgic but uncanny. it may be a musicgender and/or an aesthetigender too.

Veldicomfic: a gender related to being a veldian and comfort. this may involve finding comfort in being a veldian/veldian culture/etc., but also themes of veldian culture/history/imagery/etc. involved in other things that one finds comforting (e.g. media, soft items, lights, etc.) it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be.

Veldicute: a gender related to/represented by being cute and a veldian. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, as well as informed by veldian/gay male ideas of masculinity/gender, but it doesn’t have to be.

Veldiloveic: a gender related to love and being a veldian. it may feel rosy, comforting, safe, exciting, or any other words one may associate with love. it may be masculine/male in nature due to its connection to being veldian, but it doesn’t have to be. it may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender, as well as concepts of (queer) masculinity performed in relationships, or (queer) masculine expressions of love. the love involved in this gender can be of any variety, which naturally includes love felt as part of veldian attraction.

Veldiplantic: A gender related to plants and being a veldian! It may feel alive, growing, healthy, natural, earthy, or any other things one may associate with plants.
It may be informed by veldian/gay male concepts of masculinity and gender, or masculine/male-aligned, but it doesn't have to be.

Venturic: A juvelic (gender-loving-gender) term for non-binary/genderqueer people who are attracted to agender people. That is, nonbinary-loving-agender.
It is named after the aventurine gemstone, which can be green (one of the colors of the agender flag).

Violintrusic: a gender related to violence and intrusive thoughts.

Viollitmeatic: an agender-in-nature xenogender relating to meat, altered states of consciousness, smoke, books, and violence. it may feel raw, fleshy, hazy, distorted, strong-smelling, literary, bloody, painful, or any other adjectives one may associate with these things. its relationship to violence does not have to be expressed as violent actions taken in reality (alternatives including fictional violence or violent feelings that do not lead to actions). if the altered state of consciousness and/or smoke have anything to do with psychoactive substances, this may be a druggender. if the altered state of consciousness comes from dissociation, this may be a neurogender.

Voidcatgender: a gender related to/represented by the void, cats, and/or void cats. it may feel vast, dark, soft, and/or any other words one would use for the void and cats. due to the fact that the void is connected to emptiness, it may be agender-in-nature.

Voidfriend(ic): a word similar to boyfriend or girlfriend, for those whose genders involve the void in some way! this may include anyone who feels that their gender is connected to the concept of void, as well as gendervoid people or anyone who otherwise lacks a gender. this can be used as a term for a partner as well as a gender. as a gender, it may be connected to love, the void, and the feelings and behaviors associated with being in a relationship "voidfriend" can be a term for a partner as well as the name of the associated gender, but the word "voidfriendic" can be used to denote the gender specifically. while this word is modeled after a term for a romantic partner, anyone can use this word for their relationship/gender if that is how they choose to label it.

Voidghostic: a kenochoric gender relating to ghosts and the void. it may involve or be represented by emptiness, liminality, and simultaneous nothingness-and-everythingness. it may be agender-in-nature in the way that ghosts do not have a gender.

Voidpupkenic: a kenic xenogender gender related to/best described by the void, dogs, and/or void dogs. it may feel vast, dark, protective, loyal, and/or any other words one would use for the void and dogs. due to the fact that the void is connected to emptiness, it may be agender-in-nature.

Voidpupkenolux: a xenogender that is both kenic and luxine and that is related to/best described by the void, dogs, and/or void dogs. it may feel dark, protective, loyal, and/or any other words one would use for the void and dogs. it may also feel vast, holy, unknowable, secret, angelic, eldritch, and/or other qualities associated with both kenochoric and luxine genders. due to the fact that the void is connected to emptiness, it may be agender-in-nature.

Voidriastraean: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both voidrian and astraean - i.e. both kenic/kenochoric-aligned and neutral/neutrois-aligned. This could mean "kenochoric-aligned neutrois person", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.

Voidrihelian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both voidrian and helian - i.e. both kenic/kenochoric-aligned and man-aligned. This could mean "kenochoric-aligned man", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.

Voidriselenian: Somebody who is, in terms of the Galactian Alignment System, both voidrian and selenian - i.e. both kenic/kenochoric-aligned and woman-aligned. This could mean "kenochoric-aligned woman", but it can be any gender that one sees as having those alignments.

Voidtentaclic: a gender related to the void and tentacles. it may feel vast, eldritch, empty, non-human, and anything else one would associate with these things. depending on one's association with the void, it may be kenochoric and/or agender/gendervoid, but it doesn't have to be.

Voidthingvull: a nyxivull (and kenic) gender related to being a voidthing - a thing connected to or made of the void, having an affinity for the void while being a thing, feeling like a thing due to emptiness associated with the void, or any possible combination of these things. due to being nyxivull, it is accompanied by feelings of emptiness, nothingness, finality, and/or nonexistence.

Voidwizardic: when your gender is related to, represented by, and/or best described as “void wizard”! The connection to void wizards can be merely aesthetic or it can be deeper (e.g. being someone who incorporates the void into magic).

Voidwritdeathic: a kenochoric and gendervoid gender related to writing, death and being undead, the void and entities that come from it, and goth and industrial music. this gender may feel empty, eerie, strange, final, eldritch, dark, musical, or anything else one may associate with these things

Vulpicute: a cutegender that has to do with foxes! this gender relates to/is represented by cute foxes, but also cuteness expressed in a foxlike way, as well as cute imagery surrounding foxes.

Vulpicuteloveic: a xenogender related to foxes, cuteness, and love!

Wastewarnic: a gender related to and/or represented by proposed long-term nuclear waste disposal warning architecture. this gender may feel hostile, jagged, sharp, ominous, dark, and/or radioactive.

Weirdbeing: when your gender is best described as “a weird being” - i.e. a being who is weird, inhabits a weird world, represents or is made of weirdness, etc. it may feel strange, unsettling, bizarre, inhuman, mysterious, or any adjectives one would associate with a weird being. this gender may be viewed as part of the genderabeing system.

Weddimortus: an amourtus gender relating to/represented by death-themed weddings. imagery associated with it may involve combinations of funerals and weddings (e.g. black wedding dresses, coffin-shaped wedding decorations, etc.) it may be accompanied by a sense of finality with regards to both the themes of death and marriage (as marriage is usually intended to be forever). the concept of “til death do us part” present in wedding vows and in marriages is especially emphasized in this gender.

Wetleafic: a gender related to/represented by wet leaves. it may feel natural, cold, damp, botanical, green, and/or any other words one may associate with these things.

Whalefalloceanitrum: a mostly-neutral gender that is similar to the ocean and to a whalefall, being complicated and full of many other things. there are small pings of both femininity and masculinity that swim through this gender like fish in the ocean. it has a sense of agender-ness underneath it, similar to the sand of the ocean.

Whimsivoidic: a gender relating to black cats, magic, green fabric, coffee, tea, the void, and whimsy. it feels excited and energetic and playful, like a black cat that wants to play.

Wizorbic: a gender related to/represented by a wizard orb. it may feel magical, spherical, ponderous, or any words one may associate with a wizard orb.

Wollsic: A term for gothgender individuals who love other gothgender individuals, exclusively or not.
If experienced as a xenogender, this may be a specific form of xyric (xenogender-loving-xenogender).
The term is named after Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, author of famous gothic novel Frankenstein.

Writerandro(gynous): an androgynous writergender that is experienced through or because of writing.

Writerfem(inine): a feminine writergender that is experienced through or because of writing.

Writergender: a gender that is experienced through or because of writing. it differs from writeric in that, where writeric is a gender in which writing is itself part of the gender, writergender is a gender experienced through writing. some examples of ways this may happen:
-the writer’s gender changes to match that of the characters they’re writing about:
-they write about gender and experience gender more strongly as a result
-they lean into masculine/feminine/etc. archetypes of writers
-they believe their style of writing is masculine/feminine/etc. and see this as part of their gender itself
-instead of being a man or a woman, they are a writer.
this can relate to any kind of writing (e.g. fiction, non-fiction, fanfiction, academic writing, etc.) and does not have anything to do with the frequency with which the person writes. one can substitute “gender” with whatever gender one feels. e.g. writermasculine, writerwoman, etc. this can be experienced as a xenogender but is not inherently one.

Writeric: a gender that is related to, best represented through, or feels like writing. it differs from writergender in that, while writergender is a gender experienced through writing, writeric is a gender in which writing is itself part of the gender. this could feel like:
-your gender feels like a story you are writing
-talking about your gender feels like talking about a writing project
-the way writing makes you feel is also the way this gender makes you feel
-a gender that feels creative, literary, verbal, expressive, imaginative, insightful, or any adjectives one would associate with writing.
if one feels that one’s writeric gender has a certain alignment, one can call themselves masc(uline)writeric, xeno(gender)writeric, etc. writeric can be experienced as a xenogender but is not inherently one.

Writerkenic/writerkenochoric: a kenic writergender - that is, a kenic gender that is experienced through/because of/in a way similar to writing. when this is kenic, it may involve, feel like, or relate to:
-horror, especially cosmic horror
-writing about space and the ocean
-writing pieces with unsettling/uncanny/liminal atmospheres
-surreal writing styles
-the feeling of trying to write about something unknowable or indescribable

Writerkenolux(ine): a kenolux writergender - that is, a gender that both kenic and luxine and is experienced through/because of/in a way similar to writing. the kenosity and luxinity of this gender may be separate, but if they are combined, they may include the following in this gender:
-writing that can be described as vast (a kenic and luxine trait)
-writing by someone who views kenochoric themes (e.g. emptiness, liminality, the void, etc.) as holy or divine due to their specific spiritual beliefs
-writing about luxine emotions (e.g. awe, wonder, joy, etc.) evoked by kenochoric themes

Writerkinkic: a writergender that has to do with kink. this can look like the following:
-writing about kink
-being a writer with kinks
-participating in kink with a writer

Writerlux(ine): a luxine writergender - that is, a luxine gender that is experienced through/because of/in a way similar to writing. when this is luxine, it may involve, feel like, or relate to:
-writing divine knowledge or revelations
-the potential and creative aspects of writing
-writing about or by angels
-the joy of writing
-writing that conveys awe, wonder, or fear

Writermacarshric: a macarshric writergender - that is, a macarshric gender that is experienced through/because of/in a way similar to writing.
it may involve, feel like, or relate to:
-horror writing, especially violent or unsettling horror
-writing styles that are disturbing, unsettling, or distressing
-trying to write about things one finds unspeakable
-writing about violence or death

Writermasc(uline): a masculine writergender that is experienced through or because of writing.

Writerneu(tral): a neutral writergender that is experienced through or because of writing.

Writersopor(ine): a soporine writergender - that is, a soporine gender that is experienced through/because of/in a way similar to writing. when this is soporine, it may involve, feel like, or relate to:
-writing while sleepy
-writing about sleep or dreams
-getting a writing-related idea from a dream
-dreamlike writing styles
-writing about dream worlds

Writerspir(itine): a spiritine writergender - that is, a spiritine gender that is experienced through/because of/in a way similar to writing. when this is spiritine, it may involve, feel like, or relate to:
-writing about spiritual or religious topics
-religious texts
-writing divine knowledge or revelations
-channeling spiritual beings through writing
-writing works that express your spiritual belief

Writerxeno(gender)/writerxenic: a xenic/xenogender writergender that is experienced through or because of writing.

Pub: 08 Feb 2024 19:46 UTC
Edit: 18 Jan 2025 17:02 UTC
Views: 199