Bandit's Rentry Hoard!!
you can message me on discord (kurokuromayuchan) about trades... bolded = favorites not for trade tho . mostly looking 4 kyosaya (or kyoko and sayaka separately), alina gray, and p much anything in the interests section of this carrd i'm also part of a system, some others may claim it so if you see any other names but the url is still here it's likely from them if an url is in use, then it's not for trade! it'll be highlighted if in use!
dedicated kyoko + sayaka section
dont even try to ask for any of these /lh
kyokoject - realkyoko - realkyokosakura - reaIkyokosakura (with an i) - reaIkyoko (with an i) - kyokoirl - theappIe (with an i) - ofthespear - ankosakura - sakuranko - sakuraanko - ankoject - ankoirl - irlkyokosakura - kyoukoject - rockyyy - vampkyoko - puellamagikyoko - wudanwitch - akairo-san - dogdrugrehabilitation - bpdkyoko - confessio - vampirekyoko
sayakalove - MlKlSAYAKA (with an L) - theraspberryy - oktaviaseckendorff - OKTAVlAVONSECKENDORFF (with an L) - mermaidwitches - sayakin - sayakakin - irlsayaka - Iovemedo (with an i) - ofthesword - goldenfortissimo - miraclesnmagic - miracIesandmagic (with an i) - puellamagisayaka - bpdsayakas - decretums - mermaidsayaka - oktaviasheart - fishsayaka - surfersayaka - mummysayaka - zombiesayaka
kyokomiki - sayakasakura - mikisakura - kyosayautism - kyosayaIove (with an i) - and-im-home- - ansaya - sayakaxkyoko - kyoukoxsayaka - blueandred - redblueyuri - thecolorofasigh - kyosayawnk - kyosayafigure - ankosaya - ankosayaka - madokamagicafathom - no1kyosayafan - kyosayuri - yourebymyside - resonancedays - adreamyoudied - oneregret
non kyosaya section
u can ask to trade but i only take other pmmm urls (and bolds are nft)
mamilove - thecheese - mamis-head - muskets - gunsandribbons - puellamagimami - candeIoros (with an i) - dressupwitch - hoIymami (with an i)
puellamagimadokaa - momoiro-san - witchofsalvation - madokamies - MADOKAMISAMA - holymadoka - madotheism - madotheist - Iawofcycles (first L is an i)
puellamagihomura - NUTCRACKERWlTCH (with an L) - homulillygarden - shiganbana - homurakemilove - moemuraa - akumura - HOMUClFERS (with an L)
puellamaginagisa - DESSERTWlTCH (with an L) - woistderkase - nagicharlotte - nagisamomoechan - bebecharlotte - nagisabebes - charlottemomoe - witchofsweet - polinapyotr
madohomumami - holyquintetsss - mamihomus - homumadotism - homulovemado
nightofwaIpurgis (with an i)
alina urls are all nft and i will DIE if you trade/gift any i will forever thank you pls pls give me alina urls most yuna and tsuruno urls will be nft too
feverdoppel - neodorothymotherfucker - grayaIina (with an i) - hoIyalina (with an i) - alinasbeauty - foolgirlsgirl - crazedpainter - alina-eve - luckydeathsanta - rainbowreindeer - prisonwardengirl - wingofmagius - alinafigure - alinagrayfigure - alinas-hat - alinagraybiggestfan - alinatism - deathcaribou - hospitalina - greatestpainter - miraclespainter - no1alinagrayfan - feverwitch - alinasninephases - bpdalina - greyalina - lesbianalina - lesbialina - genderfluidalina
magicalkirin - phantomthiefkirin - phantomthiefkarin - girlsfoolgirl - witchmagicalgirl - mcdougal - mortsafewitch
fangoftorayamachi - crimsonresoIve (with an i) - kurehayuna - chastisement - bpdyuna - bpdkureha
yuitsuruno - mightiestmagicalgirl - uwasayui - uwasa-tsuruno - tsurunolover - tsurumor - rumortsurunos - mightiestmagius - rumormagicalgirl - yu-hong - capturedsunbird - orangediamond - tsurunofigure - bpdtsuruno - bpdyui
satouka - lolitatouka - bpdtouka - sakaeward - promisedbIood (with an i) - mikazukiviIIa - eve-of-awakening - ourcircle - tsuiro - iroyuna - yunairo - alikari - yachitsuru - yachimifus - bpdmifuyu
ceoofakiyamamizuki - hermitmizukis - knightmizu - borderlinemizuki - lesbiamizuki - vampymizuki
kanamafukana - lesbimafuyu - lesmfy - knmfys - vampiremafuyu
polyneedcanon - shihoject - leonipierce
dedicated seleP section
all of these are nft
seleP - MariexLuise - sixnights - secretland - angeIcry (with an i) - elfina - chloeseleP - chloevocaloid - underoffragments - marie-luise - forevertears - HEROlNES (with an L) - gothicdance - kanaeee - aaamaryllis - ALICE2ALICE - THIRIA - liliumdoll (this one lol)
everything else
caramel-sugar - seaofformalin - onlymayufan - vocamayu - bpdmayu - lesbianlily - yukacul - tianyiling - tialing - lingtianyi - akamayu - mayuyuri - fukasehater - v3lily - lilyv3 - meika-himes - meika-mikotos - mikotomeikas - himemeikas - meikax2 - culmakesrevolution - azumatcha - matchazuki - kobayashimatchaaa - anokano - triple_baka
NHARMONlAGROPlUS (with two L's) - NHARMONlAGROPIUS (with an L at the first i) - banettism - eIectroweb (with an i) - ionotistic - ionokin - irIiono (with an i) - actuallyiono - deltazinnia - Iorekeeperzinnia (with an i) - draconidlorekeeper - leaderpiers (will trade for some other piers related url)
might be sorted later idk weroeIsie (with an i) - weronikaaa - wakeywakeywinnertime - into-the-abyssmare - suiseisekii - souseisekii - suiginto - HlNAlCHlGO - rozen-madien - barasuisho - rosenkristall - kirakisho - envythejeaIous (with an i) - kruIIie - vampkrul - sonozakimions - bpdsonozakimion - nanoha - nanofate - harlaown - fatetestarossa - scrya - alphh - lyricalnanoha - mahoushoujolyricalnanoha - Iovecoloredmasterspark (with an i) - bpdfate - bpdmarisa - bpdflandre - bpdscarlet - bpdremilia - bpdenvyy - toph-beifong - lesbiankirisame - un-owen-was-me - unowen-was-her - radical-edward - eviIyuri - yuridisease - youjo-senki - tanya-the-evil - vondegurechaff - peri-doh - almidot - sir-carrot - princess-parfait - almidots- dongfangzhizi