♪ Notes for Local Void's identity collection ♪

[ Directory ]

☆ Our identity lists are broken up into names, kins, queer identities, system terms, and vesility. Not everyone has sections for all of these things.

☆ The links where it has our pronouns on our pages takes you to that system member's blinkie page on SpaceHey. Flashing warning for those!

☆ Every single member of our system identifies as genderqueer and asexual(-spectrum), so these can be assumed even if they are not listed.

☆ When listing system roles, we don't define them if the names are well-known or seem self-explanatory.

☆ If something says "not kin", it means that system member either originated as that thing (as a non-human alter or a fictive) or originated knowing they were not human, were unsure of the species, but later found out what they were.

☆ If it says "formerly kin", it means that it started out as a kintype but the system member became non-human in-system and their kintype is their "physical" species now.

☆ If it says "formerly fictive", it means they started out as a fictive of that character but, over time or due to splitting, stopped fully seeing themself as that character while still having a notable connection to them that isn't really kin either. Not all of our former fictives have this listed.

☆ The list for collective identities lists some things as "plurids". Plurid is a term we have coined to describe an identity that the system share collectively, even if not all members have it individually. Here is a Rentry featuring all of our coined plurids if you are interested in seeing more.

☆ If something on the list of collective queer identities is a plurid, it is an identity we ascribe to our singletsona (i.e. a non-plural identity that we can or do present as if presenting as a system is not an option). If something is not, then it is not something we present as but that is common enough among our system that you will likely hear us talk about it if you talk to us about gender/etc.
♪ ♪ ♪ The section for plurids on the collective identities page is only for things that don't fit under things that have their own sections already.

☆ "Roleics" are also something we coined. They describe how the system member experiences or relates to their role, origin, or status as a system member. Here is the Rentry for roleics we have coined.

☆ We generally don't have kin memories, although some of our fictives do have some memories from their timelines. If you wish to discuss memories with our fictives, please wait until we've talked a few times about other topics, and be aware that we do not actively seek sourcemates nor expect other fictives/kins to come from the same timeline as us. We are source-positive about all of our fictional identities and enjoy talking about them as pieces of media.
♪ ♪ ♪ Ampersand does not wish to discuss their timeline as Marwood at all, but they are still happy to interact with sourcemates with the understanding that Ampersand is choosing to leave canon events in the past.

☆ A few of us are species that exist only from our system members' timelines. They are:
♪ ♪ ♪ starsingers/Song People/Musicaellesstens (an alien that is incorporeal by default but can take a physical form using the energy from vibrations from music)
♪ ♪ ♪ (guardian) void angels (an angel that comes from the Void, is aligned to potential/growth, and cooperates with Void demons)
♪ ♪ ♪ (guardian) void demons (a demon that comes from the Void, is aligned to nullification/protection, and has a guardian variety that accompanies a guardian angel)
♪ ♪ ♪ void concubi (a concubus - gender neutral for "succubus" or "incubus" - that comes from the Void, feeds off of kink instead of/alongside sex, and can change gender, sex, and orientation but prefers to be queer, trans, non-binary, and/or GNC)

☆ If someone lists angels/demons/concubi as well as void under their kintypes, assume they are a void angel/demon/concubus.

☆ All of our concubus kins (whether they're void concubi or not) are asexual, and non-sexual kink plays the role for them that sex plays for "typical" concubi. Whether they identify as a succubus, incubus, or just concubus depends on things like gender, presentation, and preferences for kink activity.
♪ ♪ ♪ The difference to us between a void concubus and a "regular" concubus is that a void concubus is something that exists within the framework of our Void-related spirituality, whereas any of us who kin concubi without being voidkin relate more to "traditional" depictions of them (with the exception about kink instead of sex).

☆ If we label something as "vesility", then the things it affects include multiple of the following:
♪ ♪ ♪ gender
♪ ♪ ♪ orientation
♪ ♪ ♪ kintypes or non-human/fictional identity
♪ ♪ ♪ spirituality
♪ ♪ ♪ experience with disability/mental health/addiction/etc.
♪ ♪ ♪ kink
♪ ♪ ♪ how that alter relates to the system
♪ ♪ ♪ how that alter presents themself publicly or to others, online or in person
♪ ♪ ♪ how that alter behaves socially, in friendships, or in relationships

☆ Some of our system members are gay men and identify with recently-coined terms for that demographic (e.g. veldian). For their lists, that identity is given with the term they prefer and sometimes an explanation why. However, all of these system members accept any synonym for "gay man" and use the ocean gay flag.

☆ We use "bambi gay" in a somewhat more specific way than it is originally defined. We specifically use it to mean someone who is not only more interested in cuddling than sex but is also more interested in such forms of affection over kink (which we find is equivalent to sex for us). System members who use that label may be interested in kink, but more "typical" non-sexual affection interests them more.

☆ Many of our objectum members identify as objectophiles despite the controversy associated with this label. We have our own reasons for doing so, and we do not apply that word to objectum individuals who do not use it, but we will use the term for ourselves regardless of your dislike for people doing so.

☆ How seriously or deeply we feel our kins varies from system member to system member. Some of us consider their species to be "otherkin human", but some of us consider their kintypes as something that is a strong part of who they are but is not their primary understanding of their species.

☆ We group alteraffectis under "queer" for simplicity and because all of our attraction is queer, not because we are claiming that alteraffectis is always inherently queer.

☆ We use terms coined by anyone regardless of whether we agree with their stances or are on their DNI. Viewing your posts and identifying with your terms does not count as interaction.

Pub: 26 Feb 2024 18:54 UTC
Edit: 25 Apr 2024 20:14 UTC
Views: 192