Monster Hunter World Kulve Taroth Exploit Guide

Monster Hunter World: Kulve Taroth Exploit Guide

This exploit allows you to farm for Kulve weapons without her pursuit level resetting after every successful run. You need at least one other person to stay in the session for this to work. For easier runs, it is recommended to raise Kulve's pursuit level to 6 beforehand.

  1. Initiate the Kulve Taroth siege.
  2. Go through the fight as normal and break as many parts as you can. Use the cannons and falling rocks in the first area, the stalactites in the third, and paralyze/mount her when her armor has heated up.
  3. When you get to the last room, put her to sleep and place your bombs at her head. Sleep Herbs can be collected throughout El Dorado. Gajalakas drop throwing knives to make Sleep Knives with, and are one shot by Crystalbursts or Dragon Pods from the Golden Helmcrabs. Gunners should bring Sleep Ammo/Coatings if they can.
  4. Disconnect your internet. If you don't disconnect, you'll cause the pursuit level to reset. Kulve wakes up quickly, so be fast.
    PS4: press the PS4 button > Settings > Network > uncheck and then recheck the "Connect to the Internet" option.
  5. Break Kulve's horns.
  6. Collect your rewards from Hub Lass.
  7. Reconnect to the session. Kulve will still be at the same pursuit level.
    PS4: after typing in the session ID, Options > Select All > X > Copy to save the ID, then Options > Paste to quickly reconnect later.

See also:
Monster Hunter World: PC FAQ
Monster Hunter World: Mounting Guide

Pub: 19 Aug 2018 11:10 UTC
Edit: 10 Nov 2018 13:05 UTC
Views: 4027