Monster Hunter World PC FAQ

Monster Hunter World: PC FAQ

Can I run it?

Yes, if you have a real videocard of any sort you can run it at least at 30 FPS.

Can I run it at max settings?

Most assuredly not, the highest settings are not well optimized and take far too much hardware. If you have a decent computer you play it at mid/high settings with 60 FPS or highest settings with 30 FPS. If you have a toaster you play on low at 30 FPS.

What weapons should I use?

All weapons are worth playing. Take the time to try them all out and decide for yourself what you want to play.

Content parity?

The PC version will release with all of the balance updates that consoles have received, but none of the content updates. Those will be added later on at an accelerated pace.

Can I change my Hunter's appearance after starting the game?

Hair styles, makeup/tattoos and underclothing can be changed whenever you want via the item box in your room. Everything else (gender, facial structure, skin color, voice, and expressions) will require a paid voucher.
There is currently no way to change your name or anything about your Palico.

I'm getting shit FPS

Full screen mode, Nvidia drivers version 398.36, and Volumetric Rendering: Off seem to give the best performance. This effect of note is also fairly subjective in what it does to the image quality, making it more washed-out but also the only means of enabling fog effects.

Big Picture replaces my Steam overlay!

The game launched not far from a Steam update that forces the Big Picture overlay by default if you have a controller plugged in; there is an option to disable it in the ‘In-Game’ category of the Settings.

Alt-tabbing is causing me to disconnect from lobbies!

Put on borderless mode from the main menu.

How does the voice chat work?

It uses your microphone that’s assigned through Windows, but there’s only voice activation.

Helpful tips
  • Save yourself the trouble now and capture every monster at least once. You'll thank yourself later.
  • Radial menu/item shortcuts are saved with item loadouts. Save your loadouts if you want to keep any changes you've made.
  • My weapon > your weapon.
  • Dodging while running away from a monster will let you perform a dive with massive i-frames.
  • has a lot of in-depth info about hitzones, drop rates, and more.
  • Kulve Taroth Exploit Guide allows you to farm for Kulve weapons without her pursuit level resetting after every successful run.
  • Mounting Guide superior mounting tactics that can do massive damage while mounting a monster.
Pub: 19 Aug 2018 11:20 UTC
Edit: 20 Aug 2018 07:31 UTC
Views: 497