Monster Hunter World Mounting Guide

Monster Hunter World: Mounting Guide

There are superior mounting tactics that can do massive damage while mounting a monster. We'll go over the different ways to extend or otherwise improve your damage while mounting a monster.


  • Sword and Shield: Hit Triangle (PS4) as your hunter hits the monster to extend your finisher.
  • Great Sword, Hammer, Bow: Hold down your finisher to charge your attack.
  • Switch Axe: Mash Triangle to deal as much damage as possible.
  • Insect Glaive: You are the only weapon that will actively deal damage while moving around a monster. Jumping between head/back/tail.
  • Charge Blade: Having an Amped Shield/Axe will deal more damage and also small phial explosions when you use your finisher

Moving vs Bracing a mounted monster:

  • Moving is superior to bracing in most cases, jump between monster parts when it's trying to throw you off to save on stamina. This however is not the case if the monster uses a move that affects its entire body like when Brute Wyverns sprint across the map (it's better to brace in that situation).


  • If you are launched from the back of a monster you can press X (PS4) to slinger back onto the monsters back at the use of stamina.

See also:
Monster Hunter World: PC FAQ
Monster Hunter World: Kulve Taroth Exploit Guide

Pub: 20 Aug 2018 07:27 UTC
Edit: 20 Aug 2018 08:02 UTC
Views: 538