HIII im simon!! this is my url hoard :3

contact me _bittermint or aviewtodeath (instagram) or player1ishere (discord) to trade!

total url count: 614

in use (nft) / reserved and/or nft / i hate this. hard to trade for / hatehold, nft / my faves!! hard to trade for
. check out my boyfriends hoard here! . divider
blame ryan for getting me into url hoarding
. .



heatherheatherandheather ╰ dgwreprise ╰ youandmeinthesummerof83 ╰ heathersandveronica ╰ septemberfirst1989deardiary ╰ freakslutburnoutbugeyesposerlardass ╰ youmakemyballssoblue ╰ welcometomycandystore ╰ -beautiful ╰ -fightforme ╰ heymrnonamekid ╰ -mrnonamekid ╰ justfreezeyourbrain ╰ whatsyourdamage ╰ lickitupbaby ╰ imadeadgirlwalking ╰ heatherheatherheatherveronica ╰ heatherheatherheather ╰ ifloatinaboat ╰ -lifeboat ╰ mykindergartenboyfriend ╰ mykindergartenboyfriendandi ╰ prom-or-hell ╰ -promorhell ╰ thatworksforme


howdoesabastardorphansonofawhore ╰ imonly19butmymindisolder ╰ imonlynineteenbutmymindisolder ╰ mynameisalexanderhamilton ╰ ihavethehonortobeyourobedientservant ╰ ihavethehonourtobeyourobedientservant ╰ theresamillionthingsihaventdone ╰ theresamillionthingsihaventdonejustyouwait ╰ thereamillionthingsihaventdonebutjustyouwait ╰ amillionthingsihaventdone ╰ wholivewhodieswhotellsyourstory ╰ livesdiestellsyourstory ╰ throwingawaymyshot ╰ imnotthrowingawaymyshot ╰ andwatchingthemburn ╰ imwillingtowaitforit ╰ itsthetenduelcommandments

21 Chump Street-

everybodysgotacousin ╰ wthigottado ╰ naomirodriguez ╰ justinlaboy

Be More Chill-

itsbetterthandrugs ╰ itsbetterthandrugsjeremy ╰ itsagrayoblongpill ╰ agrayoblongpill ╰ itsagreyoblongpill ╰ agreyoblongpill ╰ youwillbemorechill ╰ ineedmountaindewred ╰ -mountaindewred ╰ thebiggestpartyofthefall ╰ asquip ╰ squip- ╰ -losergeekwhatever ╰ -losergeekorwhatever ╰ imnotthelosergeekorwhatever ╰ imnottheloserthegeekorwhatever ╰ theloserthegeekorwhatever ╰ thelosergeekwhatever ╰ somanyvoicesinmyhead ╰ andtherearevoicesinmyhead ╰ the-pitiful-children ╰ letssavethepitifulchildren ╰ boyf--riends- ╰ -boyf-riends- ╰ itsatwoplayergame ╰ 2playergays ╰ welcometoyoursuperquantumunitintelprocessor ╰ shoulditaketheupgrade ╰ itscalledopticnerveblocking ╰ player1ishere

Dear Evan Hansen-

wereclosebutnotthatway ╰ theonlymanthatiloveismydad ╰ youllbefound ╰ butnotbecauseweregay ╰ nonotbecauseweregay


6wives ╰ divorcedbeheadedsurvived ╰ nonoway ╰ -noway ╰ -dontloseurhead ╰ -dontloseyourhead ╰ uhohherewego ╰ -heartofstone ╰ myheartofstone ╰ -getdown ╰ getdownyoudirtyrascal ╰ -allyouwannado ╰ idontneedurlove


beetlejuicebeetlejuicebeetlejuice ╰ beetlejuicebeetlejuicebecause ╰ jesusicantspell ╰ youreinvisible ╰ youreinvisiblewhenyouresad ╰ heymomdeadmom ╰ thefrightoftheirlives ╰ everythinghappensforareason ╰ thebananaboatsong ╰ mamaimgoinghome ╰ imgoinghome ╰ imgonnagobackhome ╰ ahandbookfortherecentlydeceased ╰ unicornsarescary ╰ asmyguruothoalwayssays ╰ myguruotho ╰ guruotho ╰ thestrangeandunusual ╰ -strangeandunusual ╰ thisisashowaboutdeath ╰ itsashowaboutdeath ╰ wannaseeapuppetshow ╰ sometimespuppetshowsaresad ╰ powerlesslikeagayrepublican ╰ dresslikeababy ╰ thisguyknowswhatimtalkingabout

Mean Girls-

karen-smith ╰ everyonegetmean ╰ nowimstupidwithlove ╰ imstupidwithlove

Little Shop Of Horrors-

suddenchangessurroundme ╰ feedmeallnightlong ╰ feedmegitit ╰ feed-me ╰ thatsrightboy ╰ youregonnagetit ╰ thankstoyousweetpetunia ╰ drorinscrivellodds ╰ -twoey ╰ -audreytwo ╰ little-shop-of-horrorslittle-shop ╰ theguysurelookslikeplantfoodtome ╰ sogogetit ╰ mrmushnik ╰ totaleclipseofthesun ╰ down-on-skid-row ╰ showmeawaytogetouttahere ╰ showmeawaytogetoutahere ╰ sopleasegrowforme ╰ somewherethatsgreen ╰ somewhere-thats-green ╰ closedforrenovations ╰ closed-for-renovations ╰ i-am-your-dentist ╰ youll-be-a-dentist ╰ beadentist ╰ sonbeadentist ╰ theleaderoftheplaque ╰ leaderoftheplaque ╰ nowspit ╰ howwouldyouliketobemyson ╰ mushniks ╰ mistermushnik ╰ mushniksflorist ╰ mushniksflowershop ╰ nowitsjustthegasits-just-the-gas ╰ now-its-just-the-gas ╰ doitnow ╰ ivelaughedmyselftodeath ╰ suddenchanges ╰ sominex ╰ ithinkitssuppertime ╰ theysaythemeekshallinherit ╰ the-meek-shall-inherit ╰ do-doo ╰ wskid ╰ callbackinthemorning ╰ suddenly-seymour ╰ biggerthanhulahoops ╰ dontfeedtheplants ╰ alittledentalmusic ╰ theworsehetreatsme ╰ wellhavetomorrow ╰ i-found-a-hobby ╰ doctorofdentalsurgery ╰ thisplantistalkingtoyou ╰ comeonandgivemeadrink ╰ imjustbad ╰ imrealbad ╰ doesithavetobehuman ╰ anewbreedofflytraplittleshopofhorrors ╰ oneslapisworthtenthousandwords ╰ everyhouseholdinamerica ╰ strangeandinterestingplant ╰ plant-food ╰ nitrous-oxide


My Chemical Romance-

inevertoldyouwhatidoforalivin ╰ -you-know-what-they-do-to-guys-like-us-in-prison ╰ youknowwhattheydotoguyslikeusinprisonn ╰ in-the-middle-of-a-gun-fight ╰ inthecentreofarestaurant ╰ itsafuckingdeathwish ╰ solonggoodnight ╰ solongandgoodnight ╰ three-cheers-for-sweet-revenge ╰ welctotheblackparade ╰ wellcarryon ╰ theblackparadesdead ╰ givethemblood ╰ teenagersscarethelivingshitouttame ╰ ishouldhavebeenabetterson ╰ -my-chemical-romance- ╰ thesharpestlivesarethedeadliesttolead

Set It Off-

loversandpartners ╰ haveyouanysoul ╰ lookwhatyoudid ╰ imdonewithplasticpromises ╰ thestarscomeoutatnight ╰ imgonnagetmybabytonight ╰ loversandpartnersincrime



DT Characters-

webbymcduck ╰ lenasaberwing ╰ llewellynmcduck ╰ hubertduck ╰ dewfordmcduck ╰ hueymcduck ╰ violetsaberwing ╰ -delladuck ╰ -donaldduck ╰ dewey-duck ╰ louie-duck ╰ scroogemcduckscrooge-mcduck ╰ -scroogemcduck ╰ -webbymcduck ╰ webby-mcduck ╰ aprilmcduck-aprilmcduckapril-mcduckwebbigailmcduck ╰ lenamcduck ╰ -gizmoduck ╰ -fentoncrackshell ╰ -fentoncrackshellcabrera ╰ fenton-crackshell-cabrera ╰ fenton-crackshell ╰ poedespell ╰ -magicadespell ╰ bentinabeakley ╰ bentina-beakley ╰ -launchpadmcquack ╰ darkwing-duck ╰ -gosalynmallard ╰ -josecarioca ╰ -panchitopistoles ╰ zanowlson ╰ owlson ╰ -fethryduck ╰ -gladstonegander ╰ -blackheron ╰ -bradfordbuzzard ╰ -markbeaks ╰ glomgold ╰ -flintheartglomgold ╰ -glomgold ╰ maymcduck ╰ -maymcduck ╰ maymcduck- ╰ -maymcduck- ╰ junemcduck ╰ -junemcduck ╰ junemcduck- ╰ -junemcduck- ╰ matildamcduck ╰ -matildamcduck

DT Ships-

lenavanderquack ╰ lenavander-quack ╰ -lena-vanderquack- ╰ -lenavanderquack ╰ lenavanderquack- ╰ -lenavanderquack- ╰ webbydespell ╰ webby-despell ╰ -webbydespell ╰ -webby-despell ╰ webbydespell ╰ webby-despell- ╰ -webbydespell-╰ -webby-despell- ╰ ╰ webby-despell ╰ vanderspell ╰ -vanderspell ╰ vanderspell- ╰ -vanderspell- ╰ webbysaberwing ╰ -webbysaberwing ╰ webbysaberwing- ╰ -webbysaberwing- ╰ webbyxlena ╰ -webbyxlena ╰ webbyxlena- ╰ -webbyxlena- ╰ lenaxwebby ╰ -lenaxwebby ╰ lenaxwebby- ╰ -lenaxwebby- ╰ -weblena ╰ weblena- ╰ -weblena- ╰ huelet ╰ huoyd ╰ scroogexgoldie ╰ goldiexscrooge ╰ -drakepad ╰ beakpad ╰ dellumbra ╰ -dellumbra ╰ delpad ╰ -delpad ╰ dellpad ╰ -dellpad ╰ dimeship ╰ -dimeship ╰ dimeship- ╰ -dimeship- ╰ dondaisy ╰ -dondaisy ╰ fendra ╰ -fendra ╰ gearbeaks ╰ -gearbeaks ╰ -panjose ╰ scromgold ╰ glomscrooge ╰ scroogeford ╰ -scroogeford ╰ scroogeford- ╰ -scroogeford- ╰ donpanjose ╰ -donpanjose

DT Kids-

webbyhueydeweylouie ╰ webbyhueylouiedewey ╰ webbylouiedeweyhuey ╰ webbylouiehueydewey ╰ webbydeweyhueylouie ╰ webbydeweylouiehuey ╰ hueylouiedewey ╰ hueydeweylouiewebby ╰ hueylouiedeweywebby ╰ louiehueydewey ╰ louiehueydeweywebby ╰ louiedeweyhuey ╰ louiedeweyhueywebby ╰ deweyhueylouie ╰ deweyhueylouiewebby ╰ deweylouiehuey ╰ deweylouiehueywebby ╰ duckkids ╰ -duckkids ╰ ducktriplets ╰ -ducktriplets ╰ duckquadruplets ╰ -duckquadruplets ╰ hdlw

DT Misc.-

ducksdontbackdown ╰ ducktales17 ╰ ducktales2k17 ╰ iamtheterrorthatflapsinthenight ╰ -clanmcduck ╰ clanmcscrooge ╰ -clanmcscrooge ╰ darkwingdad ╰ darkwing-dad ╰ -darkwing-dad ╰ -darkwingdad ╰ s-h-u-s-h ╰ thefiendishorganisationforworldlarceny ╰ fiendishorganisationforworldlarceny ╰ the-fiendish-organization-for-world-larceny ╰ fiendish-organization-for-world-larceny ╰ quack-pack

Infinity Train-

-simonlaurent ╰ -gracemonroe ╰ grace-monroe ╰ tulip-olsen ╰ -tulipolsen ╰ jesse-cosay ╰ -jessecosay ╰ lakecosay ╰ lake-cosay ╰ lakeolsen ╰ lake-olsen ╰ -ryanakagi ╰ -mingipark ╰ ameliahughes ╰ amelia-hughes ╰ theinfinitytrain ╰ -infinity-train ╰ infinity-train ╰ -oneone ╰ -one-one ╰ thetrueconductor ╰ thefalseconductor ╰ the-apex ╰ theperennialchild ╰ the-perennial-child ╰ thetraindocumentaries ╰ the-train-documentaries ╰ cracked-reflection ╰ cultoftheconductor ╰ cult-of-the-conductor ╰ thegridcar ╰ the-grid-car ╰ thecatscar ╰ the-cats-car ╰ thechromecar ╰ the-chrome-car ╰ theengine ╰ the-engine ╰ theblackmarketcar ╰ the-black-market-car ╰ themallcar ╰ the-mall-car ╰ thedebutanteballcar ╰ the-debutante-ball-car ╰ lechatchalet ╰ le-chat-chalet ╰ thenewapex ╰ the-new-apex ╰ thetwintapes ╰ the-twin-tapes ╰ infinity-train

Total Drama-

aledunnoah ╰ aledunnoco ╰ dunther ╰ -aleduncan ╰ -aleheahter ╰ trody- ╰ duncan-tarun ╰ chrismclean- ╰ chef-hatchet ╰ -heatherkasuga- ╰ -heather-kasuga- ╰ -noah-sterecra- ╰ noah-sterecra- ╰ -alejandroburromuerto ╰ -haroldnorbertcheeverdorismcgradyvharoldnorbertcheeverdorismcgradyv- ╰ likeaneeldippedingrease ╰ eel-dipped-in-grease ╰ dunnoah ╰ wannabefamous ╰ -iwannabefamous ╰ iwannabefamous- ╰ -comeflywithus ╰ comeflywithus- ╰ loving-time ╰ -campwawanakwa

Metal Family-

victoriashvagenbagen ╰ vickyshvagenbagen

The Owl House-

good-witch-luzura ╰ good-witch-azura


The Outsiders-

-the-outsiders ╰ greasers- ╰ curtis-brothers ╰ curtis-bros ╰ fucksocs ╰ ponyboy-micheal-curtis ╰ ponyboymichealcurtis ╰ twobit-mathews ╰ two-bit-mathews ╰ sandy-curtis ╰ sandycurtis

Lord of The Flies-

i'm iffy on most of these!!
pig-head ╰ jackmerridew- ╰ percivalwemysmadison ╰ silly-little-boy ╰ kill-the-beast ╰ killthebeastcuthisthroatspillhisblood ╰ castle-rock ╰ ivegottheconch ╰ igottheconch ╰ ihavetheconch ╰ thesoundoftheshell ╰ fireonthemountain ╰ hutsonthebeach ╰ paintedfacesandlonghair ╰ beastfromwater ╰ beastfromair ╰ shadowsandtalltrees ╰ giftforthedarkness ╰ aviewtoadeathaviewtodeath ╰ theshellandtheglasses ╰ cryofthehunters ╰ closecloseclose ╰ pigsheadonastick ╰ assmar ╰ suckstoyourassmar ╰ themanwiththetrumpeticansingcsharpp ╰ andimthebeast ╰ imthebeast ╰ thebeastie ╰ williamgolding ╰ killthepig

Project Hail Mary-

andyweir ╰ ryland-grace ╰ drrylandgrace ╰ dr-ryland-grace ╰ evastratt ╰ eva-stratt ╰ yaolijie ╰ yaoli-jie ╰ yao-li-jie ╰ olesya-ilyukhina ╰ olesyailyukhina ╰ drlokken ╰ dr-lokken ╰ dimitrikomorov ╰ dimitri-komorov ╰ stevehatch ╰ steve-hatch ╰ martindubois ╰ martin-dubois ╰ annieshapiro ╰ annie-shapiro ╰ robertredell ╰ robert-redell ╰ francoisleclerc ╰ francois-leclerc ╰ -erid ╰ -eridian ╰ -eridians ╰ 40eridani ╰ 40-eridani ╰ rockytheeridian ╰ rocky-the-eridian ╰ petrovaline ╰ petrova-line ╰ astrophage ╰ -projecthailmary ╰ project-hail-mary ╰ tau-ceti ╰ planetadrian ╰ planet-adrian ╰ the-hail-mary ╰ blipa ╰ blip-a ╰ the-blip-a ╰ taumoeba ╰ -xenonite

A Goofy Movie/An Extremely Goofy Movie + Goof Troop

i'm iffy on most of these!!
max-goof ╰ bradley-uppercrust ╰ bradley-uppercrust-iii ╰ bradley-uppercrust-the-third ╰ maxley- ╰ -maxgoof ╰ maxgoof- ╰ a-goofy-movie ╰ an-extremely-goofy-movie ╰ -maxley- ╰ -puppylove- ╰ thegammas ╰ thexgames ╰ gooftroop ╰ goof-troop ╰ towelboy ╰ towel-boy ╰ missmochaccino ╰ msmochaccino ╰ miss-mochaccino ╰ ms-mochaccino ╰ on-the-open-road ╰ nobodyelsebutyou ╰ nobody-else-but-you ╰ maxanne ╰ midnightmoviemadness ╰ midnight-movie-madness


itsnotaphasemom ╰ itsnotaphase ╰ 2020washell ╰ fuck2020 ╰ 2000skid ╰ the-black-market ╰ grimacebday ╰ -thenightstars ╰ -nightstars ╰ icantspell ╰ stephenking ╰ twinkbfs ╰ sominex ╰ thumbscrew ╰ thumbscrews ╰ scottishtwink ╰ -simon- ╰ propertyistheft ╰ property-is-theft


infinitytrain ╰ lordoftheflies ╰ ifoundahobby ╰ simonlaurent ╰ puppylove

traded away:


traded to me:


Pub: 02 May 2024 17:10 UTC
Edit: 28 Jun 2024 05:19 UTC
Views: 179