Welcome to the transblood/transamia rentry archive!

Ran by the same being who runs transblood-hub on Tumblr
The links on here are mostly archived links, but you can find most everything featured here directly on my blog!

Home | Anthroblood IDs | Color Xenoblood IDs | Substance Xenoblood IDs | Food & Drink Xenoblood IDs | Other Xenoblood IDs | Fictiblood IDs

  1. Angelkinflagamian
  2. Arsenicamian
  3. Aureamian
  4. Batteryacidamian
  5. Bloodamian
  6. Boneamian
  7. Bonemarrowamian
  8. Bookamian
  9. Bubblemian
  10. Bugamian
    1. Beeamian
    2. Mothamian
    3. Spideramian
  11. Bulletamian
  12. Candlewaxamian
  13. Chapstickamian
  14. Christmaslightsamian
  15. Clockworkamian
  16. Cloudamian
  17. Confettiamian
    1. Rainbowfettiamian
      1. MutedRainbowConfettiBloodic
      2. NeonRainbowConfettiBloodic
      3. PastelRainbowConfettiBloodic
  18. Desertamian
  19. Digestivenzamian
  20. Divikinflagamic
  21. Dragonbreathmouthwashamian
  22. Ectoplasamian
    1. Congectoplasamian
  23. Eletricamia
  24. Fairydustamian
  25. Fakebloodic
  26. Fireamian
  27. Fireworkamian
  28. Floamamian
  29. Freedomamian
  30. Furamian
  31. Galaxmia
  32. Gasolineamian
  33. Gelamian
    1. Aloegelamian
  34. Gemshardamian
  35. Glasshardamian
  36. Glitteramian
    1. Blueglitteramian
    2. Pinkglitteramian
  37. Glitterglueamian
    1. Blueglitterglueamian
    2. Pinkglitterglueamian
  38. Glueamian
  39. Godamian
  40. Goldilightamian
  41. Gunpowderamian
  42. Handsanitamian
  43. Heavenbloodic
  44. Hellbloodic
  45. Heroinamian
  46. Holywaterbloodic
  47. Hibiscusamian
  48. Iceamian
  49. Ichoramian
    1. Rottenichorbloodic
  50. Inkamian
    1. Blackinkamian
    2. Blueinkamian
    3. Redinkamian
    4. Glittergelinkamian
      1. Cyanglittergelinkamian
  51. Keroseneamian
  52. Kineticsandamian
  53. Lavamian
  54. Lavalampamian
  55. Leafamian
  56. Lichenamian
  57. Lovepotiamian
  58. Mercuryamian
  59. Mintlisteramian
  60. Moldamian
  61. Moonwateramian
  62. Moneyamian
    1. Goldicoinamian
  63. Mossamian
  64. Mucusamian
  65. Mudamian
  66. Musicamian
  67. Nectaramian
    1. Floranectaramian
  68. Oralisteramian
  69. Paintamic
    1. Oilpaintamian
  70. Pollenamian
    1. Florapollenamian
  71. Portalamian
  72. Purgatorybloodic
  73. Radiostatiamian
  74. Rageamian
  75. Sakuramian
  76. Salivamian
    1. Huesalivamian
  77. Seafoamian
  78. Semenamian
  79. Slimeamian
    1. Redslimeamian
    2. Orangeslimeamian
    3. Yellowslimeamian
    4. Greenslimeamian
    5. Blueslimeamian
    6. Indigoslimeamian
    7. Purpleslimeamian
    8. Pinkslimeamian
  80. Snowamian
    1. Marinesnowmian
  81. Soapamian
  82. Sparkleamian
    1. Bluesparkleamian
    2. Pinksparkleamian
  83. Spinalfluidamian
  84. Staramian
  85. Stardustamic
  86. Stomachacidamian
  87. Stormamian
  88. Tearsamian
  89. Transglowstickblood
  90. Transstuffingamia
  91. Trashamian
  92. Treesapamian
  93. TVstatiamian
  94. Undefiamian
  95. Urineamian
  96. Vilebloodic
  97. Vomitamian
  98. Waramian
  99. Wastebloodic
  100. Watermian
    1. Glacieramian
    2. Saltwatermian
    3. Wateramian
  101. Watervaporamian
  102. Webamian
  103. Windamic
  104. Wireamian
    1. Quasisolwireamian


A flag with five diagonal stripes. The top and bottom stripes are blue, the second and fourth stripes are cream, and the center stripe is golden yellow. The cream stripes are slightly thinner than the other stripes. In the center of the flag, there is a pastel blue cut icon with drips coming out of it.

Also called: Angelkinflagbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of the angelkin flag created by divine-skyline.

Coined by transblood-hub on March 5th, 2024.

Similar terms: Divikinflagamic


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are very dark red, the second and eighth stripes are grey, the third and seventh stripes are pale pinkish orange, the fourth and sixth stripes are pale yellow, and the center stripe is dark red.

Also called: Arsenicbloodic

In which one IDs as having/desired to have arsenic blood.

Coined by saxophonicqueer on June 21st, 2024.

Similar terms: Poisonousamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are gold, the second and eighth stripes are a lighter gold, the third and seventh stripes are golden yellow, the fourth and sixth stripes are dandelion yellow, and the center stripe is bright yellow. In the center of the flag, there is a large black blood bag icon. The same flag, but without the blood bag.

Also called: Aureamiac, Transgoldblood

A transblood/transamia (specifically xenoblood/xenoamia) identity whereby someone desires to have or identifies as having gold as their blood.

Coined by transx-mogai-cafe on July 31st, 2022.

Heart Emoji Circle Emoji Flag Emoji
A heart emoji with the design of the Aureamian flag. A circle emoji with the design of the Aureamian flag. A flag emoji with the design of the Aureamian flag.

Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 23rd, 2023.

Similar terms: Moneyamian, Goldilightamian


A flag with six stripes. The top stripe is light brown, the second stripe is white, the third stripe is cyan, the fourth stripe is neon green, the fifth stripe is dark red, and the sixth stripe is dark grey.

Where one desires to have blood made of battery acid.

Coined by wretchedcreature666 on May 15th, 2023.

Heart Emoji Circle Emoji Flag Emoji
A heart emoji with the design of the Batteryacidamian flag. A circle emoji with the design of the Batteryacidamian flag. A flag emoji with the design of the Batteryacidamian flag.

Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 20th, 2023.


A flag with five mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are very dark red, dark red, and red. The center stripe is wavy. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic bright red outline of a blood drop with a circle with a cross inside of it inside of the blood drop.

One who had/has/should have blood for blood. Could be used for those who used to identify with having unnatural blood but don’t now. It might also be used for those with delusions, alterhumans, shifters, or for any other reason.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.


A flag with seven mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are very thin and pale gold, very thick and light gold, pale golden yellow, and pale yellow. In the center of the flag, there is a large cream bone symbol.

One who had/has/should have bones for blood.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.

Similar terms: Bonemarrowamian


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are cream, the second and eighth stripes are tan, the third and seventh stripes are dark tan, the fourth and sixth stripes are off white, and the center stripe is white. The fourth, center, and sixth stripes are thinner than the others, with the second and eighth stripes being the next thinnest. The top and bottom stripes are slightly thicker than the others.

Also called: Bonemarrowbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of bone marrow.

Coined by transblood-hub on April 16th, 2024.

Similar terms: Boneamian


A flag with nine mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are thin and dark red, thin and lighter red, red, light grey, and off white. In the center of the flag, there is a very dark red and white book symbol.

One who had/has/should have books for blood.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.

Similar terms: Knowledgeamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven stripes. The top stripe is a desaturated light teal, the second stripe is a desaturated light blue, the third stripe is pastel blue, and the center stripe is white. The fifth stripe is a very light cool grey, the sixth stripe is a very pastel blue, and the seventh stripe is an off white blue. There are circular shapes coming out of the stripes of the flag that are the same colors as the stripes they originate from, representing bubbles. The same flag, but without the bubble design.

Transblood/xenoblood term related to wanting/acquiring/having bubbles as blood!

Coined by fuwafluffymoca on September 25th, 2022.

Heart Emoji Circle Emoji Flag Emoji
A heart emoji with the design of the bubblemian flag. A circle emoji with the design of the bubblemian flag. A flag emoji with the design of the bubblemian flag.

Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 23rd, 2023.


Flag 1 Flag 2
a pride flag with 9 stripes. in order from top to bottom, the colors are black, dark green, green, light green, dark red, light yellow, light orange, light brown, black. the dark red stripe in the middle is slightly smaller than the rest. the previous pride flag with a png in the center which is a red drop of blood with a black silhouette of a beetle inside of it.

Also called: Bugbloodic

a transblood / transamia term for those who feel as though their blood is / should be made of insects or that they have insects crawling through their veins instead of blood !!

Coined by bug-queer on July 25th, 2024.


A flag with fifteen stripes. The top and bottom stripes are thick and black, the second and fourteenth stripes are thin and dandelion, the third and thirteenth stripes are thin and black, and the fourth and twelfth stripes are thick and dandelion. The fifth and eleventh stripes are black, the sixth and tenth stripes are pale yellow, the seventh and ninth stripes are thin and black, and the center stripe is pale yellow.

Also called: Beebloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have live bees running through their veins instead of blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on September 10th, 2024.


A flag with five vertical mirrored wavy stripes. From left to center, they are dark magenta, mauve, and light tan. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic cream outline of a moth.

One who had/has/should have live moths for blood.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.


A flag with seven stripes. From top to center, they are black, very dark brown, charcoal, and pale yellow. The stripes are all way, except for the center stripe. In the center of the flag, there is a black spider logo.

One who had/has/should have live spiders for blood.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.

Similar terms: Webamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with fifteen mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are charcoal, black, gold, black, off white, grey, dark grey, and black. The black stripes are all very thin, with the center stripe being the thinnest. The grey and dark grey stripes are also very thin, and the charcoal stripes are the thickest. In the center of the flag, there is a black bullet silhouette with a grey outline. The same flag, but without the bullet.

Also called: Bulletbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of bullets.

Coined by transblood-hub on September 26th, 2024.

Similar terms: Gunpowderamian, Waramian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven stripes. The top and bottoms stripes are white, the second and sixth stripes are beige, the third and fifth stripes are pale beige, and the center stripe is off white. The center stripe is much thicker than the others, with the outermost stripes also being thicker than the rest. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic orange fire symbol. There are two large drips on either side of the flag, with the colors they drip into outlining the drip on the way down. The same flag, but without the drips.

Also called: Candlewaxamic, Candlewaxbloodic

A transblood term for those who feel as though they should have candle wax for blood.

Coined by makimallows on July 2nd, 2024.


A flag with three wavy vertical stripes. From left to right, they are bright pale yellow, pale yellow, and slightly paler yellow. In the center of the flag, there is a muted light yellow Chapstick symbol.

One who had/has/should have Chapstick for blood.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven stripes. The top and bottoms stripes are red, the second and sixth stripes are white, the third and fifth stripes are green, and the center stripe is a dark grey purple. The center stripe takes up the majority of the flag, with the white stripes being very thin and the green stripes being thinner than the red stripes. Inside the center stripe, there is a string of rainbow Christmas lights on a black cord. The Christmas lights have a border of semi transparent white around each of the bulbs, making it look like they are glowing. There are small white drips coming out of the white stripes, with the ones on the second stripe going down and the ones on the sixth stripe sticking up. The same flag, but without the glow around the lights.

Also called: Christmaslightsbloodic, Xmaslightsamian, Xmaslightsbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of Christmas lights.

Coined by transblood-hub on December 25th, 2023.


A flag with six stripes with notches in them, like they are connected like gears. From top to bottom, they are orange, muted light yellow, brown, muted mint, muted orange, and muted green. In the center of the flag, there are two dark red orange gear icons.

One who had/has/should have clockwork machinery for blood.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.


A flag with thirteen stripes. The top and bottom stripes are white, the second and twelfth stripes are very light grey, the third and eleventh stripes are light grey, and the fourth and tenth stripes are a very pastel blue. The fifth and ninth stripes are pastel blue, the sixth and eighth stripes are a very light cool grey, and the center stripe is white. The sixth and eighth stripes are very thin, with the second and twelfth stripes only being slightly thicker. The center stripe and pastel blue stripes are the next thinnest, with the very pastel blue stripes and the top and bottom stripes only being slightly thicker than those. The light grey stripes are the thickest.

Also called: Cloudbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of clouds.

Coined by transblood-hub on November 8th, 2023.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are charcoal, the second and tenth stripes are white, and the third and ninth stripes are light blue. The fourth and eighth stripes are charcoal, the fifth and seventh stripes are a bright purple, and the center stripe is white. The center stripe is the thickest stripe, with the top and bottom stripes being the next thickest. The second, fourth, eighth, and tenth stripes are the thinnest. There are drips coming out of some of the stripes. On the top and bottom stripes, there are several pieces of confetti in all the colors of the rainbow. There are also small white dots on the top and bottom stripes. The same flag, but without the confetti or dots.

Also called: Confettibloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of confetti.

Coined by transblood-hub on December 14th, 2023.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are black, the second and tenth stripes are white, and the center stripe is white. The third stripe is red, the fourth stripe is orange, the fifth stripe is yellow, the seventh stripe is green, the eighth stripe is blue, and the ninth stripe is purple. The center stripe is the thickest stripe, with the top and bottom stripes being the next thickest. The second, fourth, eighth, and tenth stripes are the thinnest. There are drips coming out of some of the stripes. On the top and bottom stripes, there are several pieces of confetti in all the colors of the rainbow. There are also small rainbow dots on the top and bottom stripes. The same flag, but without the confetti or dots.

Also called: Rainbowfettibloodic, RainbowConfettiBloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of rainbow confetti.

Coined by transblood-hub on June 27th, 2024.

Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven stripes. The top stripe is red, the second stripe is orange, the third stripe is yellow, and the center stripe shows an image of circular rainbow confetti. The fifth stripe is light green, the sixth stripe is light blue, and the bottom stripe is indigo. In the center of the flag, there is a large black blood bag icon. The same flag, but without the blood bag symbol.

Alternate flag created by fckindumbboy-coins on June 30th, 2024.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven stripes. The top stripe is muted red, the second stripe is muted orange, the third stripe is muted yellow, and the center stripe shows an image of circular pastel rainbow confetti. The fifth stripe is muted green, the sixth stripe is muted blue, and the bottom stripe is muted indigo. In the center of the flag, there is a large black blood bag icon. The same flag, but without the blood bag symbol.

When someone desires to have, feels they should have, or identify as having muted rainbow confetti for blood!

Coined by fckindumbboy-coins on June 30th, 2024.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven stripes. The top stripe is pastel red, the second stripe is pastel orange, the third stripe is pastel yellow, and the center stripe shows an image of circular pastel rainbow confetti. The fifth stripe is pastel green, the sixth stripe is pastel blue, and the bottom stripe is pastel purple. In the center of the flag, there is a large black blood bag icon. The same flag, but without the blood bag symbol.

When someone desires to have, feels they should have, or identify as having neon rainbow confetti for blood!

Coined by fckindumbboy-coins on June 30th, 2024.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven stripes. The top stripe is neon red, the second stripe is neon orange, the third stripe is neon yellow, and the center stripe shows an image of circular rainbow confetti. The fifth stripe is neon green, the sixth stripe is neon cyan, and the bottom stripe is neon indigo. In the center of the flag, there is a large black blood bag icon. The same flag, but without the blood bag symbol.

When someone desires to have, feels they should have, or identify as having pastel rainbow confetti for blood!

Coined by fckindumbboy-coins on June 30th, 2024.


A flag with nine stripes. The top stripe is orange, the second stripe is yellow orange, and the third stripe is a light golden yellow. The fourth and sixth stripes are wavy and pale blue, and the center stripe is wavy and white. The seventh stripe is beige, the eighth stripe is light brown, and the ninth stripe is greyish brown. The pale blue stripes are very thin. On the top side of the flag, there is a line of color from the stripe above each stripe near the top of the stripes, with the opposite being true for the bottom stripes, save for the topmost, bottommost, and pale blue stripes.

Also called: Desertbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of the desert.

Coined by transblood-hub on June 29th, 2024.


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are dark grey, the second and tenth stripes are lime green, and the third and ninth stripes are very dark brown. The fourth and eighth stripes are desaturated tan, the fifth and seventh stripes are white, and the center stripe is desaturated green. The five centermost stripes are the thinnest, with the lime green stripes being the next thinnest and the brown stripes being the thickest.

Also called: Digestivenzibloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is made of digestive enzymes, and as such, it breaks down whatever enters the blood stream.

Coined by transblood-hub on April 11th, 2024.


A flag with seven diagonal stripes. The top and bottoms stripes are dark violet, the second and sixth stripes are dark orange, the third and fifth stripes are yellow orange, and the center stripe is pale yellow. In the center of the flag, there is a dark violet logo of a cut with drips coming out of it.

Also called: Divikinflagbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of the divinekin flag created by divine-skyline.

Coined by transblood-hub on March 3rd, 2024.

Similar terms: Angelkinflagamian


A flag with seven diagonal stripes. The top and bottoms stripes are dark violet, the second and sixth stripes are dark orange, the third and fifth stripes are yellow orange, and the center stripe is pale yellow. In the center of the flag, there is a dark violet logo of a cut with drips coming out of it.

One who’s blood is, should be made of, or was made of Dragonbreath mouthwash.

Coined by khaotickoins on November 9th, 2024.

Similar terms: Mintlisteramian, Oralisteramian


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are black, the second and eighth stripes are white, the third and seventh stripes are a very light grey, the fourth and sixth stripes are a very pastel cyan, and the center stripe is a light cyan. The second and eighth stripes are much thinner than the other stripes. The black and light grey stripes are the thickest.

Also called: Transectoplasm

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those who feel like they have or should have ectoplasm instead of blood.

Coined by user on August 30th, 2023.


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are black, the second and eighth stripes are a dark and desaturated teal, the third and seventh stripes are a very light grey, the fourth and sixth stripes are a desaturated cyan, and the center stripe is a dark and desaturated teal. The second and eighth stripes are much thinner than the other stripes. The black and light grey stripes are the thickest.

Also called: Transcongectoplasm

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those who feel as though they have or should have blood made of ectoplasm that has congealed.

Coined by transblood-hub on August 29th, 2023.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are cyan, light blue, blue, black. The stripes have a zig-zag pattern to them. Over the entire flag, there is are electrical overlays that follow the stripes. A flag with seven mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are red, orange, yellow, and white. The stripes have a zig-zag pattern to them. Over the entire flag, there is are electrical overlays that follow the stripes.

Also called: Transelectrifiedblood

EletricAmia is a TransID for those who feel they have/should have blood made of electrical energy/electric current/electric lightning.
Coined by webweirdweedsmoker on November 7th, 2024.


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are very dark green, the second and eighth stripes are dark green, the third and seventh stripes are greenish grey, the fourth and sixth stripes are white, and the center stripe is light yellow. The green stripes are all thicker than the others, with the white and grey stripes being the thinnest. There are white dots surrounding the there centermost stripes.

Also called: Fairydustbloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of fairy dust.

Coined by transblood-hub on April 8th, 2024.

Similar terms: Fairyamian


A flag with three uneven stripes. The top stripe is dark red, the center stripe is bright red, and the bottom stripe is a grey red.

A transblood/xenoblood term for someone who wants or identifies as having fake blood instead of real blood.

Coined by cutiekowala between October 22nd and 25th, 2022.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven stripes. The top stripe is a desaturated yellow orange, the second stripe is a desaturated orange, the third stripe is dark red, and the center stripe is dark brown. The fifth stripe is bright orange, the sixth stripe is bright yellow orange, and the bottom stripe is bright yellow. The fifth, sixth, and bottom stripes look like flames and they reach up into the other stripes. The same flag, but the bottom three stripes look like traditional stripes. As such, the center stripe is now thinner than the rest of the stripes.

Also called: Firebloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of fire.

Coined by transblood-hub on January 15th, 2024.

Similar terms: Lavamian, Boilbloodic


A flag that is mostly black with five thin rings of color. From the centermost ring outwards, they are blue, purple, cyan, bright pink, and bright green. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic drawing of a firework with the same colors as the rings.

Also called: Fireworkbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of fireworks.

Coined by transblood-hub on January 5th, 2025.


A flag with five stripes. The top stripe is pink, the second stripe is yellow, the center stripe is light blue, the fourth stripe is a light and bright purple, and the bottom stripe is light orange. There are thick drips coming out of some of the stripes. There are dots all over the flag that are mostly transparent.

Also called: Floambloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of floam.

Coined by transblood-hub on October 1st, 2023.

Similar terms: Kineticsandamian, Slimeamian


A flag with thirteen stripes. The top and bottom stripes are white, the second and twelfth stripes are light red, the third and eleventh stripes are thin and black, and the fourth and tenth stripes are light blue. The fifth and ninth stripes are thin and white, the sixth and eighth stripes are thin and light blue, and the center stripe is thick and white. There is another black stripe overtop the center stripe, but it is split in half diagonally, with the leftmost half being shifted upwards slightly, and the rightmost half being shifted downwards. In between the halves, there is a small black star.

Also called: Freedombloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be filled with freedom.

Coined by transblood-hub on June 29th, 2024.


A flag with nine mirrored stripes. Form top to center, they are black, very dark brown, brown, greyish tan, and off white. The dark brown stripes are thicker than the rest. In the center of the flag, there is a caramel fur chunk symbol.

One who had/has/should have fur for blood.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.


A flag with six stripes. The top stripe is a very dark blue, the second stripe is dark blue, the third stripe is magenta, the fourth stripe is a berry pink, the fifth stripe is bright purple, and the sixth stripe is a very dark purple. In the center of the flag, there is a large white blood bag icon

Also called: Galactablood, Galactamic

An identity where it feels like one’s blood should or is made up of the galaxy and space!

Coined by proship0pain0and0para on August 11th, 2022.

Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are black, the second and sixth stripes are very dark purple, the third and fifth stripes are dark blue, and the center stripe is a lighter blue. All over the flag, there are semi transparent white dots of varying sizes. The same flag, but without the dots.

Alternate flags created by transblood-hub on January 16th, 2023.

Heart Emoji Circle Emoji Flag Emoji
A heart emoji with the design of the galactablood flag. A circle emoji with the design of the galactablood flag. A flag emoji with the design of the galactablood flag.

Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 23rd, 2023.

Similar terms: Staramian, Stardustamic, Planetamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. the top and bottom stripes are black, the second and eighth stripes are grey, the third and seventh stripes are a dark grey gold, the fourth and sixth stripes are gold, and the center stripe is a pastel yellow. The third and seventh stripes are very thin, with the black stripes being slightly thicker than the other stripes. There are two shines across the pastel yellow and gold stripes. The same flag, but without the shines.

Also called: Gasolinebloodic, Petrolamian, Petrolbloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those who feel like their blood is or should be made of gasoline.

Coined by transblood-hub on September 16th, 2023.


A flag with five wavy mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are bright cool green, a lighter cool green, and light cool green. The center stripe is thicker than the rest. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic outline of a pastel green container with gel inside.

One who’s blood was/is/should be made of gel.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 1st, 2025.


A flag with five wavy mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are very dark green, muted pale green, and muted light green. The center stripe is thicker than the rest and has pale green speckles inside of it. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic drawing of a dark green aloe leaf.

One who’s blood was/is/should be made of aloe gel.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 1st, 2025.


A flag with twenty one thin stripes. The top and bottom stripes are blue, the second and twentieth stripes are dark blue, the third and nineteenth stripes are bubblegum pink, and the fourth and eighteenth stripes are rose pink. The fifth and seventeenth stripes are a bright pastel pink, the sixth and sixteenth stripes are rose pink, the seventh and fifteenth stripes are dark green, and the eighth and fourteenth stripes are light green. The ninth and thirteenth stripes are a lighter green, the tenth and twelfth stripes are light green, and the center stripe is white.

Also called: Gemshardbloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those who have or should have crushed gems for blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on October 14th, 2023.

A blinkie with the background being the gemshardamian flag. There are purple blob letters with a purple trim and catchlights on the top left side of the letters spelling out "gemshardamian." There is a gem symbol on either side of the word in the same colors. The border has four colors, the white, light green, dark blue, and dark pink that appear in the flag itself. The border colors alternate places between frames.
The same blinkie, but the border is now only two colors, pale pink and white.
The same blinkie, but it has returned to the four color border and the text now reads "gemshardbloodic".
The same blinkie, but with the pink and white trim.
Gemshardamian blinkies created by transblood-hub on October 18th, 2023.

Similar terms: Glasshardamian


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are very light grey, the second and tenth stripes are dark grey, and the third and ninth stripes are light grey. Within the third and ninth stripes, there are grey lines in a broken glass-like pattern. The fourth and eighth stripes are very dark grey, the fifth and seventh stripes are white, and the center stripe is grey. The third and ninth stripes are much thicker than the other stripes, with the top and bottom stripes are also quite thick.

Also called: Glasshardbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of glass shards.

Coined by transblood-hub on January 9th, 2024.

Similar terms: Gemshardamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are dark red, the second and eighth stripes are a slightly lighter red, the third and seventh stripes are muted red, the fourth and sixth stripes are bright red, and the center stripe is pastel red. In the center of the flag, there is a large black blood bag icon. There is a glitter overlay over the entire flag. The same flag, but without the blood bag icon.

Also called: Glitterblood

A transblood/transamia (specifically xenoblood/xenoamia) identity whereby someone desires to have or identifies as having glitter in their blood.

Coined by transx-mogai-cafe on August 17th, 2022.

Similar terms: Glitteramian, Glitteramian, Sparkleamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are very dark blue, the second and eighth stripes are dark blue, the third and seventh stripes are muted blue, the fourth and sixth stripes are bright blue, and the center stripe is a less bright blue. In the center of the flag, there is a large black blood bag icon. There is a glitter overlay over the entire flag. The same flag, but without the blood bag icon.

Also called: Blueglitterblood

A glitterblood term for those who feel as though they should have blue-colored glitter for blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on August 25th, 2024.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are bubblegum pink, the second and eighth stripes are lighter pink, the third and seventh stripes are light pink, the fourth and sixth stripes are pastel pink, and the center stripe is pale pink. In the center of the flag, there is a large dark mauve blood bag icon. There is a glitter overlay over the entire flag. The same flag, but without the blood bag icon.

Also called: Pinkglitterblood

A glitterblood term for those who feel as though they should have pink-colored glitter for blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on September 3rd, 2024.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are dark blue, the second and eighth stripes are dark magenta, the third and seventh stripes are white, the fourth and sixth stripes are silver, and the center stripe is gold. There is a large, black, mostly opaque blood bag symbol in the center of the flag. There is a glittery overlay over the entire flag. The same flag, but without the blood bag icon.

Also called: Glittergluebloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of glitter glue.

Coined by transblood-hub on July 14th, 2024.

Similar terms: Glitteramian, Glittergelinkamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are very dark blue, the second and eighth stripes are blue, the third and seventh stripes are off white, the fourth and sixth stripes are light blue, and the center stripe is a slightly darker blue. There is a large, black, mostly opaque blood bag symbol in the center of the flag. There is a glittery overlay over the entire flag. The same flag, but without the blood bag icon.

Also called: Blueglittergluebloodic

A glitterglueamian term for those who feel as though they should have blue-colored glitter glue for blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on August 25th, 2024.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are dark pink, the second and eighth stripes are pink, the third and seventh stripes are very pale pink, the fourth and sixth stripes are a light warm pink, and the center stripe is bubblegum pink. There is a large, black, mostly opaque blood bag symbol in the center of the flag. There is a glittery overlay over the entire flag. The same flag, but without the blood bag icon.

Also called: Pinkglittergluebloodic

A glitterglueamian term for those who feel as though they should have pink-colored glitter glue for blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on September 3rd, 2024.


A flag with five wavy stripes. The topmost stripe is light grey, and each following stripe fades more into off white. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic white glue bottle logo with a small white droplet next to the cap.

One who had/has/should have glue for blood.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.


A flag with four diagonal wavy stripes. Form top right to bottom left, they are pale blue, pale grey, light grey, and grey. In the center of the flag, there is a brown eye symbol.

One who’s blood is/was/should be made of some sort of god.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.

Similar terms: Ichoramian


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are an orangey gold, the second and eighth stripes are a lighter orange gold, the third and seventh stripes are a golden yellow, the fourth and sixth stripes are pastel yellow, and the center stripe is white. The center stripe is much thicker than the other stripes.

Also called: Goldilightbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of golden, glowing light.

Coined by transblood-hub on December 28th, 2023.

Similar terms: Aureamian, Luxamial


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are charcoal, the second and eighth stripes are desaturated gold, the third and seventh stripes are black, the fourth and sixth stripes are charcoal, and the center stripe is grey. The gold stripes are thinner than the rest, and the top and bottom stripes are slightly thicker than the rest.

Also called: Gunpowderbloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of gunpowder.

Coined by transblood-hub on January 17th, 2024.

Similar terms: Bulletamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with eleven mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are cool green, very thin and dark cool green, light cool green, very thin and off white, thin and pale green, and white. There are lighter cool green rings of various sizes inside of the top and bottom stripes. The five centermost stripes are waved. The same flag, but the wavy stripes are now straight.

Also called: Handsanitizerbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of hand sanitizer.

Coined by transblood-hub on October 7th, 2024.

Similar terms: Antibacteriamian, Soapamian


A flag with five wavy mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are pastel blue, pastel yellow, and white. There are cloudlike shapes coming out of the second and bottommost stripes. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic drawing of a golden halo with light emanating from it.

One who’s blood is, was, or should be made from heaven.

Coined by khaotickoins on January 20th, 2025.

Similar terms: Hellbloodic, Purgatorybloodic


A flag with five wavy mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are dark red, red, and black. There are firelike shapes coming out of the second and bottommost stripes. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic drawing of a pair of bright red demon horns.

One who’s blood is, was, or should be made from hell.

Coined by khaotickoins on January 20th, 2025.

Similar terms: Heavenbloodic, Purgatorybloodic


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are black, the second stripe is orange, and the third stripe is dark orange. The fourth and sixth stripes are pale grey, the center stripe is white, the seventh stripe is dark purple, and the eighth stripe is purple. The grey stripes are much thinner than the rest of the stripes.

Also called: Heroinbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of heroin.

Coined by transblood-hub on January 21st, 2024.


A flag with four uneven stripes. The top stripe is pastel yellow, the second stripe is white, the third stripe is pastel blue, and the fourth stripe is light pink.

Also called: Holywateramian

A xenoblood identity where somebody feels their blood should be made of holy water.

Coined by kowalapantheon on April 9th, 2024.

Similar terms: Moonwateramian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with five mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are reddish pink, orange, and pale yellow. The center stripe is very thick. Across the center of the flag, there are several simplistic hibiscus flowers in shades or red, magenta, and purple. A flag with nine mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are reddish pink, orange, pale yellow, violet, and red. The violet stripes are thinner than the rest.

Also called: Hibiscusbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of hibiscus flowers.

Coined by transblood-hub on November 9th, 2024.

Similar terms: Sakuramian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are pastel cyan, the second and tenth stripes are light teal, and the third and ninth stripes are a lighter teal . The fourth and eighth stripes are white, the fifth and seventh stripes are a very light grey, and the center stripe is light grey. The grey stripes are spiky and jagged, not making them traditional stripes. The second and tenth stripes are the thinnest, with the top and bottom stripes being thinner than the third and ninth stripes. The same flag, but the grey stripes are traditional stripes. They are all thin, with the center stripe being the thinnest.

Also called: Icebloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have ice for blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on November 23rd, 2023.

A moodboard with nine images. Each image shows a different picture of ice, expect for the center image, which is the iceamian flag. There is a baby blue trim around each of the images.

Iceamian moodboard created by waywardshifer on November 27th, 2023.

Similar terms: Snowmian


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are black, the second and eighth stripes are a very dark brown, the third and seventh stripes are golden yellow, the fourth and the sixth stripes are yellow, and the center stripe is white. The brown and black stripes are thicker than the other stripes.

Also called: Transichor, Transichorblood

A transamian/transblood identity for those who feel as though they have or should have ichor instead of blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on July 20th, 2023.

Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with five stripes. The top and bottom stripes are pale yellow, the second and fourth stripes are white, and the center stripe is black. There are large drips on the left side of the flag coming out of the stripes. The same flag, but without the drips.

Alternate flags created by kazzo-koinz on April 6th, 2024.


A flag with nine mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are dark muted green, a lighter dark muted green, muted lime green, black, and muted olive green. The black stripes are thinner than the rest. There are thick drips coiming out of the topmost black stripe.

One who has, had, or feels as though they should have rotten Ichor for blood.

Coined by khaotickoins on December 8th, 2024.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are charcoal, the second and eighth stripes are a warm dark grey, the third and seventh stripes are a cool grey, the fourth and sixth stripes are a cool light grey, and the center stripe is a warm off white. In the center of the flag, there is a large black blood bag icon. The same flag, but without the blood bag icon.

Also called: Transinkblood

A transblood/transamia (specifically xenoblood/xenoamia) identity whereby someone desires to have or identifies as having ink as their blood.

Coined by transx-mogai-cafe on August 6th, 2022.

Similar terms: Paintamic, Splinkamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are black, the second and eighth stripes are a very dark grey, the third and seventh stripes are a cool dark grey, the fourth and sixth stripes are dark grey, and the center stripe is a very light grey. In the center of the flag, there is a large grey blood bag icon. The same flag, but without the blood bag icon.

Also called: Redinkbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have black ink for blood.

Coined by transx-mogai-cafe on August 6th, 2022.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are a dark blue grey, the second and eighth stripes are a cool grey, the third and seventh stripes are blue grey, the fourth and sixth stripes are blue, and the center stripe is an off white blue. In the center of the flag, there is a large, very dark blue blood bag icon. The same flag, but without the blood bag icon.

Also called: Blueinkbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have blue ink for blood.

Coined by transx-mogai-cafe on August 6th, 2022.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are dark red, the second and eighth stripes are red, the third and seventh stripes are a pinkish red, the fourth and sixth stripes are dark pink, and the center stripe is pastel pink. In the center of the flag, there is a large, very dark red blood bag icon. The same flag, but without the blood bag icon.

Also called: Redinkbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have red ink for blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on December 21st, 2023.


A flag with nine stripes. The top stripe is hot pink, the third stripe is red, the center stripe is a light cool green, the seventh stripe is sky blue, the ninth stripe is a light and bright purple, and the second, fourth, sixth, and eighth stripes are all white. The top and bottom stripes are the thickest, with the center stripe being the thinnest. There are sparkles inside the colored stripes.

Also called: Glittergelinkbloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those who have or should have glitter gel pen ink for blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on November 13th, 2023.

Similar terms: Glitteramian, Glitterglueamian


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are light teal, the second and eighth stripes are white, the third and seventh stripes are dark teal, the fourth and sixth stripes are white, and the center stripe is cyan. The top and bottom stripes are the thickest, with the center stripe being the thinnest. There are sparkles inside the colored stripes.

Also called: Cyanglittergelinkbloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those who have or should have cyan colored glitter gel pen ink for blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on November 13th, 2023.


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are black, the second and tenth stripes are grey, and the third and ninth stripes are a lighter grey. The fourth and eighth stripes are light grey, the fifth and seventh stripes are white, and the center stripe is an orange to yellow gradient, with the orange on the left side and the yellow on the right. The top, fourth, eighth, and bottom stripes are much thicker than the rest, with the third and ninth stripes also being thicker than the others.

Also called: Kerosenebloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of kerosene.

Coined by transblood-hub on December 30th, 2023.


A flag with nine stripes. The top stripe is dark purple, the second stripe is purple, the third and seventh stripes are light beige, the fourth and sixth stripes are beige, the center stripe is tan, the eighth stripe is blue, and the bottom stripe is cornflower blue. The second and eighth stripes are much thicker than the rest of the stripes, with the top and bottom stripes being only slightly thicker than the others.

Also called: Kineticsandbloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of kinetic sand.

Coined by transblood-hub on October 1st, 2023.

Similar terms: Floamamian, Slimeamian


A flag with fifteen stripes. The top and bottom stripes are a very dark brown, the second and fourteenth stripes are a bright orange, the third and thirteenth stripes are golden yellow, and the fourth and twelfth stripes are a very dark brown. The fifth and eleventh stripes are dark red, the sixth and tenth stripes are orange, the seventh and ninth stripes are a lighter orange, and the center stripe is bright yellow. The gold stripes are much thinner than the rest of the stripes, with the bright orange and yellow stripes are being slightly thinner. The brown stripes are much thicker than the rest. There is a lava-like texture overlayed on top of the bright orange, the orange, and the bright yellow stripes.

Also called: Lavabloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of lava.

Coined by transblood-hub on January 1st, 2024.

Similar terms: Fireamian, Lavalampamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are light grey, the second and fourth stripes are black, and the center stripe is a bright magenta to bright purple gradient. The center stripe takes up the majority of the flag, with the grey stripes being thinner than the black stripes. Inside the center stripe, there are several large, round, somewhat transparent blue and greyish shapes. Running through those shapes is a semi transparent wavy, white line. A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are light grey, the second and tenth stripes are black, and the third and ninth stripes are a bright magenta to bright purple gradient. The fourth and eighth stripes are semi transparent and blue, the fifth and seventh stripes are semi transparent and greyish, and the center stripe is semi transparent and white.

Also called: Lavalampbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of lava lamp liquid.

Coined by transblood-hub on December 23rd, 2023.

Stamp 1 Stamp 2 Stamp 3 Stamp 4
A stamp with the design of the first lavalampamian flag with a white border. A stamp with the design of the first lavalampamian flag with a black lacey border. A stamp with the design of the second lavalampamian flag with a white border. A stamp with the design of the second lavalampamian flag with a black lacey border.

Stamps created by rqstamps on March 27th, 2024.

Similar terms: Lavamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with eleven mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are muted green, muted olive green, muted lighter green, muted light green, a cooler muted light green, and light cool green. Most of the stripes are quite thin, except for the top two and bottom two stripes, with the third most stripes being the thinnest. The top and bottom stripes have leaf-like edges. The same flag, but the leaf-like stripes are now styles like normal stripes, with each now having a dark green edge.

Also called: Leafbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of leaves.

Coined by transblood-hub on October 5th, 2024.

Similar terms: Plantbleedic


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are desaturated brown, the second and tenth stripes are a darker desaturated brown, and the third and ninth stripes are grey. The fourth and eighth stripes are a pale cool grey, the fifth and seventh stripes are light desaturated green, and the center stripe is green.  The second and tenth stripes are thinner than the rest.

Also called: Lichenbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of lichen.

Coined by transblood-hub on April 10th, 2024.

Similar terms: Mossamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are pink, the second and sixth stripes are hot pink, the third and fifth stripes are a berry color, and the center stripe is white. The center stripe is slightly thinner than the other stripes. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic drawing of a a potion bottle with a bright magenta liquid inside. there are small swirls in the shape of a heart over the liquid. The same flag, but without the potion bottle.

Also called: Lovepotibloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made up of love potion.

Coined by transblood-hub on January 22nd, 2024.

Similar terms: Aphrodisiamian


A flag with seven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are black, the second and sixth stripes are navy blue, the third and fifth stripes are grey, and the center stripe is off white.

Where one desires to have blood made of mercury.

Coined by wretchedcreature666 on May 15th, 2023.

Heart Emoji Circle Emoji Flag Emoji
A heart emoji with the design of the mercuryamian flag. A circle emoji with the design of the mercuryamian flag. A flag emoji with the design of the mercuryamian flag.

Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 20th, 2023.

Similar terms: Mercuryplanamian


A flag with thirteen stripes. The top and bottom stripes are thick and muted blue, the second and twelfth stripes are thin and black, the third and eleventh stripes are thin and a slightly lighter muted blue, and the fourth and tenth stripes are thick and charcoal. The fifth and ninth stripes are very thin, wavy, and sky blue, the sixth and eighth stripes are very thin, wavy, and black, and the center stripe is thick, wavy, and cyan. Inside of the top and bottom stripes, there are pale blue circles of different sizes.

Also called: Mintlisterbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of cool mint Listerine mouthwash.

Coined by transblood-hub on August 3rd, 2024.

Similar terms: Dragonbreathmouthwashamian, Oralisteramian


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are a teal grey, the second and tenth stripes are a dark and desaturated green, and the third and ninth stripes are black. The fourth and eighth stripes are desaturated light green, the fifth and seventh stripes are pale green, and the center stripe is off white. The black stripes are the thinnest, with the pale green and off white stripes also being thinner than the other stripes.

Also called: Moldbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of mold.

Coined by transblood-hub on December 17th, 2023.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with six stripes. The top stripe is black, the second stripe is navy blue, and the third stripe is half desaturated cool green and half dark greyish green. The center stripe is white, the fifth stripe is pastel blue, the sixth stripe is sky blue, and the seventh stripe is blue. The white stripe is much thinner than the rest of the stripes. There is a large white circle over the black and navy blue stripes with several smaller white dots next to it on either side. The same flag, but without any of the white dots and the third stripe is just the desaturated cool green color.

Also called: Moonwaterbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of moon water.

Coined by transblood-hub on April 9th, 2024.

Similar terms: Holywateramian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are green, the second and tenth stripes are white, and the third and ninth stripes are a light desaturated green. The fourth and eighth stripes are gold, the fifth and seventh stripes are light gold, and the center stripe is silver.  The white, light gold, and silver stripes are thinner than the rest, with the light green stripes being the thickest. In the center of the flag, there is a simple gold coin drawing with a dollar sign on it. The same flag, but without the coin symbol.

Also called: Moneybloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those who feel like their blood is or should be made of money.

Coined by transblood-hub on September 18th, 2023.

Similar terms: Aureamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are gold, the second and eighth stripes are yellow, the third and seventh stripes are a slightly darker gold, the fourth and sixth stripes are very dark gold, and the center stripe is dark gold. The center stripe is very thick, with the yellow and very dark gold stripes being the thinnest. Inside the center stripe, there are seven gold coins stacked on top of each other, with the coins nearest to center of the flag being slightly lighter in shade than the ones on the outsides. A flag with thirteen stripes. The top and bottom stripes are gold, the second and twelfth stripes are yellow, the third and eleventh stripes are a slightly darker gold, and the fourth and tenth stripes are very dark gold. The fifth and ninth stripes are yellowish gold, the sixth and eighth stripes are a darker gold, and the center stripe is yellowish gold. The yellowish gold stripes have a slight gradient, being light in the center and darker on the outsides. The center stripe is very thick, with the yellow, inner darker gold, and very dark gold stripes being the thinnest.

Also called: Goldicoinbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of gold coins.

Coined by transblood-hub on June 9th, 2024.


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are light grey, the second and tenth stripes are grey, and the third and ninth stripes are green. The fourth and eighth stripes are pastel green, the fifth and seventh stripes are dark green, and the center stripe is a light desaturated green.  The second and tenth stripes are thinner than the rest.

Also called: Mossbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of moss.

Coined by transblood-hub on April 10th, 2024.

Similar terms: Lichenamian


A flag with five mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are light green, pastel green, and pale green. The center stripe is wavy. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic green outline of a nose with three droplets coming down from it.

One who had/has/should have mucus for blood.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are brown, the second and tenth stripes are a slightly lighter brown, and the third and ninth stripes are very thin and very dark brown. The fourth and eighth stripes are dark brown, the fifth and seventh stripes are thin and muted brown, and the center stripe is tan.

Also called: Mudbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of mud.

Coined by transblood-hub on September 20th, 2024.


A flag with seven stripes. The top, bottom, third, and fifth stripes are off black, and the second, sixth, and center stripes are off white. The second, third, fifth, and sixth stripes are very thin. The center stripe takes up most of the flag. Inside the center stripe, there is a line of sheet music.

Also called: Musicbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is made of music. This may mean that music can be heard coming from one's blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on January 20th, 2024.


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are light green, the second and eighth stripes are dark green, the third and seventh stripes are white, the fourth and sixth stripes are pastel yellow, and the center stripe is yellow. The center stripe is the thinnest, with the fourth and sixth stripes also being thinner than the rest.

Also called: Nectarbloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of nectar.

Coined by transblood-hub on October 3rd, 2023.

Similar terms: Pollenamian, Treesapamian


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are oink, the second and eighth stripes are bright purple, the third and seventh stripes are pastel blue, the fourth and sixth stripes are pastel yellow, and the center stripe is yellow. The center stripe is the thinnest, with the fourth and sixth stripes also being thinner than the rest.

Also called: Floranectarbloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of flower nectar.

Coined by transblood-hub on October 3rd, 2023.

Similar terms: Florapollenamian


A flag with thirteen stripes. The top and bottom stripes are thick and light orange, the second and twelfth stripes are thin and black, the third and eleventh stripes are thin and yellow-orange, and the fourth and tenth stripes are thick and charcoal. The fifth and ninth stripes are very thin, wavy, and yellow, the sixth and eighth stripes are very thin, wavy, and black, and the center stripe is thick, wavy, and pastel yellow. Inside of the top and bottom stripes, there are pale orange circles of different sizes.

Also called: Oralisterbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of original Listerine mouthwash.

Coined by transblood-hub on August 3rd, 2024.

Similar terms: Dragonbreathmouthwashamian, Mintlisteramian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with thirteen stripes. The top and bottom stripes are white, the second and twelfth stripes are hot pink, the third and eleventh stripes are white, and the fourth and tenth stripes are yellow. The fifth and ninth stripes are white, the sixth and eighth stripes are bright purple, and the center stripe is light blue. The white stripes are all thinner than the colored stripes, with the pink stripes being the thickest. There are many small drips coming out of the colored stripes. The same flag, but without the drips.

Also called: Paintbloodic, Transamiacpaint

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those who feel like their blood is or should be made of paint.

Coined by transblood-hub on April 15th, 2023.

Heart Emoji Circle Emoji Flag Emoji
A heart emoji with the design of the Paintamic flag. A circle emoji with the design of the Paintamic flag. A flag emoji with the design of the Paintamic flag.

Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 21st, 2023.

Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with six stripes. The top stripe is light purple, the second stripe is cyan, and the third stripe is light green. the fourth stripe is yellow, the fifth stripe is light orange, and the sixth stripe is light red. The stripes are severely dripping into each other.. The same flag, but without the drips, leaving the stripes looking normal.

Alternate flags created by transid-hub on July 13th, 2024.

Similar terms: Inkamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with thirteen stripes. The top and bottom stripes are off white, the second and twelfth stripes are dark blue, the third and eleventh stripes are off white, and the fourth and tenth stripes are light blue. The fifth and ninth stripes are off white, the sixth and eighth stripes are charcoal, and the center stripe is golden yellow. The off white stripes are all thinner than the colored stripes, with the dark blue stripes being the thickest. There are many small drips coming out of the colored stripes. The same flag, but without the drips.

Also called: Oilpaintbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of oil paint.

Coined by transblood-hub on May 29th, 2024.


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are light gold, the second and tenth stripes are light brown, and the third and ninth stripes are light yellow. The fourth and eighth stripes are dandelion yellow, the fifth and seventh stripes are beige, and the center stripe is off white. The second, fifth, seventh, and eighth stripes are thinner than the rest, with the fourth and eighth stripes being the next thinnest. The third and ninth stripes are the thickest.

Also called: Pollenbloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those who feel like they have or should have blood made of pollen.

Coined by transblood-hub on October 4th, 2023.

Similar terms: Nectaramian


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are light blue, the second and tenth stripes are white, and the third and ninth stripes are a berry color. The fourth and eighth stripes are dandelion yellow, the fifth and seventh stripes are pastel yellow, and the center stripe is off white. The second, fifth, seventh, and eighth stripes are thinner than the rest, with the fourth and eighth stripes being the next thinnest. The third and ninth stripes are the thickest.

Also called: Florapollenbloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those who feel like they have or should have blood made of flower pollen.

Coined by transblood-hub on October 4th, 2023.

Similar terms: Floranectaramian


A flag with seventeen stripes. The top and bottom stripes are black, the second and sixteenth stripes are dark purple, the third and fifteenth stripes are desaturated indigo, and the fourth and fourteenth stripes are a lighter desaturated indigo, and the fifth and thirteenth stripes are desaturated blue. The sixth and twelfth stripes are icy blue, and the seventh and eleventh are pale blue, the eighth and tenth stripes are an off white blue, and the center stripe is white. The three stripes surrounding the center stripe on either side are very thin, but get thicker as they get farther away. The next four stripes on either side are thicker, but get thicker the closer to the edge of the flag they get. The black stripes and the white stripes are the thickest.

Also called: Portalbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of the substance portals are made of.

Coined by transblood-hub on January 12th, 2024.


A flag with five wavy mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are black, charcoal, and dark purpleish grey. There are explosionnlike shapes coming out of the second and bottommost stripes. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic drawing of a grey sillhouette of a person falling.

One who’s blood is, was, or should be made from purgatory.

Coined by khaotickoins on January 20th, 2025.

Similar terms: Heavenbloodic, Hellbloodic


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are red, the second and eighth stripes are black, the third and seventh stripes are brown, the fourth and sixth stripes are black, and the center stripe is made of black and white static. The black stripes are the thinnest and the center stripe is very thick. The same flag, but with a semi-transparent white stripe in the center.

Also called: Radiostatibloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of radio static.

Coined by transblood-hub on February 18th, 2024.

Similar terms: TVstatiamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven stripes. The top and bottoms stripes are red, the second and sixth stripes are a darker red, the third and fifth stripes are dark red, and the center stripe is black. The black stripe is the thickest. Overtop of that is a white scribble with two lines connecting to either side of the flag. The same flag, but the white scribble has been replaced with a thin white stripe in the center of the flag.

Also called: Ragebloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of rage.

Coined by transblood-hub on June 29th, 2024.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with five stripes. The top and bottom stripes are bubblegum pink, the second and fourth stripes are pale pink, and the center stripe is white. The center stripe is much thicker than the rest of the stripes. In the general area of center stripe of the flag, there are several cherry blossoms of different sizes. A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are bubblegum pink pink, the second and eighth stripes are pale pink, the third and seventh stripes are white, the fourth and sixth stripes are a reddish pink, and the center stripe is light pink. The fourth and sixth stripes are thinner then than the others.

Also called: Sakurabloodic, Cherryblossomamian, Cherryblossombloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of sakura blossoms.

Coined by transblood-hub on January 23rd, 2024.

Similar terms: Hibiscusamian


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are white , the second and eighth stripes are a very light grey, the third and seventh stripes are light grey, the fourth and sixth stripes are white, and the center stripe is grey. The top, bottom, third, and seventh stripes are thicker than the other stripes.

Also called: Salivabloodic, Spitamian, Spitbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have saliva for blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on November 22nd, 2023.


A flag with nine stripes. The top, bottom, fourth, and sixth stripes are white. The other stripes contain a rainbow gradient, with the second and eighth stripes having a pastel rainbow gradient, the third and seventh having a desaturated rainbow gradient, and the center stripe having a dark and desaturated rainbow gradient. The top, bottom, third, and seventh stripes are thicker than the other stripes.

Also called: Huesalivabloodic, Huespitamian, Huespitbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have unnaturally colored saliva for blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on November 22nd, 2023.


A flag with seven stripes. The top and bottoms stripes are grey, the second and sixth stripes are off white, the third and fifth stripes are very wavy and beige, and the center stripe is less wavy and tan. The off white stripes are the thickest. There are drips coming out of the top stripe on the right side and the center stripe on the left side. There is a very dark grey circular water symbol in the center of the flag.

Also called: Seafoambloodic

A xenoamia / xenoblood term where one believes their blood should be Sea Foam.

Coined by diving-likea-snailfish on June 2nd, 2024.


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are a dark desaturated pink, the second and eighth stripes are desaturated pink, the third and seventh stripes are pastel pink, the fourth and sixth stripes are a pale warm grey, and the center stripe is white. The center stripe is much thicker than the other stripes. The top and bottom stripes are the next thickest, and the stripes get thinner as they get closer to the center stripe.

Also called: Semenbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who feel like their blood is or should be made of semen.

Coined by transblood-hub on September 24th, 2023.


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are lime green, the second and eighth stripes are pastel green, the third and seventh stripes are a light olive green, the fourth and sixth stripes are an off white green, and the center stripe is green. The fourth, center, and sixth stripes are thinner than the rest. There are drips coming out of some of the stripes.

Also called: Slimebloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of slime.

Coined by transblood-hub on September 30th, 2023.

A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are white, the second and tenth stripes are pale grey, and the third and ninth stripes are light grey. The fourth and eighth stripes are dark grey, the fifth and seventh stripes are an even darker grey, and the center stripe is black. There is a large piece of grey slime on the top of the flag that drips into the lower stripes.

Alternate flag created by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.

Similar terms: Floamamian, Kineticsandamian


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are white, the second and tenth stripes are pale pink, and the third and ninth stripes are pastel  red. The fourth and eighth stripes are bright red, the fifth and seventh stripes are a darker red, and the center stripe is black. There is a large piece of light red slime on the top of the flag that drips into the lower stripes.

Also called: Redslimebloodic

When you feel like you should have/desire to have red slime for blood.

Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are white, the second and tenth stripes are pale orange, and the third and ninth stripes are orange. The fourth and eighth stripes are light brown, the fifth and seventh stripes are brown, and the center stripe is black. There is a large piece of orange slime on the top of the flag that drips into the lower stripes.

Also called: Orangeslimebloodic

When you feel like you should have/desire to have orange slime for blood.

Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are white, the second and tenth stripes are light yellow, and the third and ninth stripes are golden yellow. The fourth and eighth stripes are a dark gold, the fifth and seventh stripes are an even darker gold, and the center stripe is black. There is a large piece of gold slime on the top of the flag that drips into the lower stripes.

Also called: Yellowslimebloodic

When you feel like you should have/desire to have yellow slime for blood.

Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are white, the second and tenth stripes are pale green, and the third and ninth stripes are lime green. The fourth and eighth stripes are a dark green, the fifth and seventh stripes are an even darker green, and the center stripe is black. There is a large piece of green slime on the top of the flag that drips into the lower stripes.

Also called: Greenslimebloodic

When you feel like you should have/desire to have green slime for blood.

Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are white, the second and tenth stripes are pale blue, and the third and ninth stripes are bright cyan. The fourth and eighth stripes are a dark teal, the fifth and seventh stripes are an even darker teal, and the center stripe is black. There is a large piece of cyan slime on the top of the flag that drips into the lower stripes.

Also called: Blueslimebloodic

When you feel like you should have/desire to have blue slime for blood.

Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are white, the second and tenth stripes are pale indigo, and the third and ninth stripes are light indigo. The fourth and eighth stripes are bright blue, the fifth and seventh stripes are a darker blue, and the center stripe is black. There is a large piece of light indigo slime on the top of the flag that drips into the lower stripes.

Also called: Indigoslimebloodic

When you feel like you should have/desire to have indigo slime for blood.

Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are white, the second and tenth stripes are pale purple, and the third and ninth stripes are pastel purple. The fourth and eighth stripes are purple, the fifth and seventh stripes are a darker purple, and the center stripe is black. There is a large piece of lavender slime on the top of the flag that drips into the lower stripes.

Also called: Purpleslimebloodic

When you feel like you should have/desire to have purple slime for blood.

Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are white, the second and tenth stripes are pale pink, and the third and ninth stripes are pink. The fourth and eighth stripes are a dark magenta, the fifth and seventh stripes are an even darker magenta, and the center stripe is black. There is a large piece of magenta slime on the top of the flag that drips into the lower stripes.

Also called: Pinkslimebloodic

When you feel like you should have/desire to have pink slime for blood.

Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with fifteen stripes. The top and bottom stripes are white, the second and fourteenth stripes are thin and pale blue, the third and thirteenth stripes are thin and white, and the fourth and twelfth stripes are pale blue. The fifth and eleventh stripes are thin and muted blue, the sixth and tenth stripes are thin and pale blue, the seventh and ninth stripes are thin and muted blue, and the center stripe is very thick and blue grey. Within the center stripe, there is a line of white snowflakes that alternate between a large and medium size. The same flag, but the snowflakes have been replaced with a white stripe.

Also called: Snowbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of snow.

Coined by transblood-hub on July 31st, 2024.

Similar terms: Iceamian


A flag with seven stripes. The top and bottoms stripes are navy blue, the second and sixth stripes are blue, the third and fifth stripes are very wavy and grey, and the center stripe is less wavy and white. The blue stripes are the thickest. There are drips coming out of the top stripe on the right side and the center stripe on the left side. There is an off black circular water symbol in the center of the flag.

Also called: Marinesnowbloodic

A xenoamia / xenoblood term where one believes their blood should be / full of Marine Snow.

Coined by diving-likea-snailfish on June 2nd, 2024.


A flag with four wavy stripes. From top to bottom, they are aquamarine, light blue, cyan, and sky blue. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic light mint outline of a soap with bubbles.

One who had/has/should have soap for blood.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.

Similar terms: Antibacteriamian, Handsanitamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are yellow, the second and tenth stripes are orange, and the third and ninth stripes are hot pink. The fourth and eighth stripes are bright purple, the fifth and seventh stripes are white, and the center stripe is red. The orange and purple stripes are the thinnest, with the red stripe being the thickest. The yellow stripes are slightly thinner than the pink and white stripes. There is a sparkle overlay over the whole flag. The same flag, but without the sparkle overlay. The stripes appear brighter in color because of this.

Also called: Sparklebloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have blood made of sparkles.

Coined by transblood-hub on October 8th, 2023.

Similar terms: Glitteramian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are pale blue, the second and tenth stripes are bright blue, and the third and ninth stripes are cerulean. The fourth and eighth stripes are dark blue, the fifth and seventh stripes are pale periwinkle, and the center stripe is dark blue. The bright blue and outermost dark blue stripes are the thinnest, with the center stripe being the thickest. The pale blue stripes are slightly thinner than the periwinkle and cerulean stripes. There is a sparkle overlay over the whole flag. The same flag, but without the sparkle overlay. The stripes appear brighter in color because of this.

Also called: Bluesparklebloodic

A sparkleamian term for those who feel as though they should have blue-colored sparkles for blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on August 25th, 2024.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are pale pink, the second and tenth stripes are hot  pink, and the third and ninth stripes are magenta. The fourth and eighth stripes are dark magenta, the fifth and seventh stripes are pale pink, and the center stripe is magenta. The hot pink and outermost dark magenta stripes are the thinnest, with the center stripe being the thickest. The outer pale pink stripes are slightly thinner than the inner pale pink and magenta stripes. There is a sparkle overlay over the whole flag. The same flag, but without the sparkle overlay. The stripes appear brighter in color because of this.

Also called: Pinksparklebloodic

A sparkleamian term for those who feel as though they should have pink-colored sparkles for blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on September 3rd, 2024.


A flag with five mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are warm grey, warm light grey, and pale warm grey. The center stripe is wavy. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic dark warm grey outline of a spine.

One who had/has/should have spinal cord fluid for blood.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.

Similar terms: Stomachacidamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are a deep blue, the second and eighth stripes are golden yellow, the third and seventh are pastel yellow, the fourth and sixth are pale yellow, and the center stripe is white. The top, bottom, and center stripes are thicker than the other stripes. Inside the top and bottom stripes, there are semi-transparent white dots littered throughout. In the center of the flag, there are three golden stars. The same flag, but without the stars in the center.

Also called: Starbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of stars.

Coined by transblood-hub on February 4th, 2024.

Similar terms: Stardustamic, Planetamian, Galaxmia


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are very dark blue, the second and eighth stripes are very dark purple, the third and seventh stripes are gold, the fourth and sixth stripes are light yellow, and the center stripe is white. The light yellow stripes are thinner than the rest, with the dark purple and dark blue stripes being thicker than the rest. There are several large and small dots coming out of the center stripe on either side. The same flag, but without the dots.

Also called: Stardustblood

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those feel like they have or should have blood made completely of stardust.

Coined by transblood-hub on January 22nd, 2023.

Heart Emoji Circle Emoji Flag Emoji
A heart emoji with the design of the stardustamic flag. A circle emoji with the design of the stardustamic flag. A flag emoji with the design of the stardustamic flag.

Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 23rd, 2023.

Similar terms: Staramian, Galaxmia, Planetamian


A flag with five mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are orange, golden yellow, and light yellow orange. The center stripe is wavy. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic gold  outline of a stomach with acid in it.

One who had/has/should have stomach acid for blood.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.

Similar terms: Spinalfluidamian


A flag with five wavy stripes. The top and bottom stripes are dark desaturated blue, the second and fourth are blue rgey, and the center stripe is grey. In the center of the flag, there is a yellow blood bag icon.

An identity where one feels or wants their blood to be a storm with thunder and lightning.

Coined by vandalizeyouridentity on October 14th, 2024.


A flag with five mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are light blue grey, pale grey, and pale blue. The center stripe is wavy. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic blue grey outline of an eye with tears coming out of it.

One who had/has/should have tears for blood.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.


A flag with seven stripes. The top stripe is turquoise, the second stripe is mint green, the third stripe is very pale green, and the center stripe is yellow. The fifth stripe is bright indigo, the sixth stripe is a darker indigo, and the bottom stripe is very dark indigo. The greenish stripes have drips coming out of them that fall over the other stripes. The center stripe is slightly thinner than the other stripes. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic green glow stick drawing.

One who feels as though their blood should be glowstick fluid.

Coined by khaotickoins on April 13th, 2024.

Similar terms: Luminamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with five stripes. The top stripe is pastel blue, the second stripe is a very pastel blue, the center stripe is a blue off white, the fourth stripe is white, and the fifth stripe is a grey off white. In the center of the flag, there is a picture of a piece of stuffing. The same flag, but without the stuffing.

Also called: Transstuffingamia

Identifying as having or feeling like you should've had stuffing as blood!!

Coined by aniablep on or before March 27th, 2023.

Heart Emoji Circle Emoji Flag Emoji
A heart emoji with the design of the Transstuffingamia flag. A circle emoji with the design of the Transstuffingamia flag. A flag emoji with the design of the Transstuffingamia flag.

Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 22nd, 2023.


A flag with seven vertical mirrored stripes. From left to center, they are off black, muted green, light muted green, and pale yellow. All the stripes are wavy, except for the center stripe. The centermost stripe is thinner than the rest. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic desaturated brown outline of a trash can with trash surrounding it.

One who’s blood was/is/should be made of trash.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 4th, 2025.

Similar terms: Wastebloodic


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with thirteen mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are desaturated light green, dark muted green, brown, light brown, orangey gold, yellow orange, and yellow. The dark green, yellow, orange, and gold stripes are thinner than the rest. There are five small yellow drips coming out of the center stripe, with the drips being outlined in orangey gold. The same flag, but without the drips.

Also called: Treesapbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of tree sap.

Coined by transblood-hub on October 5th, 2024.

Similar terms: Nectaramian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are desaturated blue, the second and eighth stripes are black, the third and seventh stripes are dark grey, the fourth and sixth stripes are black, and the center stripe is made of black and white static. The black stripes are the thinnest and the center stripe is very thick. The same flag, but with a semi-transparent white stripe in the center.

Also called: TVstatibloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have TV static for blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on April 4th, 2024.

Similar terms: Radiostatiamian


Black Version White Version
A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are charcoal, the second and tenth stripes are a desaturated lavender, and the third and ninth stripes are a desaturated dark purple. The fourth and eighth stripes are dark charcoal, the fifth and seventh stripes are a desaturated dark berry color, and the center stripe is a tannish grey. The second, fourth, eighth, and tenth stripes are much thinner than the rest, with the third and ninth stripes being the thickest. A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are white, the second and tenth stripes are pale grey, and the third and ninth stripes are pale blue. The fourth and eighth stripes are off white, the fifth and seventh stripes are white, and the center stripe is light tan. The second, fourth, eighth, and tenth stripes are much thinner than the rest, with the third and ninth stripes being the thickest.

Also called: Undefibloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is made of an undefined and possibly unnatural substance.

The black flag may dictate specifically having a black, undefined substance for blood, and the white flag may dictate specifically having a white, undefined substance.

Black version coined by transblood-hub on November 19th, 2023. White version coined by transblood-hub on November 20th, 2023.


A flag with eleven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are pastel yellow, the second and tenth stripes are off white, and the third and ninth stripes are a pastel golden yellow. The fourth and eighth stripes are light gold, the fifth and seventh stripes are light yellow, and the center stripe is a desaturated yellow. The second, tenth, and center stripes are the thinnest, with the top and bottom stripes being the thickest.

Also called: Urinebloodic, Peeamian, Peebloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those who have or should have pee for blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on October 30th, 2023.

A flag with five mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are dandelion yellow, bright yellow, and yellow. The center stripe is wavy. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic dark yellow outline of a urine sample bottle.

Alternate flag created by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.


Original Flag HQ Flag
A flag with five uneven and blurred stripes. The top stripe is dark charcoal, the second stripe is greyish purple, the center stripe is mauve, the fourth stripe is light brown, and the fifth stripe is rose pink. The same flag, but the stripes are no longer blurry.

A transamia/xenoamia identity where one identifies as having a vile and gross substance for blood.

Coined by mod maggot of transid-duo on December 15th, 2022.

High quality flag created by transblood-hub on December 12th, 2023.

Heart Emoji Circle Emoji Flag Emoji
A heart emoji with the design of the vilebloodic flag. A circle emoji with the design of the vilebloodic flag. A flag emoji with the design of the vilebloodic flag.

Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 21st, 2023.


A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottoms stripes are a dark olive green, the second and eighth stripes are a spring green, the third and seventh stripes are an orange brown, the fourth and sixth stripes are light beige, and the center stripe is a dark, desaturated purple. The brown stripes are much thinner than the other stripes.

Also called: Vomitbloodic, Pukeamian, Pukebloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of vomit.

Coined by transblood-hub on November 16th, 2023.


A flag with thirteen mirrored stripes. From top to center, they are greenish grey, thin and pale greenish grey, thin and light greenish grey, black, thin and red, very thin and desaturated dark red, and thin and pale pink.

Also called: Warbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of the concept of war.

Coined by transblood-hub on September 26th, 2024.

Similar terms: Bulletamian, Gunpowderamian


A flag with nine stripes. From top to bottom, they are very dark desaturated brown, pale desaturated green, pastel desaturated green, light desaturated green, light desaturated olive green, dark desaturated green, darker desaturated green, very dark desaturated green, and very dark desaturated brown. The top and bottom stripes are wavy. In the center of the flag, there is a simplistic dark green outline of a sewage pipe with sewage coming out of it.

Also called: Sewageamian

One who’s blood was/is/should be made of waste/sewage.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 4th, 2025.

Similar terms: Trashamian


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven stripes. The top and bottoms stripes are a teal tinted blue, the second and sixth stripes are light blue, the third and fifth stripes are a desaturated cyan, and the center stripe is a pale grey. The bottom four stripes make up a wave pattern. The same flag, but the bottom four stripes are more traditional stripes.

Also called: Oceanmian, Wateramian

A transblood/xenoblood term related to wanting/having/acquiring water as blood, it can be a specific body of water!

Coined by fuwafluffymoca on September 25th, 2022.

Heart Emoji Circle Emoji Flag Emoji
A heart emoji with the design of the watermian flag. A circle emoji with the design of the watermian flag. A flag emoji with the design of the watermian flag.

Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 23rd, 2023.


A flag with five wavy stripes. The top and bottom stripes are dark mint, the second and fourth are mint, and the center stripe is light mint. In the center of the flag, there is a dark green blue blood bag icon.

An identity where one feels or wants their blood to be a the water of a glacier.

Coined by vandalizeyouridentity on October 14th, 2024.

Similar terms: Iceamian


A flag with seven stripes. The top and bottoms stripes are mint green, the second and sixth stripes are light mint green, the third and fifth stripes are very wavy and grey, and the center stripe is less wavy and off white. The light mint green stripes are the thickest. There are drips coming out of the top stripe on the right side and the center stripe on the left side. There is a dark mint green circular water symbol in the center of the flag.

Also called: Saltwatermian

A xenoamia / xenoblood term where one believes their blood should be sea water.

Coined by diving-likea-snailfish on June 2nd, 2024.


A flag with three wavy stripes. From top to bottom, they are pale blue, pastel blue, and light blue. In the center of the flag, there are three blue outlines of water droplets.

One who has/had/should have pure water for blood

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven stripes. The top stripe is a light blue-grey, the second stripe is pale blue, the third stripe is a very pale grey, and the center stripe is white. The fifth stripe is blue, the sixth stripe is a darker denim blue, and the bottom stripe is an even darker denim blue. The top four stripes are very blurry. The same flag, but the top four stripes are no longer blurred.

Also called: Watervaporbloodic, Watervapouramian, Watervapourbloodic

A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of water vapor.

Coined by transblood-hub on January 11th, 2024.


A light grey flag with three lighter grey humps with pale grey humps inside of those. In the center of the flag, there is a grey spider web logo.

One who had/has/should have spider webs for blood.

Coined by khaotickoins on February 18th, 2025.

Similar terms: Spiderbloodic


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven stripes. The top and bottoms stripes are a blue off white, the second and sixth stripes are pastel blue, the third and fifth stripes are sky blue, and the center stripe is white. The center line is thinner than the rest. There are several thin, white lines on the blue stripes. The same flag, but without the white lines.

Also called: Winblood

A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those who feel like they have or should have wind coursing through their veins instead of blood.

Coined by transblood-hub on January 30th, 2023.

Heart Emoji Circle Emoji Flag Emoji
A heart emoji with the design of the windamic flag. A circle emoji with the design of the windamic flag. A flag emoji with the design of the windamic flag.

Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 23rd, 2023.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with seven stripes. The top and bottom stripes are grey, the second and sixth are pale grey, the third and fifth are black, and the center stripe is light grey. Inside the center stripe are four jagged lines in varying shades of grey. The center stripe is the thickest, and the black stripes are the thinnest. The same flag, but the jagged lines have been replaced by one grey stripe in the center.

Also called: Wirebloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of wires.

Coined by transblood-hub on June 20th, 2024.


Flag 1 Flag 2
A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are a light teal grey, the second and eighth stripes are a very light grey, the third and seventh stripes are light grey, the fourth and sixth stripes are grey, and the center stripe is dark grey. The third, fourth, sixth, and seventh stripes are wavy and uneven. The third and seventh stripes are thinner than the others. Inside of the center stripe, there are four thin, white jagged lines of varying opaqueness. A flag with nine stripes. The top and bottom stripes are a light teal grey, the second and eighth stripes are a very light grey, the third and seventh stripes are grey, the fourth and sixth stripes are dark grey, and the center stripe is white. The third and seventh stripes are very thin, with the teal grey and the very light grey stripes being thicker than the dark grey and white stripes.

Also called: Quasisolwirebloodic

A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those whose blood feels like it is or should be made of a quasisolid, wire-like substance.

Coined by transblood-hub on August 23rd, 2023.

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Pub: 05 Dec 2023 02:22 UTC
Edit: 18 Feb 2025 20:04 UTC
Views: 947