Welcome to the transblood/transamia rentry archive!
Ran by the same being who runs transblood-hub on Tumblr
The links on here are mostly archived links, but you can find most everything featured here directly on my blog!
Home | Anthroblood IDs | Color Xenoblood IDs | Substance Xenoblood IDs | Food & Drink Xenoblood IDs | Other Xenoblood IDs | Fictiblood IDs
- Angelkinflagamian
- Arsenicamian
- Aureamian
- Batteryacidamian
- Bonemarrowamian
- Bubblemian
- Bugamian
- Bulletamian
- Candlewaxamian
- Christmaslightsamian
- Cloudamian
- Confettiamian
- Desertamian
- Digestivenzamian
- Divikinflagamic
- Ectoplasamian
- Fairydustamian
- Fakebloodic
- Fireamian
- Floamamian
- Freedomamian
- Galaxmia
- Gasolineamian
- Gemshardamian
- Glasshardamian
- Glitteramian
- Glitterglueamian
- Goldilightamian
- Gunpowderamian
- Heroinamian
- Holywaterbloodic
- Iceamian
- Ichoramian
- Inkamian
- Keroseneamian
- Kineticsandamian
- Lavamian
- Lavalampamian
- Lichenamian
- Lovepotiamian
- Mercuryamian
- Mintlisteramian
- Moldamian
- Moonwateramian
- Moneyamian
- Mossamian
- Mudamian
- Musicamian
- Nectaramian
- Oralisteramian
- Paintamic
- Pollenamian
- Portalamian
- Radiostatiamian
- Rageamian
- Sakuramian
- Salivamian
- Seafoamian
- Semenamian
- Slimeamian
- Snowamian
- Sparkleamian
- Staramian
- Stardustamic
- Transglowstickblood
- Transstuffingamia
- TVstatiamian
- Undefiamian
- Urineamian
- Vilebloodic
- Vomitamian
- Waramian
- Watermian
- Watervaporamian
- Windamic
- Wireamian
Also called: Angelkinflagbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of the angelkin flag created by divine-skyline.
Coined by transblood-hub on March 5th, 2024.
Similar terms: Divikinflagamic
Also called: Arsenicbloodic
In which one IDs as having/desired to have arsenic blood.
Coined by saxophonicqueer on June 21st, 2024.
Similar terms: Poisonousamian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Aureamiac, Transgoldblood
A transblood/transamia (specifically xenoblood/xenoamia) identity whereby someone desires to have or identifies as having gold as their blood.
Coined by transx-mogai-cafe on July 31st, 2022.
Heart Emoji | Circle Emoji | Flag Emoji |
Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 23rd, 2023.
Similar terms: Moneyamian, Goldilightamian
Where one desires to have blood made of battery acid.
Coined by wretchedcreature666 on May 15th, 2023.
Heart Emoji | Circle Emoji | Flag Emoji |
Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 20th, 2023.
Also called: Bonemarrowbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of bone marrow.
Coined by transblood-hub on April 16th, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Transblood/xenoblood term related to wanting/acquiring/having bubbles as blood!
Coined by fuwafluffymoca on September 25th, 2022.
Heart Emoji | Circle Emoji | Flag Emoji |
Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 23rd, 2023.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Bugbloodic
a transblood / transamia term for those who feel as though their blood is / should be made of insects or that they have insects crawling through their veins instead of blood !!
Coined by bug-queer on July 25th, 2024.
Also called: Beebloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have live bees running through their veins instead of blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on September 10th, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Bulletbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of bullets.
Coined by transblood-hub on September 26th, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Candlewaxamic, Candlewaxbloodic
A transblood term for those who feel as though they should have candle wax for blood.
Coined by makimallows on July 2nd, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Christmaslightsbloodic, Xmaslightsamian, Xmaslightsbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of Christmas lights.
Coined by transblood-hub on December 25th, 2023.
Also called: Cloudbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of clouds.
Coined by transblood-hub on November 8th, 2023.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Confettibloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of confetti.
Coined by transblood-hub on December 14th, 2023.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Rainbowfettibloodic, RainbowConfettiBloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of rainbow confetti.
Coined by transblood-hub on June 27th, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Alternate flag created by fckindumbboy-coins on June 30th, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
When someone desires to have, feels they should have, or identify as having muted rainbow confetti for blood!
Coined by fckindumbboy-coins on June 30th, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
When someone desires to have, feels they should have, or identify as having neon rainbow confetti for blood!
Coined by fckindumbboy-coins on June 30th, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
When someone desires to have, feels they should have, or identify as having pastel rainbow confetti for blood!
Coined by fckindumbboy-coins on June 30th, 2024.
Also called: Desertbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of the desert.
Coined by transblood-hub on June 29th, 2024.
Also called: Digestivenzibloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is made of digestive enzymes, and as such, it breaks down whatever enters the blood stream.
Coined by transblood-hub on April 11th, 2024.
Also called: Divikinflagbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of the divinekin flag created by divine-skyline.
Coined by transblood-hub on March 3rd, 2024.
Similar terms: Angelkinflagamian
Also called: Transectoplasm
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those who feel like they have or should have ectoplasm instead of blood.
Coined by user on August 30th, 2023.
Also called: Transcongectoplasm
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those who feel as though they have or should have blood made of ectoplasm that has congealed.
Coined by transblood-hub on August 29th, 2023.
Also called: Fairydustbloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of fairy dust.
Coined by transblood-hub on April 8th, 2024.
Similar terms: Fairyamian
A transblood/xenoblood term for someone who wants or identifies as having fake blood instead of real blood.
Coined by cutiekowala between October 22nd and 25th, 2022.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Firebloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of fire.
Coined by transblood-hub on January 15th, 2024.
Similar terms: Lavamian, Boilbloodic
Also called: Floambloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of floam.
Coined by transblood-hub on October 1st, 2023.
Similar terms: Kineticsandamian, Slimeamian
Also called: Freedombloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be filled with freedom.
Coined by transblood-hub on June 29th, 2024.
Also called: Galactablood, Galactamic
An identity where it feels like one’s blood should or is made up of the galaxy and space!
Coined by proship0pain0and0para on August 11th, 2022.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Alternate flags created by transblood-hub on January 16th, 2023.
Heart Emoji | Circle Emoji | Flag Emoji |
Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 23rd, 2023.
Similar terms: Staramian, Stardustamic, Planetamian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Gasolinebloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those who feel like their blood is or should be made of gasoline.
Coined by transblood-hub on September 16th, 2023.
Also called: Gemshardbloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those who have or should have crushed gems for blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on October 14th, 2023.
Gemshardamian blinkies created by transblood-hub on October 18th, 2023.
Similar terms: Glasshardamian
Also called: Glasshardbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of glass shards.
Coined by transblood-hub on January 9th, 2024.
Similar terms: Gemshardamian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Glitterblood
A transblood/transamia (specifically xenoblood/xenoamia) identity whereby someone desires to have or identifies as having glitter in their blood.
Coined by transx-mogai-cafe on August 17th, 2022.
Similar terms: Glitteramian, Glitteramian, Sparkleamian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Blueglitterblood
A glitterblood term for those who feel as though they should have blue-colored glitter for blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on August 25th, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Pinkglitterblood
A glitterblood term for those who feel as though they should have pink-colored glitter for blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on September 3rd, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Glittergluebloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of glitter glue.
Coined by transblood-hub on July 14th, 2024.
Similar terms: Glitteramian, Glittergelinkamian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Blueglittergluebloodic
A glitterglueamian term for those who feel as though they should have blue-colored glitter glue for blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on August 25th, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Pinkglittergluebloodic
A glitterglueamian term for those who feel as though they should have pink-colored glitter glue for blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on September 3rd, 2024.
Also called: Goldilightbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of golden, glowing light.
Coined by transblood-hub on December 28th, 2023.
Similar terms: Aureamian, Luxamial
Also called: Gunpowderbloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of gunpowder.
Coined by transblood-hub on January 17th, 2024.
Also called: Heroinbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of heroin.
Coined by transblood-hub on January 21st, 2024.
Also called: Holywateramian
A xenoblood identity where somebody feels their blood should be made of holy water.
Coined by kowalapantheon on April 9th, 2024.
Similar terms: Moonwateramian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Icebloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have ice for blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on November 23rd, 2023.
Iceamian moodboard created by waywardshifer on November 27th, 2023.
Similar terms: Snowmian
Also called: Transichor, Transichorblood
A transamian/transblood identity for those who feel as though they have or should have ichor instead of blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on July 20th, 2023.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Alternate flags created by kazzo-koinz on April 6th, 2024.
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Also called: Transinkblood
A transblood/transamia (specifically xenoblood/xenoamia) identity whereby someone desires to have or identifies as having ink as their blood.
Coined by transx-mogai-cafe on August 6th, 2022.
Similar terms: Paintamic, Splinkamian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Redinkbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have black ink for blood.
Coined by transx-mogai-cafe on August 6th, 2022.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Blueinkbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have blue ink for blood.
Coined by transx-mogai-cafe on August 6th, 2022.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Redinkbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have red ink for blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on December 21st, 2023.
Also called: Glittergelinkbloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those who have or should have glitter gel pen ink for blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on November 13th, 2023.
Similar terms: Glitteramian, Glitterglueamian
Also called: Cyanglittergelinkbloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those who have or should have cyan colored glitter gel pen ink for blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on November 13th, 2023.
Also called: Kerosenebloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of kerosene.
Coined by transblood-hub on December 30th, 2023.
Also called: Kineticsandbloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of kinetic sand.
Coined by transblood-hub on October 1st, 2023.
Similar terms: Floamamian, Slimeamian
Also called: Lavabloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of lava.
Coined by transblood-hub on January 1st, 2024.
Similar terms: Fireamian, Lavalampamian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Lavalampbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of lava lamp liquid.
Coined by transblood-hub on December 23rd, 2023.
Stamp 1 | Stamp 2 | Stamp 3 | Stamp 4 |
Stamps created by rqstamps on March 27th, 2024.
Similar terms: Lavamian
Also called: Lichenbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of lichen.
Coined by transblood-hub on April 10th, 2024.
Similar terms: Mossamian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Lovepotibloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made up of love potion.
Coined by transblood-hub on January 22nd, 2024.
Similar terms: Aphrodisiamian
Where one desires to have blood made of mercury.
Coined by wretchedcreature666 on May 15th, 2023.
Heart Emoji | Circle Emoji | Flag Emoji |
Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 20th, 2023.
Similar terms: Mercuryplanamian
Also called: Mintlisterbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of cool mint Listerine mouthwash.
Coined by transblood-hub on August 3rd, 2024.
Similar terms: Oralisteramian
Also called: Moldbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of mold.
Coined by transblood-hub on December 17th, 2023.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Moonwaterbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of moon water.
Coined by transblood-hub on April 9th, 2024.
Similar terms: Holywateramian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Moneybloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those who feel like their blood is or should be made of money.
Coined by transblood-hub on September 18th, 2023.
Similar terms: Aureamian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Goldicoinbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of gold coins.
Coined by transblood-hub on June 9th, 2024.
Also called: Mossbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of moss.
Coined by transblood-hub on April 10th, 2024.
Similar terms: Lichenamian
Also called: Mudbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of mud.
Coined by transblood-hub on September 20th, 2024.
Also called: Musicbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is made of music. This may mean that music can be heard coming from one's blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on January 20th, 2024.
Also called: Nectarbloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of nectar.
Coined by transblood-hub on October 3rd, 2023.
Similar terms: Pollenamian
Also called: Floranectarbloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of flower nectar.
Coined by transblood-hub on October 3rd, 2023.
Similar terms: Florapollenamian
Also called: Oralisterbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of original Listerine mouthwash.
Coined by transblood-hub on August 3rd, 2024.
Similar terms: Mintlisteramian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Paintbloodic, Transamiacpaint
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those who feel like their blood is or should be made of paint.
Coined by transblood-hub on April 15th, 2023.
Heart Emoji | Circle Emoji | Flag Emoji |
Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 21st, 2023.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Alternate flags created by transid-hub on July 13th, 2024.
Similar terms: Inkamian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Oilpaintbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of oil paint.
Coined by transblood-hub on May 29th, 2024.
Also called: Pollenbloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those who feel like they have or should have blood made of pollen.
Coined by transblood-hub on October 4th, 2023.
Similar terms: Nectaramian
Also called: Florapollenbloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those who feel like they have or should have blood made of flower pollen.
Coined by transblood-hub on October 4th, 2023.
Similar terms: Floranectaramian
Also called: Portalbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of the substance portals are made of.
Coined by transblood-hub on January 12th, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Radiostatibloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of radio static.
Coined by transblood-hub on February 18th, 2024.
Similar terms: TVstatiamian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Ragebloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of rage.
Coined by transblood-hub on June 29th, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Sakurabloodic, Cherryblossomamian, Cherryblossombloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of sakura blossoms.
Coined by transblood-hub on January 23rd, 2024.
Also called: Salivabloodic, Spitamian, Spitbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have saliva for blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on November 22nd, 2023.
Also called: Huesalivabloodic, Huespitamian, Huespitbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have unnaturally colored saliva for blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on November 22nd, 2023.
Also called: Seafoambloodic
A xenoamia / xenoblood term where one believes their blood should be Sea Foam.
Coined by diving-likea-snailfish on June 2nd, 2024.
Also called: Semenbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who feel like their blood is or should be made of semen.
Coined by transblood-hub on September 24th, 2023.
Also called: Slimebloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of slime.
Coined by transblood-hub on September 30th, 2023.
Alternate flag created by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.
Similar terms: Floamamian, Kineticsandamian
Also called: Redslimebloodic
When you feel like you should have/desire to have red slime for blood.
Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.
Also called: Orangeslimebloodic
When you feel like you should have/desire to have orange slime for blood.
Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.
Also called: Yellowslimebloodic
When you feel like you should have/desire to have yellow slime for blood.
Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.
Also called: Greenslimebloodic
When you feel like you should have/desire to have green slime for blood.
Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.
Also called: Blueslimebloodic
When you feel like you should have/desire to have blue slime for blood.
Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.
Also called: Indigoslimebloodic
When you feel like you should have/desire to have indigo slime for blood.
Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.
Also called: Purpleslimebloodic
When you feel like you should have/desire to have purple slime for blood.
Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.
Also called: Pinkslimebloodic
When you feel like you should have/desire to have pink slime for blood.
Coined by lucifer-radqueer on March 1st, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Snowbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of snow.
Coined by transblood-hub on July 31st, 2024.
Similar terms: Iceamian
Also called: Marinesnowbloodic
A xenoamia / xenoblood term where one believes their blood should be / full of Marine Snow.
Coined by diving-likea-snailfish on June 2nd, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Sparklebloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have blood made of sparkles.
Coined by transblood-hub on October 8th, 2023.
Similar terms: Glitteramian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Bluesparklebloodic
A sparkleamian term for those who feel as though they should have blue-colored sparkles for blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on August 25th, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Pinksparklebloodic
A sparkleamian term for those who feel as though they should have pink-colored sparkles for blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on September 3rd, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Starbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of stars.
Coined by transblood-hub on February 4th, 2024.
Similar terms: Stardustamic, Planetamian, Galaxmia
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Stardustblood
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those feel like they have or should have blood made completely of stardust.
Coined by transblood-hub on January 22nd, 2023.
Heart Emoji | Circle Emoji | Flag Emoji |
Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 23rd, 2023.
Similar terms: Staramian, Galaxmia, Planetamian
One who feels as though their blood should be glowstick fluid.
Coined by khaotickoins on April 13th, 2024.
Similar terms: Luminamian
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Transstuffingamia
Identifying as having or feeling like you should've had stuffing as blood!!
Coined by aniablep on or before March 27th, 2023.
Heart Emoji | Circle Emoji | Flag Emoji |
Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 22nd, 2023.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: TVstatibloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those who have or should have TV static for blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on April 4th, 2024.
Similar terms: Radiostatiamian
Black Version | White Version |
Also called: Undefibloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is made of an undefined and possibly unnatural substance.
The black flag may dictate specifically having a black, undefined substance for blood, and the white flag may dictate specifically having a white, undefined substance.
Black version coined by transblood-hub on November 19th, 2023. White version coined by transblood-hub on November 20th, 2023.
Also called: Urinebloodic, Peeamian, Peebloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those who have or should have pee for blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on October 30th, 2023.
Original Flag | HQ Flag |
A transamia/xenoamia identity where one identifies as having a vile and gross substance for blood.
Coined by mod maggot of transid-duo on December 15th, 2022.
High quality flag created by transblood-hub on December 12th, 2023.
Heart Emoji | Circle Emoji | Flag Emoji |
Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 21st, 2023.
Also called: Vomitbloodic, Pukeamian, Pukebloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those whose blood is or should be made of vomit.
Coined by transblood-hub on November 16th, 2023.
Also called: Warbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of the concept of war.
Coined by transblood-hub on September 26th, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Oceanmian
A transblood/xenoblood term related to wanting/having/acquiring water as blood, it can be a specific body of water!
Coined by fuwafluffymoca on September 25th, 2022.
Heart Emoji | Circle Emoji | Flag Emoji |
Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 23rd, 2023.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Watervaporbloodic, Watervapouramian, Watervapourbloodic
A xenoamia/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of water vapor.
Coined by transblood-hub on January 11th, 2024.
Also called: Saltwatermian
A xenoamia / xenoblood term where one believes their blood should be sea water.
Coined by diving-likea-snailfish on June 2nd, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Winblood
A xenoamia/xenoblood identity for those who feel like they have or should have wind coursing through their veins instead of blood.
Coined by transblood-hub on January 30th, 2023.
Heart Emoji | Circle Emoji | Flag Emoji |
Emojis created by idvampiricflagemojis on May 23rd, 2023.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Wirebloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those whose blood is or should be made of wires.
Coined by transblood-hub on June 20th, 2024.
Flag 1 | Flag 2 |
Also called: Quasisolwirebloodic
A xenoamian/xenoblood term for those whose blood feels like it is or should be made of a quasisolid, wire-like substance.
Coined by transblood-hub on August 23rd, 2023.
Home | Anthroblood IDs | Color Xenoblood IDs | Substance Xenoblood IDs | Food & Drink Xenoblood IDs | Other Xenoblood IDs | Fictiblood IDs