Nikako 4* Side Story

Place Your Bet - Part 2

(Because that Smile of Yours is Important)

Nikako: Huwaa―! So I am being expelled from here after all!!

Iruru: H- Hold on, just calm yourself first okay?
Why are you suddenly coming to this conclusion?

Nikako: Uu... Irurun, do you remember...?
The thing I consulted to you.. When I was arguing with Ren-san... 

Iruru: The part where she said, “If you hate it, then leave” ?

Pretty sure that’s just being her ultimatum back then?
There’s no way that she actually wanted to expel you.

Nikako: B- But... The unusual feeling that I felt from everyone...
No matter how hard I think, it feels like they’re hiding the fact that I’m going to be expelled...!

Iruru: Hmm... I still really don’t think that’s the case though...
For now, I’ll listen more about what happened.

Nikako: Right... So, just now...

Iruru: I see~ So such kind of things happened, huh.

At the very least, I don’t think Daikoku is willing to give you a farewell gift.
It’s already so unusual of her to give that gift alone.

Nikako: Do.. Do you think so...?

Iruru: I’m sure she’ll be more nervous if the other’s being the case.
You know, how she’s very kind to every person who she deeply treasures.

Nikako: That does... Seem making sense...

Iruru: It's best if you just accept her words as they are.
When she said good work for today, I think it’s just her words of gratitude.

Then Shigure noticed that, so pretty sure that she’s being sarcastic about it?
Like smh she didn’t notice~, you know.

Nikako: ......

Iruru: Since I became the bothersome person, I may not be in the place to say this, but..

During “Salome”, a lot of confusion happened, then it became an awkward atmosphere.
But Nikako realized her role, she refused to lose and went all her way out.

I think, that was really awesome.
So then, do you still think that Hatsumi will expel that kind of actress?

Nikako: ......

Iruru: ... Now that I think of it, when you consulted about the quarrel with Hatsumi,
We kinda talked about this too, didn’t we..

About Shepherd Moons¹ which you told me during that time,
That really gave me a strong push.

Nikako: You remembered that...

Iruru: While you said that the Shepherd Moons resemble me...
As for the current Eden, I think the part that it absolutely can’t lose is you instead, Nikako.

Nikako: T- There is no way...!

Iruru: It is true. That’s what I think, after all.

Nikako: Irurun......

Iruru: Ahaha...! My face becomes red, it may burn itself.
... Though knowing that’s a metaphor, I shouldn’t be so pretentious.

Right..! Let’s open Daikoku’s present now that we’re here.
You’re still not looking at what's inside, aren’t you?

Nikako: But, what should I do if it in fact has a parting letter...

Iruru: You’ll know the answer when you open it.

Nikako: Right...

It’s a nicely wrapped Wagashi... There’s also a message card.

Iruru: What’s the writing in there?

Nikako: “Thank you for your hard work in the theater. I feel so glad to have Nikacchi in here” ...

Iruru: Right? Just like what I said before.

Nikako: Yeah...! ... Daa-chan, thank you...!

But then, I wonder what kind of matter that Ren-san will talk about...

Iruru: For that one, there’s no choice but to just ask her.

Well, then... I should make my way back before Hatsumi arrives.

Nikako: ... Thank you for listening to my talk, Irurun...

Iruru: ... Nikako?

Nikako: Yes...?

Iruru: You’ll be doing fine.
I’m sure that Hatsumi will never let a Nikako away.

Nikako: ......!

Hatsumi: Sorry for the long wait, Nikako.
The mail was very necessary for a good reply―

Nikako: Ren-san!

Hatsumi: O- Oh... What’s the matter?

Nikako: I want to confirm something first...
I- I still can continue to be in Eden, right?!

Hatsumi: What...?

Nikako: I still want to continue my path as an actress! 
Together with everyone, in this theater of Eden!

Hatsumi: Hold on, hold on! Now what are you talking about?!

Nikako: You were deeply apologizing to me...!
So I thought that you’ll be expelling me after that...

Hatsumi: That’s not what I meant at all―

... No, it’s the truth that you misunderstood my intention, isn’t it.

Even though it’s just that I feel very bad for you, so I have to apologize...
To be worried this much, what kind of loser I am.

Nikako: What, do you mean...?

Hatsumi: When we were talking about Iruru’s matter, I then said such bad things to you...
I reflected on it, so I want to apologize.

Nikako: No, I just can’t help myself back then!
You shouldn’t be sorry...

Hatsumi: But the fact that you were being cornered, it’s really no other than my fault.
I really apologize.

Nikako: Ren-san...

Hatsumi: But then, I’m really thankful for the words which you said to me during that time.

Nikako: Eh?

(Flashback to go all out, Ch 3)

Nikako: Is your ideal troupe being the one where everyone is depressed,
Just like how Eden is doing right now?

While doing that, do you realize that you’re keep lying about your true feelings?

Hatsumi: ......

Nikako: I hate the way Eden is right now.

Hatsumi: I may have never realized the most important part of Eden without those words...
So thank you, Nikako.

Nikako: ......!

Hatsumi: You are an important actress for my Eden.
It’s more that I won’t ever forgive you if you’re leaving.

Nikako: Hehehe...!

Hatsumi: What’s wrong?

Nikako: I just now think about it again...
I feel so glad to become an actress in Eden!

Hatsumi: I see...

Well then, we shall continue to pave our way together.
So that Eden will spark even more than this.

Nikako: Right!!

TL notes:

[1] Shepherd Moons talk is a reference to go all out Ch 5 (TL by Hexodus). The moons circling around the ring of Saturn. Then referring to this Nikako line: “Ren-san is Saturn, and the ring is everyone in Eden, and for the ring to shape we need Irurun to hold everything together.”

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Pub: 10 Nov 2024 06:39 UTC
Edit: 03 Jan 2025 05:11 UTC
Views: 116