i'd hold hands with you - wherever we go, wherever we go, don't matter
AKITO / SUMIRE or juno !
he they panromantic aceflux
non-binary estj 3w4, sx/so
mixed seasian chinese
main rentry - byi/dni - friends - me
i'm very random most of times, i'll warm up quick if we seem to be
hittin it off, i purposely make typos, i sometimes replace words w numbers
sometimes ( "im waiting 4 u" ), i tease & be mean to my friends for jokes,
i get irritated easily so i apologize if i get aggressive around u or others,
i may say some stuff repeatedly, i cannot tell the tone of your messages or
read the room, please do use tonetags ( not excessively, though ),
i am brutally honest most of the time, i say questionable stuff
but i dont really mean them
nothing much besides this. i'll just block
or not interact at all if i dont like u lol
oh n if u associate w uki/seiko please dni
please don't push me to tell you about my problems; most of the time i'd prefer to keep them to myself.
i open up slowly if we seem to be getting closer, please be patient!