i'd hold hands with you - wherever we go, wherever we go, don't matter
AKITO / SUMIRE or juno !
he they panromantic aceflux
non-binary estj 3w4, sx/so
mixed seasian chinese
main rentry - byi/dni - friends - me
i am shinonome akito, noé archiviste & sumire yoshizawa
my link type(s) are -
asahina mafuyu
i am also a synpath of nene kusanagi.
my fictionflicker(s) are; shin tsukimi
most times, i will refer to them as me; feel free 2 refer to me in 3rd person
i am not them 4 fun, but for personal reasons - i am iffy w dbls
no, i am not an irl. i am just me, ya'know?
also, if you think the term "irl" is limited to those with psychosis, here
read this for more kin terms!