Oh what have I done? A green luscious island!

Look at all those links! my main rentry is this btw

literally being used:

yeah no I'm not giving these up??? firefa - ctrlshiftesc - loudestpatchofgrass - unladenswallow - drpeppercherry (you're looking at this one!) - hashtag5222 - LPLPFLKHP zeegus will be used soon

Will be used

personal ones, will not give up usernames, things I like, and things I said/did: globes - vkkfkd4 - onceigluemypiecestothewallyourefucked - giggleglaggle - tinseleater - vinegarshots - rawonioneater - rawonion - rangonian - mynutsarehuge - supersblastthrows all of the ginyu force tags: ginyu - captainginyu - recoome - burter - jeice - guldo - ginyuforce - wearetheginyuforce characters of mine: obees - ziber - ventalert - exceptioninline82 - tinsle - fardroid - coddoorbot - pesron - troleg - groblin - grobbed - ingans - aorisc - arpsine - corkt - pokehero - evilzorua - funnyteam - sillyteam - wackyteam - untitled5 - goofy_goobers interests: drpeppercherry - bagelchip - baja_blast - digibrain - purplefoxy - weopon - darkrenamon - wackyworkbench - spiderfurry - rockmaniqchallenge - pirateman - duffmcwhalen - morphmoth - friefit - ghostbost - gotchawrench

Most likely will not give up

if I know you feel free to offer but otherwise it's probably going to be a no interests: goldenfoxy - whatdoesitdo - soniceraser - paydatrent - pdr - psychoticasshole - megamanandbass - windtown - skulltrooper lyrics and songs: waitingendlessly - homewarddemon - ordealday - flapflap - infinitesimalbutcomplete - goldgrenade - strongerthancorundum - dirtybusiness - majormalfunction - rockersbasilisk - superghostbuster - creepytonight - killtwice - napalmjazz - GETHCOD - THEDOGC - GIRL_HELL_1999 - girlsownthevoid

Just ask

contact me on my discord to claim collisionchaos

Pub: 21 Apr 2023 14:00 UTC
Edit: 28 Jul 2024 15:02 UTC
Views: 167