a simple introduction to the typology system temporistics !

what is temporistics ?

temporistics is a type of psychology and practical philosophy. it exposes a person's relationship with time and separates people into groups based on their sense of the past, present, future, and eternity as a psychological typology.

past is represented with the letter p
present is represented with the letter n
future is represented with the letter b
eternity is represented with the letter v

what are the four aspects in detail?

what is past (p)?
‣ "who am i?"
‣ seeing oneself as the sum of one's actions
‣ self-identification
‣ the relationship with ourselves


what is present? (n)
‣ “what is my place in the world, where is my seat?”
‣ perception of short-term events taking place right now
‣ the feeling of connections with other people
‣ the feeling of being in the present time
‣ whether a person feels “in his place” or “superfluous” or able to find “his place” on his own depends on his relationship with the present


what is future? (b)
‣ "where am i going?"
‣ setting goals and determining steps to achieve them
‣ strategic thinking and planning
‣ vision of yourself in the future


what is eternity? (v)
‣ "what is my purpose, why am i?"
‣ look at one's life from the outside
‣ questions of meaning
‣ philosophical


temporistics is based on the assumption that in the subconscious of each person there is a system of priorities, according to which more energy is devoted to the perception of some aspects than to the perception of others. aspects can be ranked from strong to weak, and any combination is possible.

target creative pain blind
priority: I (strong, first position) II (strong, first position) III (weak, third position) IV (weak, fourth position)
purpose: target (receives maximum amount of energy, the goal tool (helps achieve goals) criterion (limits, helps avoid wrong paths) resource (sacrifice this aspect to get more energy for the first position, the target

past (p) present (n) future (v) eternity (b)
main question who am i? where is my seat? where am i going? why am i?
negative question sadness, pain boredom, emptiness fear, despair anguish, horror
positive emotions satisfaction, feeling of power engagement, happiness hope, peace, inspiration initiation, joy

the aspects in each position

first aspect, target second aspect, creative third aspect, painful fourth aspect, blind
past author (1P) chronicler (2P) critic (3P) reader (4P)
present master (1N) local (2N) exile (3N) guest (4N)
future captain (1B) helmsman (2B) freerider (3B) passenger (4B)
eternity guru (1V) philosopher (2V) common man, layman (3V) student (4V)

how to write your type

• only one aspect can be in each position
ex. first eternity (guru), second past (chronicler), third future (stowaway), fourth present (guest)

• continuing with the example above, the type is written as:

extra info

• there are twenty-four possible types

• no contradictions with other systems that im aware of as of now, there are only correlations: ex. 1N - ES(X)

• when talking about a specific aspect, saying 1B means first future, saying 4P means fourth past, etc.

• all information came from the official website of temporistics, http://temporistics.ru/

• by @lusienne on discord

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Pub: 11 Feb 2023 03:53 UTC
Edit: 06 Dec 2023 05:19 UTC
Views: 6244