.C♡ / H͟E͟L͟P͟
HEY! Margo here! Wanted to make a rentry guide for those who are new to this website! (>᎑<๑)/♡
if you have any questions or requests, contact fanbrushyuroi on discord. hope you find this useful!
Let's start off with adding images!
![img description](image link here)
: It is NOT not necessary to put an image description! It can be left empty if you feel like it! To view an image description, hover your mouse onto the image if you're on desktop or hold the image with your finger on mobile!
Now onto linked images!
[![img description](image link here)](web link)
: If you're trying to link a rentry url it's possible to link it like this -> (/rentryurl)
text styles!
italics *italics*
bold **bold**
italics + bolded ***italics + bolded***
striked out ~~striked out~~
underline !~underline~!
highlighted ==highlighted==
linked [linked](website url)
or [linked]()
Spoiler !>Spoiler
- text
- text
Quotes in markdown
>>> quotes in markdown
Quotes in markdown
>> quotes in markdown
Quotes in markdown
> quotes in markdown
Now... Coloured boxes!
type "Danger" after !!! for red
type "Info" after !!! for blue
type "Note" after !!! for green
type "Warning" after !!! for yellow
If you don't put any text in the boxes it'll appear like this
Text alignment!
For center alignment type ->EXAMPLE<-
For right aligned text type ->EXAMPLE->
Colored text!
%color or hex code here%text%%
For available colors on rentry i reccomended going on here! go crazyyyyyy w/ this one LMAO!
Examples of a colored text:
redt orange yellow green blue purple pink brown gray multicolor
You can turn off colored text with the low contrast feature
Checkboxes! These are pretty kewl...
- open checkbox
- closed checkbox
- [ ]
- [x]
Header 1
Header 2
Header 3
Header 4
Header 5
Header 6
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6
NOTE: if you want to aligne your header you'll have to put the hashtags [#]
before the alignign marks!
this one may look hard but it's really simple! ^-^
how to do it:
Adding emojis!
To add emojis you'll probably need an emoji list,, and then input it's code like uhh :ribbon:
= >.<
Useful links..
:Some of these websites are better viewed on desktop, take a while to load and may cause lag
: Due to Discord's recent update some of the images might not load (this upset me a lot)
TW! Blood, bugs
text = RECCOMEND :-)!!!
bold = personal favourite. I LOVE THESE! reccomend reccomend!!
bold + italics = made by me!! :]
pixels.. (Rentry or sntry etc.)
/prismpixels /markiplier /espurr1 /ykhdq /dazaisetranceexam /puddings /rsrcs /themedpixel /pixelpix /cdyuon /quietIy /grimpixels /v3442 /colorsorted /angelitism /pixelflags /sixnine /squidster /akimizu /pdr8x2pt /realemotion /redpixelz /orangepixels /yellowpixels /greenpixels /bluepixels /purplepixels /luvrs /mobteru /mayoipixels /lucypix /lucypix2 / lucypix3 /pixelplayground /resourcepixels /red_pixels /orange_pixels /green_pixels /purple_pixels /pink_pixels /bw_pixels /fandom_pixels /multi_pixels /enstars-graphics (I don't support enstars! /srs) /sillypix /pixelcombos /protectively /guobengpix /jamanthupixels (has dividers too) /firestars (has stamps and dividers too) /angiespixels /numbering /lettering /matchings /sweetparty /amatorium01 /terrorpix /bigmanpixels /ukulele /dazaipixels /ryo /symbolss /vvsprideflags /redpix /redpixie /orangepix /greenpix /bluepix /bluepixel /purplepix /purplepixel /blackpix /whitepix /ffuckk /miscpix /bwpixels /tinypixels /pinkpix /bluepix /purplepix /sanriopixels /pixelpride /genderpixels /orienpixels /heartgifs /pixelove /pixeI /greedpixels /chisred /chisorange /chisyellow /chisgreen /chisblue /chispurple /chispink /chisbrown /chiswhite /chisblack /chisgray /chismulti /chisother /chismedium /chishuge /chisfandom /chisflags /chisnavigation /vys /happyfruit /umbrellaco /charm_redpix /charm_orangepix /charm_yellowpix /charm_greenpix /charm_tealpix /charm_bluepix /charm_purplepix /charm_pinkpix /charm_brownpix /charm_whitepix /charm_graypix /charm_blackpix /charm_fandompix /ndsymbols /candyfizz /fanumsources-pixels /redrsrcspixel /meta-pxl /redmassacre (has divs and blinkies too) /orangemassacre (has divs and blinkies too) /yellowmassacre (has divs ans blinkies too) /greenmassacre (has divs and blinkies too /bluemassacre (has divs and blinkies too) /purplemassacre (has divs too) /pinkmassacre (has divs and blinkies too) /brownmassacre (has divs ans blinkies too) /monomassacre (has divs and blinkies too) /mutlimassacre (has divs and blinkies too) /ophl /lavender-pix /zuupixels /zuupixs2 /zuupixs3 /mathbook /angelflagzsexuality /kbvxu /pivel-pixel /pixelis /i-angel /pixeletic /p1x3ls /saintshalo /graphics /archivingly /wa3n4 /archive /animaljam /tutu_pixels /nationaldex /cyberpixels (has divs too) /partypixel /nezumipixels /rottingpixels /ruffs /biteys1 /biteys2 /circleflag /zombku-rsrcs (has divs, buttons, blinkies, pngs, gifs and more too) /pinkfavicons /redfavicons /orangefavicons /greenfavicons /bluefavicons /purplefavicons /brownfavicons /monochromefavicons /rsrcz /lovepartyresourcespixels /ulzzangpixels /favicons /melodypixel /pix3ls /prideflags /4pixel /resource01 /spadesemojis /spadesfandomemojis /heartcountries /angelgraphicspix-theme /codetta /genshinmoji /zombpixel /2exo9zex /lilbuccinipixels /excentrique (has buttons too) /lesbiian-pride /lesbiian-pixels
pixels.. (carrd or uwai etc.)
sft.carrd.co xyz.crd.co yokai.crd.co watermelon.crd.co pix.crd.co (pixels) pixels.crd.co gifs.crd.co (pixels) barok.crd.co (pixels) three.crd.co (pixels) infinity.uwu.ai (pixels) engrampixel.tumblr.com lostsozai.tumblr.com refinedoll.tumblr.com autism.crd.co (small pix) autism.crd.co (large pix) watermelon.crd.co supplies.ju.mp (pixels) toyhou.se/mini-pride-flags/gallery tomomi.neocities.org enchantments.crd.co (pixels) enchantments.crd.co (gyaru pixels) ottokake.tumblr.com/post/black-gyaru-pixel-masterpost epic.crd.co (pixels) tumblr.com/pixel-harmony/pixel-dreams-hausofgiselle ponytown.ju.mp (pixels) mini-pixels-blog.tumblr.com sugaa.tumblr.com/post/favicon-masterpost tumblr.com/catjaxx maguro.carrd.co (pixels) emoji.pooftie.me twst.ju.mp (has dividers and gifs too) sadthemes.tumblr.com (smolpxl) drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eQx_UiPvEvI4ZZECoPOuRrLhIE_6XbBy (a lot of backgrounds, symbols, gifs etc really epic methinksinkposting.neocities.orgswirl.neocities.org/graphics
dividers.. (rentry)
/finnsdividers /ydv78dbp /ashedividers /smiIed /mayoidividers /resourcedividers /medidivide /placating /guobengdiv /angiesdividers /terrordiv /dazaidividers /polished /greeddividers /maxrsrcs01 /chisreddiv /chisorangediv /chisyellowdiv /chisgreendiv /chisbluediv /chispurplediv /chispinkdiv /chisbrowndiv /chiswhitediv /chisblackdiv /chisotherdiv /mumeirsrcs fanumsources-dividers /lavender-divs /zuudividers /zuuheaders /mathdiv /pivel-divide /diwine /camdiv /tutu_dividers /partydivide /nezumidividers /rottingdividers /ulzzangdividers /divs /io5soxrk /4dividers /zombdivider /lilbuccinidividers /brokenfangs /lesbiian-dividers
dividers.. (carrd or uwuai etc.)
tchai.carrd.co (dividers) pix.crd.co (dividers) gifs.crd.co (dividers) barok.crd.co (dividers) three.crd.co (dividers) infinity.uwu.ai (dividers) autism.crd.co (dividers) enchantments.crd.co (dividers) epic.crd.co (dividers) ponytown.ju.mp (dividers) yoisource.carrd.co www.tumblr.com/cafekitsune/7261184183219 maguro.carrd.co (dividers)
masks.. overlays or frames.. (rentry)
/rentrymasks /rentrymaskstw /grimframes /amuses /nuevebesitos-frames /resourceframes /iconframes /fanumsources-frames fanumsources-banners /lavender-frames /lavender-lace /partyframe /ulzzangframes /ulzzangmasks /masks /9t6mzddd /4masks /zombmask /zombframe /vampluto /bitingnecks /lesbiian-frames /lesbiian-masks ** /cheroverlays
masks.. overlays or frames.. (carrd etc.)
toyhou.se/8576082.--assets--/gallery https://tchai.carrd.co (masks) drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1-C5jGsstedDgBAv6N8_NrZYqNxvl0Vfnda-lace
buttons.. (rentry)
/shinybuttons /poster /borderbuttons /terrorbuttons /7haib4ov /ashemisc /lwinav /buttonzz /buttons /lilbuccinibuttons /lesbiian-shiny **
buttons.. (carrd, uwuai etc.)
pix.crd.co (buttons) supplies.ju.mp (buttons) buttonwall.neocities.org cyber.dabamos.de/88x31/index.html
templates.. /mamitemp /airytemp /kyoukotemp /ibukitemp /fishtemp
cute pngs.. or gifs.. (rentry or sntry)
/grimpngs /y3cxo /romancia /medigifs /medipngs /odyssean /bordergraphics /terrorg /dazaigifs /ktdkyqq7 /8weuqg76 /ashesgifs /pngresource /sanriogifs /animalgifs /vocaloidgifs /graphicz /greedmisc (has blinkies and stamps too) /sweeneytodd /lavender-pngs /zuugraphics /miscgraphics /tutu_images /-https /web (has symbols dividers and frames too) /ulzzangpngs /ulzzanggifs /favicon /PNGS /lilbuccinipngs /mistynight /lesbiian-pngs /cherdivs
cute pngs.. or gifs.. (carrd or uwuai etc.)
barok.crd.co (pngs/gifs) three.crd.co (pngs/gifs) infinity.uwu.ai (pngs/gifs) sozai.pooftie.me animeartbooks.net/list/series pix.crd.co (pngs/gifs) gifs.crd.co (pngs/gifs) enchantments.crd.co (pngs/gifs) https://chao-studios.tumblr.com (transpearant chao pngs/gifs) ponytown.ju.mp (pngs/gifs) p-i-x-e-l-s.tumblr.com maguro.carrd.co (gifs and pngs) gifs4crds.carrd.co drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1-fylPZXsnKT3R3clij4y2o6y9iYsH1sh (cabby ii files)graphic.neocities.org/directory maiden.drr.ac (has pixels dividers stamps blinkies too) png-heaven.tumblr.comtumblr.com/needystreameredits/kangel-sprite-gifs-part-1 tumblr.com/needystreameredits/kangel-sprite-gifs-part-2 tumblr.com/needystreameredits/kangel-sprite-gifs-part-3 tumblr.com/needystreameredits/kangel-sprite-gifs-part-4 tumblr.com/needystreameredits/kangel-sprite-gifs-part-5 tumblr.com/needystreameredits/kangel-sprite-gifs-part-6 tumblr.com/needystreameredits/ame-sprite-gifs-part-1 tumblr.com/needystreameredits/ame-sprite-gifs-part-2 tumblr.com/needystreameredits/ame-sprite-gifs-part-3 tumblr.com/needystreameredits/ame-and-kangel-selfie-transparents-source tumblr.com/needystreameredits/ame-and-kangel-selfie-transparents-source tumblr.com/needystreameredits/kangel-selfie-transparents-last-part-source tumblr.com/needystreameredits/ame-selfie-transparents-source tumblr.com/needystreameredits/ame-selfie-transparents-source
blinkies.. (rentry)
/borderblinkies /blinkiez /terrorb /blinkies- /zuublinkies /blinkiemound /blinkies /partygraphics (has gifs and buttons too /nameless-graphics /named-graphics /combo-graphics (has pixels and dividers too) /stanntheman (has stamps too) /madilynmei /ulzzangblinkies (has stamps too) /zombblink (has buttons and stamps too /lilbucciniblinkies /lesbiian-blk
blinkies.. (carrd, uwuai etc.)
pix.crd.co (blinkies) supplies.ju.mp y2k.neocities.org/blinkies blinkies.cafe transbro.tumblr.com/hoard (has buttons and stamps too)
emoticons, symbols or kaomojis..(rentry) please refrain from using "ζ" as it signifies zoophilia
/symb /iconology /symbol /xavpsogg /maxrsrcs04 /symb0ls /textsymbols /rentrysymbols /copypaste /cybersymbols /symbolicism /symbowl /symbolist (hacked right now) /symboling /lilbuccinisymbols /kogane /lutheran
emoticons, symbols, or kaomojis..(carrd, uwuai etc.) please refrain from using "ζ" as it signifies zoophilia
txto.eu.org/symbol tumblr.com/pixelse/kaomoji-pixels symbolslist.carrd.co simbols.carrd.co tumblr.com/s2les/685807065109774336/symbols emojicombos.com/adorable cutesymbols.me emojicombos.com 'adorable' emojicombos.com 'cute symbols"
stamps.. (rentry)
/manuscripts /guobengmisc (has png/gifs and blinkies too, just felt like putting it here) /terrorstamp /stamps /vocapix /pokepix /chisstamps /mimicollects (has dividers too /settkisser /meta-stamps /lavender-misc /zuustamps /stampic /rentrystamps /cyberstamps (has blinkies too) /settkisser /stampings /possibly /stamps (text.is) /virus (has blinkies too) /lilbuccinistamps /lesbiian-stamps
stamps.. (carrd, uwuai etc.)
plasticdino.neocities.org autism.crd.co (stamps) pix.crd.co (stamps) supplies.ju.mp (stamps) hamood.carrd.co
pinterest boards..
cute pngs frames/masks frames 2 header masks overlays/pngs fonts just rentry stuff in general just rentry stuff in general just rentry stuff in general
fonts.. (always make sure to add alt text!)
graphics.. (rentry)
/d2atfqao /mumeisgraphics /redstash /orangestash /greenstash /bluestash /monostash /multistash /graphic /vibribbon /lilbuccinigraphics
just useful in general.. (rentry, carrd, tumblr, neocities)
hauntedmansion.crd.co /roses-resources /knowledge /oihefoiewf (gif tut) ashhmillr.neocities.org/coolzone/collectables /giftutorial stampkin.tumblr.com/post/715967711859064832 just useful in general.. (other sites) catbox.moe postimages.org fontmeme.com favicon.cc imagecolorpicker.com picsart.com/u/sanitystorm (pngs) (HI STORMY:-) emojicombos.com
useful tumblr blogs..
make sure to read their rentrys and/or intro posts (etc.) (if they have any!) before interacting, please!
fawndollie mod-ais-icons p1nk-sugar boygirl-club togamicchi lovelysticker ijustwannamakeemojis rwuffles needystreameredits plecakism (HI LUMI :3) meowrette-archived (HI LUMI AGAIN) frillyre-archived (AAND AGAIN HII) lullmya v6que funtomz vashwoodyuri candy--hrts arachnid-wife tinibuni hyp3rst4r missfortunates zwn1 faviconuploader nuuvrinn maswumaro lavendergalactic